F3 Knoxville

Cold Again

The Dog Pound
AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Lightweight, La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), I-Beam, Lt. Dan, Google(Tim Dugas)
FNGs: None
20 SSH
10 Tempo Squats
10 Grady Corns
10 Tiefighters Forward then Backwards
15 Calf Raises
Slowzy to the Workout Spot

Circuit x3
15 Merkins
15 Air Squats
15 Box Cutters
15 CDD
15 Iron Mikes
15 Butterfly Sit-Ups
30 Mountain Climbers + Keep going until the 6 is done
Run a lap around the complex

Completed the 4th round of exercise and ran to Matterhorn
One Sprint up Matterhorn with a recovery walk to the bottom
Mozy back to AO


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence this Saturday + GTE event. Planted seeds for discussion on Hardship Hill participation

COT: Discussed leadership and accountability. Tried to encourage every HIM to be a leader, look around and find someone to bring alongside you, lead by example, or lead from wherever you are…because you have some unique to contribute.