F3 Knoxville

Anders Brothers Beatdown

Big Ball

THE SCENE: Perfect weather at the Big Ball.

Squat benders x 10, Rows x 10, Obliques x 10

With battle buddy, worked through stations.  While one team was going through stations the other teams did “brick planks” (In plank position each person taking bricks off raised board and placing them back).  When the first team returned from stations they switched with another team.


  • Carry buckets / cinder blocks
  • Drop buckets/ cinder blocks and curl x 20 water filled pipe
  • Drop pipe, bear crawl to last cinder block and overhead press x 20
  • Bear crawl/lunge back to pipes, curl x 20
  • Carry buckets/cinder blocks back to beginning and switch with another team.

Mosey around pond stopping for flutter kicks, LBC’s, Merkins, stairs at the big ball with 8 count body builders.  Returned to AO to rinse and repeat stations with slight modification of 10 reps instead of 20.

One more mosey around the field and back to AO for Mary.

Rows, Jane Fonda’s, Overhead claps with bricks, should taps, arm raises with bricks, ATM’s

John 15:2 “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”  We all have things in our lives that needs to be pruned.  It’s never comfortable or easy but necessary.  What in your life needs to be pruned so that you are more fruitful and Christ-like?
Prayer requests:  Friends family whose baby passed away at 5 months old, Aborts friend who lost their Dad in an drowning accident, and Bear Traps daughter going on a mission trip with Samaritans Purse.