F3 Knoxville

4 corners and angry bungies

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Dart Gun, Pelican, Fetch, Wanderer, Windex, Booster, Archie
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Mountain climbers, Moroccan night clubs

THE THANG: 4 Corners, laps of 10,20,30,20 and 10 with Jack Jack Jacks (Star, regular, plank Jacks), Squats, Crabettes and Flutter kicks (or choose your own core)

Bernie up the hill to the PUB (Pull Up Bars), where bungies helped us achieve 30 pull ups each. Down to the CMU’s for 30 curls, then Bungie resistance run back.

MARY: Guardrail dips, LBC, Hello Dolly, Pickle pounders

COT: Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Eph 4:26

Am I allowing myself to get angry about the things God is angry about or do I get angry about my own comfort, preferences or agenda? Confession – it’s the latter. Am I showing my anger in productive ways or taking it out on the people around me?

Consider Jonah – and his unrighteous anger b/c God was merciful.
Consider Jesus – angry over God’s glory and the respect His law wasn’t getting.
Jesus’ angry wasn’t about his comfort. Jonah’s was. Be like Jesus. Prayerfully figure out what to get productively angry about.