F3 Knoxville

Sea Biscuit Madness

THE SCENE: Cool and Wet…and a little CMUy

Side lunges Tempo 5ea side, Lunge Pulse 4 Count 5 each Side, Cherry Picker 4 count 5

7’s – Burpees at the Bottom Big Boys at the Top (From Trail taking path up to road)

Sea Biscuit – Each exercise and then 1 lap around basketball court on trail and side wall, 2 laps, 3 laps, and back to 1 lap.  Rinse and Repeat

  • 20 CMU Overhead Press
  • 20 CMU Row
  • 20 Single Count CMU Overhead Lunge
  • 20 Big Boys w/ CMU

Dancing Bear 4ct 5, 15 LBC’s OYO
Butterfingers & That Guy!
My son has just started little league and we’ve been practicing around the house. It’s been a little rough to say the least.  The other day I noticed he was getting frustrated, and I guess I was too.  Anyway, I decided to shut up for once, and just throw the ball.  After about 10 minutes or so we just hit a groove and passed the ball back for 30 minutes or so.  I realized at that moment he didn’t need me giving advice.  He just needed me to pass the ball.

“Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together; that at length they may emerge, full-formed and majestic, into the daylight of Life, which they are thenceforth to rule.”

-Thomas Carlyle

Valley of Pain

THE SCENE: 26 Degrees and Clear  (Welcome to the Valley of Pain)

Windmill (4ct) x 10 , Cherry Picker (4ct), Plank Toe Touches (4ct) x 10, Side Lunge x 10, Mtn Climber x 60

15 Squat Jump & 15 Merkins (EMOM) – 5 minutes


Run to Tennis Court’s for the Valley of Pain

Hill Climb 1 (Away from School)

  • 10 Burpees @ Top
  • 10 Iron Mikes @ Bottom

Hill Climb 2 (Toward School)

  • 10 WW2’s @ Top
  • 10 Tuck Jumps @ Bottom


Bring Sally Up Bring Sally down 3 minutes (Fragmented Burpee)

Baby Weight, Butterfingers, KY, Nair, Pinocchio, Pitcher, Smuggler, Swerve, Walt
If you are suffering-well, that’s normal.  People are limited and life well it’s tragic.  If your suffering is unbearable, however, here’s something to think about.

Consider your circumstances.  Start small.  Have you taken full advantage of the opportunities offered to you?  Are you letting bitterness and resentment hold you back and drag you down?   Are you treating your family with respect?

Do you have habits that are destroying your health?

Are you truly shouldering your responsibilities?

Are there things can you could do better?

If so, simply stop. Stop when you apprehend, however dimly, that you should stop.  Stop acting in that particular way.  Stop saying things that make you weak or ashamed.  Say only thing that make you strong.  Do only things that you could speak of with honor. 

Paraphrased:  Jordan B. Peterson 12 Rules for Life, Rule 6 Set Your House in Perfect Order before you Criticize the World

Tabata Time 1/19/22

THE SCENE: 30 Degrees and dry

Warm Up

  • LBAC’s Fwd/Bwd 4 ct x  10
  • Windmills 4 Ct x 10
  • Cherry Pickers 4ct x 10
  • Archer Squats 4ct x 10
  • Pulse Lunge 4ct x 5  Both Legs
  • High Knees 45 Seconds

Tha Thing

Tabata 45 Seconds on 15 Seconds off  (A,B,A,B) Format

1(A) Side Shuffle Merkin 2(A) Bobby Hurley
1(B) Dry Docks Chest tap 2(B) Lunge Left / Right
3(A) Mtn Climber 4(A) Jack Knife Crunches
3(B) Groiner 4(B) WW2
5(A) Sumo Squat 6(A) Peter Parker
5(B) Archer Squat 6(B) Toe Touch Plank
7(A) LBC’s 8(A) Leg Raise Squat
7(B) Good Morning 8(B) Getups


Bring Sally Up – Deconstructed Burpee (3 min 20 seconds)

1 Minute of LBC’s

Butterfingers, Baby Weight, Smuggler, Walt
“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

Hungry Hippo EMOM

THE SCENE: Cold and Clear

Side Straddle Hop x10, Cherry Pickers x 10


Grab a bench a get started for the hungry hippo EMOM.

  • Dips x 20
  • Incline Press x 20
  • Squats x 20
  • Mtn Climbers x 20
  • +Mystery Workout
    • Mystery Cups….(15 Burpees, 10 Burpees, 15 Mtn Climber, 10 Merkins, 15 Bobby Hurley’s, 15 WW2’s, 10 2ct Peter Parkers, 45 Flutter Kick single ct, 30 SSH’s single ct)

EMOM 2 minutes Hippo Crawl to the middle of the court and grab a new solo cup with an exercise on the cup

Hollow Hold 60 Seconds

Butterfingers & Walt!

The new year is here and by now we are already making those New Year’s Resolutions.  To help inspire you and make those choices a little easier I want to share a couple of quotes.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (As told to Gil Bailie by Howard Thurman)

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

In summary, I hope you each of you live this year with passion and enthusiasm, and find what makes you come alive.


CMU Friday

THE SCENE: Well it’s cold 🙁

8 Tempo Squat, 8 x Tempo Archer Squat, LBAC’s, 10 4 Count Mountain Climber
CMU – Sea Biscuit

  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 1 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 2 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 3 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 4 Lap

30 Second High Plank, 30 Second Low Plank, Flutter Kicks
Butterfingers, Hammy, Hotsquat, Pinnochio, Rep Sleepy, Hot Squt

Why do we give F3 nicknames, and what’s in a nickname?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and it often comes up during the workout.  Usually the comment is something like, “What ever happened to that guy named Terminator?  That guy sure had a cool nickname.”.  Honestly, we’ve had some pretty nasty nicknames, Code Brown, Abscess, Tinkle, Hotsquat…the list goes on.  None of the names are particularly vicious, but they require a bit of thick skin to bare.  That brings me to the point of the nickname.  F3 teaches us many things.  Among them is physical and mental toughness.  This nickname is sort of F3’s way of sorting people at at the get go.  If you don’t have a sense of humor and maybe even the humbleness to bare your nickname you’ve probably found yourself at the wrong place.  Doing burpees in the rain or bear crawling down the street in the summer heat is not your thing.  Your nickname reminds you that, whoever you are outside of F3 you are same as everyone else when you’re here.  So, stay strong and humble, and let’s take this into consideration each time we have an FNG step into the circle.

