F3 Knoxville

Asylum Saturday AM

Asylum AM

Warm o rama:

Side straddle hop


Merkins in cadence

Imperial walker in cadence

Twisties in cadence

Cherry picker

Stretching calves

THE SCENE: Cold 36 degrees and with some Flurries and cloudy skies


Side straddle hop

Merkins in cadence

Imperial walker in cadence

Twisties in cadence

Overhead clap

Cherry picker

Stretching calves


Route 66 at the Dragon trail

1st exercise Merkins single count starting at 1 for every light pole

2nd Carolina Dry docks

3rd Squats

Mosey to Caribbean Island

all 4 stations (Island) will do each exercises then Mosey Back to first island and do the next exercise.

1st 10 Flutter Kicks 4 count

2nd Hello Dolly 4 count

3rd Merkins 4 count

4th Diamond Merkins

Roll the exercise dice and do the exercise until the 6 arrives.

Mosey to Dragon Trail and

Nickel, Dime and Quarter

for every 3rd light pole. Recover and

Mosey to Coliseum

The Coliseum

All diamond bases will do

1st Merkins, Dry Docks & Shoulder Taps

2nd Flutter Kicks, American Hammer & Hello Dolly

3rd Jump Squats, Bobby Hurleys & Squats

Rolle the Exercises Dice

Then Mosey to Haslam Rock and back to AO.

A 13 HIMs getting better
Word of the day:

Every person has problems and like @matlock mentioned live 1 day at a time.
Matthew 6:34

Living Bible

34 “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.Thank you for the opportunity to lead the Q.