F3 Knoxville

A blast from the past

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE:  the type of gloom that just touches your soul. Heavy heavy rain, thunder and as Drifter called it “real lighting” . We assessed and the pax felt good with starting under the pavilion. 

  • 35 4ct SSH
  • 10 cherry pickers
  • 9LBAC forward
  • 20 4ct cherry dans (I think that’s the name, standing arms out straight pinch fingers like picking cherries.)
  • 10 LBAC backwards

Todays beatdown was an homage to a Bombshelter legend Hammy. In honor of his Triple Respect birthday yesterday Q dug into the archives and put together some Hammy classics. Q also included a little         Hammy-isum before each Thang-Thang. Those that have experienced a Hammy Q know it’s not just the beatdown where your mind and body are challenged. A Hammy BOM is sometimes more impactful than the beatdown, and that’s saying a lot. Hammy had to relinquish todays Q due to an injury so Q felt it only seemed fitting to give us a Hammy Q.

Thang 1
Ol’70 partner- one pax does 10 reps while pax b holds plank, squat, leg raise switch after 10 reps.

Run 3 line suicide every even #

  • weather modification we did 3 burpees every even set


Step ups

Box cutters

Hammy-isum-“HIMs need strong connections with other men. F3 recognizes that and strives to foster it.”

Thang 2
13 states

  • curls
  • Thrusters
  • Swings
  • Blockes
  • Up right rows
  • Military press
  • Chest press
  • Laying skull crushers
  • Shine scrapes
  • Grave diggers
  • Bent over rows
  • Lawn mowers
  • Front squats

Pax go to cone. One pax takes flag and bag and runs to the road and back .Rest of pax does same exercise while Pax a tuns down back.  Everyone rotate around to next spot and next pax in order takes the bag and runs

  • weather mod- no flag run with bag to end of grinder and back.

Hammy-isum:  “ We should appreciate the freedom we have that was started in 1776 and resulted in 1% of the colony’s citizens giving their life to attain it.”

Indian run to Crumpet- Veep was very adamant Hammy never liked Indian Runs. The backblast say different 🙂

Thang 3

Crumpet classic

5 trips up crumpet – run, Bernie, run, bear crawl, run

5 to 1 burpees at top 2-10 BBS , increase by 2 at the bottom.

Hammy-isum- “What we make of life is mostly above our shoulders. How much better would it be if we let our hearts rule! How much better would our memories be if we just let our hearts have more influence and be less selfish”


Pax roulette- props to the FNG for going with the Burpees.
F3 is so unique and special. You can’t find an organization where men can surround themselves with men from all walks of life from 18-70. It gives us the chance to grow as men in so many ways. I’m so thankful for F3.
Hammy you’re an inspiration to this pax and I’m honored to gridded away aside you. Q realized that Hammy would probably be asking why I would do this beatdown because it’s not like he is dead.

Leadership is influence. F3 is about growing male leadership in our community. Enough said.

Triple Respect 🤜🤛
Beer Mile Moses Sept 10