F3 Knoxville

Fun Farm Friday – Dark Mode Ultimate Football

AO: the-farm
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Aladdin, Bartman, Choir Boy, Einstein, Madoff, Mayberry, Badger, Oil Check
FNGs: 1 Oil Check
We did

Mosey around basketball court back to AO, grab gear and head to soccer field.

5 vs 4 Ultimate Football. Merkin every time the football hit the deck (it hit a lot)

Ring of fire
V ups

Monday, West hills launch
Wednesday, Blue Grass launch
Tomorrow is the mud run

COT: Enjoy your family this holiday weekend!

Coupon Stash

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, Gmail
FNGs: None
Ruck a lap around the park loop

Ruck some more loops around Gresham Track. Think about IronPAX and October Sky (maybe that second part was just me)

Found some coupons but it looked like they were claimed.

Stretch sesh

Marine Mud run tomorrow
Last PM workout of the season 9/2

Thoughts on “Beautiful Scandalous Night.”

Scandal = something that offends proprietary or established moral conceptions and disgraces those associated with it.
We don’t normally think that we are the cause of a scandal, espcially if we “follow the rules” and are generally “good people.” However, as it reads in Romans 5:8 “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” A simple concept, but a moral outrage if we understand it properly.

What did Jesus deserve? Honor, respect, adoration.
What did he get? Disgrace, disrespect, and a violent death.
Why? because we were enemies of God, according to Romans.

Should not the ones who were guilty be punished? Earlier in Romans it reads that there is “no one righteous” according to the law (3:9 and 3:23). Is God unjust to not deal with law-breaking offenders accordingly?

I’ll let Paul answer that question:

24 … and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

AMRAP Everything

AO: bigball
Q: vanilla
PAX: Drive-thru (Mikel Towe), G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), Magic Mic (Jarrett Woodall), Swanson, vanilla, Wedding Singer, Tooth Fairy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Arm Circles, Shoulder Taps, OH Claps, Squat and Reach, Temp Merks, and WMHs.

THE THANG: Mosey to L&N coupon pile.

Round 1: Arms (10 min AMRAP)
5 Alternating Merkins w coupon (2 ct)
10 Shoulder Taps (2 ct)
15 Skullcrushers
20 Curls
Run to back wall (rinse and repeat)

Round 2: Legs (10 min AMRAP)
5 Mucho Lego
10 Reverse Lunge
15 Lion Kings
20 Squat and Press
Run to back wall (etc)

Round 3: Abs (10 min AMRAP)
5 V-ups
10 Flutters (4 ct)
15 AmHam (2 ct)
20 Freddy Mercury (2 ct)
Run to back wall (etc)

MARY: none required

ANNOUNCEMENTS: new AOs launching, Tooth Fairy travels, 2F next Thursday at XUL

COT: Find the “new thing” only you can do

the path to eagle

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Ocho, Tuba (Dylan Cox), Munge, Tom Tom, Hoorayus, Icey Hot, Mathlete
FNGs: None
WARMUP: tempo squats, LBACs, Grady corn, cherry pickers

Cubs – on the way to the recruiting center: Bell – step ups, Parallel bars- inverse rows, Playground – merkins and pull ups, Creek Hill – bear crawl
At the recruiting center get some weight
Tenderfoot/2nd/1st – 20 Rocky Balboas, 25 second plank, 10 merkins, repeat til we’ve earned it
Dan beard inst. – a round of Mary
Star – 4 burpees, heavy hammers, moving lunges
Dan beard – a round of Mary
Life – 6 burpees, Aiken legs with al gores between, lawn mowers both sides
Dan Beard – a round of Mary, but let one of my Counselors in training lead
Eagle – 21 burpees then we ran out of time, but planned to:
choose your own project – 100 reps of any of the following: derkins, pull ups, heavy Bulgarian split squats, WWIII situps, airplanes, thrusters
Box cutters!
IPC is coming next week, so expect to start early on Thursday.
Of all the benefits I received from scouts, one of the most impactful was the system of virtue it embedded in my person. The tenets of the scout oath and law provided a good working standard for my young life by which I could usefully evaluate a situation and choose a course of action. While my faith was still developing, they gave me something I understood well enough to use, and they still provide good guideposts.

I have often reflected on how F3 in many ways gives me as an adult similar benefits that scouting gave me as a youth. Likewise, in the area of leadership, F3 provides a set of virtues that can serve as useful guideposts. These are:
Candor, commitment, consistency, contentment and courage.
If you have never read these five articles in the Q source, I would encourage you to, because, when understood, I think they do a good job of going deeper than the surface level virtue we often settle for.


AO: brickyard
Q: Biohazard (Jay Shepherd)
PAX: Simmons, Roundhouse (Braxton Wright), Gmail, Appleseed, Spellcheck, Gordie, Otis, Bail Bonds
FNGs: None


PLANTERS 11’s step ups & incline Merkins

Wall squats

Mosey to Football field
Lunge 25
Bear crawl 50
High knee 75
Frog jump 100yd line
Run back
Rinse & Repeat

London Bridge
To the 50

Monkey in the Middle
Everyone on a corner
1 to the middle
5 Burpees

Corners do until each person has completed 10 burpees each round
Rd 1 Merkins
Rd2 squats
Rd3 Bobby Hurley
Rd4 Big Boys
Rd5 Jump Knee tucks
Rd6 Apolo ohnos
Rd7 flutter kicks
Rd8 Carolina dd
Rd9 American hammers

MARY: flutter kicks and ring of fire


COT: “If you wrote a book right now about your life, and you gave it to someone. Would it change their life for the better? If not, you’ve got to get to work!” – David Goggins