F3 Knoxville

[mountainbiking] Embracing New Trails & Trials

Asylum AM
AO: mountainbiking
Q: Billy Goat
PAX: Frosty, Sambo, Spicoli
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Back road ride to Lippencot trail entrance

THE THANG: Rode Lippencot South trail up to apartments then rode down and crossed Chapman Hwy to Fort Dickerson. We then rode trails down to the quarry then climbed up Pit Viper and traced our way back. Sambo & Spicoli spiced up a little by riding down about 5 flights of stairs coming back down from Fort Dickerson! @Frosty tried to find some poison ivy while sliding through some kudzu!



COT: James 1:2-4, Romans 5:3-5. It’s challenging to embrace trials and suffering as the Bible calls us to do but we must keep in mind that God promises us that these instances will produce steadfastness, endurance, character, and hope in us.

Prayer requests for Frosty’s family travels to Buffalo, Spicoli’s sister having heart bypass surgery this week, continued prayers for Sambo’s daughter’s MRI results review. Praise for Billy Goat’s job offer and acceptance.