Q: Borg
PAX: Spinner, Otis, Mermaid, Spellcheck
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Coffee, talk and opening prayer.
– Be aware of Daily Pills that look red, but aren’t. You need trusted men around to tell you when your daily decision to do something is off mission. Maybe it looks red to you, but it may be the Daily Black Pill (DBP) – trying to stay active enough to avoid worries, despair and even depression. The DBP house crumbles, eventually.
– Habits eliminate many decisions and the practice of discretion in executing those habits – but can be good or bad. Is your DRP developing the right habits?
– Prov 25:28. Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks discretion.
– Does choice usually lead to the Blue Pill as the QSource says?
– Once you decide on a mission/goal, then a lot of choices are eliminated.
– Denying yourself is the first step in the process of becoming a virtuous leader.
– Is the lack of self discipline a slippery slope?
– Shame – How do you talk to yourself?
– Do you choose the “phariseeic” principle over the person/relationship? Which is better?
– Bricklaying – Peter jumped right in. Paul spent many years, after his conversion, preparing.
– Do you have men who will tell you if you are laying the right bricks?
COT: Prayer.