Q: Einstein
PAX: Lightweight, Pew-pew, Aladdin, Choir Boy
FNGs: None
SSH, LBAC, Knox Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins and Squats, cobra and downward dog
7 of diamonds up to 21 and back to 7
Rd 1 – Rail Rows, Calf Raises, Box Jumps, Coupon Curls
Rd 2 – CDDs, LBCs, Decline Merkins, Coupon Squat Thrusters
No time
Ice Bears
Escape Haw Ridge
Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man
and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
God’s first direction for us was literally
to work and maintain our garden. Sounds easy, but gardens are tough to maintain
and can easily becoming overrun by weeds.
This garden can also be a metaphor for our marriage, where things can get messy and overwhelming quickly.
Ephesians 5:25 provides guidance… Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
As men we need to properly tend to our wives and families by praying for them, cherishing them, and complimenting them. The goal for marriage isn’t avoiding divorce, it’s to love your wife like Christ loved the church and be willing to sacrifice everything for her.