F3 Knoxville

Chasing Weighty Goals


THE SCENE: Just about perfect with low humidity and comfortable upper 60’s
PAX got to enjoy an immediate round of burpees as the QIC screwed up the F3 order; finished off with a round of SSHs, one tempo merkin, some tai fighters, and squatting Grady corns

Never ending pain circle… 4 stations (aka corners) with specific workout at each (1. CMU Squat Thrusters, 2. Alternating CMU Merkins, 3. CMU American Hammers, 4. CMU Kettle Bell Swings).  Start at 20 reps per corner in first round and drop by 1 rep in each subsequent round.  Perform exercise, sit down CMU and run a lap, rifle carry CMU to next station, rinse and repeat.

Overtime fun… mixture of murder bunnies, rifle carries, dock loading, and some curls to finish off before restocking those lovely cinder beauties.  (@Betty managed to run through his CMU doing a murder bunny… so we worked in a few burpees on the way back to the AO)


Had time for a howler monkey circle as we closed out the sesh.

11 HIMs started and finished the beatdown

Setting goals… been thinking through my personal goals for the year and recent months and considering ways to improve my success rate.  Important to set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound).  But more importantly to share them with others to hold you accountable.  Dave Ramsey said that “a list of goals with no actions [or accountability] is just a wishlist”.  Encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them someone, and get after them!  Read Proverbs 21:5 “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” NLT

Prayer Requests:  1) @Dumpster Dive and @Charmin wisdom to make some key decisions at their practice; 2) @Longnoodle having some personal challenges and needs widsom, strength, and discipline; 3) @Pom-Pom’s 1 month old daughter having a medical procedure today – healing and recovery