THE SCENE: 29 degrees, clear morning sky, moon was shining bright
- 15 SSH IC
- Hamstring scoops from sideline to sideline on basketball court
- 5 inchworms jog to other sideline
- 10 groiners
- Mosey to pick up CMU
- 1 Manmaker at depo- Hold CMU squat for 6
- mosey
- 2 Manmakers by dumpster- Hold CMU squat for 6
- mosey
- 3 Manmakers at top of stairs to the oval office- Hold CMU squat for 6
- mosey to OO slab
25 Min AMRAP- Bojangles Blueberry Biscuit with Bo Rounds - 10 Burpees to start each round
- Sprint straight away, jog back and front side of track
- After lap complete CMU exercises ( Bo Rounds)
- 8 CMU SL DL with Row- Each Leg
- 10 CMU Squat Thrust
- 5 CMU Turk Get Ups or 20 CMU BBS
- Rinse and repeat for time
- Mosey Back to Ammo Depot
- 3 Manmakers at bottom of stairs- Hold CMU squat for 6
- Mosey
- 2 Manmakers at dumpster- Hold CMU squat for 6
- Mosey
- 1 Manmaker at depot- Hold CMU squat for 6
We rushed to get in a couple reps of Dr.W. Still working on the cadence but it will be back!
I just started reading “Freed to Lead”. This story spoke to me and why we are out here. It was perfect timing since we had an FNG at the beatdown today.
PG. 20 “An FNG Posted one morning , Splashed Merlot, and otherwise ( in his mind, and only his mind, disgraced himself. At the end of the Workout he got his F3 Name in the COT and was dragging his Six back to his car when he stumbled accidentally into the Workout Q, who was obliviously admiring his pecs in the window of his Lexus. The FNG must have felt a little goofy because he went ahead and blurted out what was on his mind. He Apologized for ” slowing the group down.” The Q laughed and replied that he hadn’t slowed anything down. “Anyways,” the Q told the FNG, ” Brother, you’re the reason we are here in the first place. You are why we are here.”
F3 is more than we can ask for and is nothing without us. Carry on this message and lets help grow F3 in our community. We are here for each other and always there to help lift up those who need it the most.
Dredd and OBT are rewriting “Freed to Lead”. They are asking for testimonials from members on what F3 has meant to your leadership. Ill send out the info in Slack as to where and how to submit your entry. Moses, Pinocchio, and I all have copies of “Freed to Lead”. We want to share these with the PAX so let us know and we will make sure to pass along the book.
F3 is collecting items for Street Hope House, helping victims of Human Trafficking through the month of March. Lets all bring one or more of the following items when we Post all month. Items needed- 55 gallon trash bags, Napkins and /or Copy Paper. We will hold these till the end of the month.