F3 Knoxville

Are you ready for me? ‘Cuz I’m ready for you!

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Just about 33 degrees.  A hair above freezing.
Welcome Eric Rice!
Grab some CMUs, then a pretty standard warmup.
15x normal speed SSH IC
10x more high speed SSH IC
High knees for a while
7x Al Gore Tucks (new record!)
10x Hindurkins IC
Round-the-clock Merkins (circle up, one merkin on each CMU, plank shuffle right to next CMU)

Mosey with CMU to the Grinder
Cone lines set up 35yd apart, split into 2 teams. Half the CMUs at each line.
Disciple playlist on the Jambox:

During each song, do 15 reps of corresponding exercise, then travel by specified mode to other line and steal one CMU.
When track changes, switch to next exercise:

Track Exercise Travel
Game On Burpees Bear
Battle Lines Iron Mike carioca
Rise Up BBS sprint
Wait over Tuck jumps Bernie
Worth the Pain Ranger Merkins Gorilla
Unstoppable American hammers 4ct carioca
Worth it all Monkey Humpers 4ct Rev Bear

One more track:  Lay My Burdens.  Mosey around the park with CMUs.  During chorus, lay your burden down, and lay your body down.  While laying down, do BBS.

Just a little time for Mary:
Row Your Boat (balanced on CMU) – 6x through song
Slutter Kicks x20 IC
One minute left! Cash out with LBC OYO
14 PAX Strong! Welcome to FNG Squatter (Eric Rice)
A lot of the music in the Q today has to do with standing strong, persevering, and fighting because it’s worth it. But we need to make sure we are fighting the real enemy. Sometimes that might seem like a coworker who’s always trying to undermine you, and disagreeable neighbor, someone who’s wronged you, even sometimes your spouse or kids. But Eph 6:12 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Remember who we’re fighting, who we’re fighting for, and ultimately where our power comes from – the One who has already won the war!
The Jambox speaker sounds a lot louder in the house than out on the Grinder. PAX could barely hear the track change. Time to update the Christmas list…
3rd F this Saturday. Carpool from the Bomb Shelter following beatdown!