F3 Knoxville

Circuit Circus

71 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30 (IC)
Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
Big Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Big Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
Michael Phelps x10 (IC)
Diagonal Lunges x20 (IC)
Run 1 lap around parking lot

Mosey to flag pole near covered area

Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 5 Stations
S1: Let Me Ups / Box Jumps
S2: Carolina Dry Docks / Burpees
S3: Spiderman Pushups / Iron Mikes
S4: Pull-ups / Jump Rope
S5: Shuttle Run (run to first cone, 3 burpees, run to second cone, do 6 burpees)

Complete 3 rounds of all 5 stations,
R1: 120 sec at each station (change exercise at 60 sec except for shuttle run)
R2: 90 sec at each station (change exercise at 45 sec except for shuttle run)
R3: 60 sec at each station (change exercise at 30 sec except for shuttle run)

Mosey to parking lot for abs.

Flutter Kicks x30 IC
Crunchy Frog x 10 IC
BBS x20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love.

It was another muggy morning, but the PAX embraced the suck, put in the work and got better.  Good job men!


Circuit Stations

72 and foggy with rain at the end

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30 (IC)
Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
Dive Bombers x15 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)

Circuit Stations
Each PAX grab a Battle Buddy. Battle Buddies will then head to one of the stations outlined by the Q. When Q yells “go” all teams will complete the station. At each Station, while waiting for team member other members will alternate between plank and Al Gores. Upon completion of the Station the team will run together to the next station. Continue rotating until Q says stop and recover at launch point.

Station 1
Run to hill next to parking lot.
Each member runs up hill with CMU. At the top, place CMU down and do 5 burpees. Run back down.
Repeat x3

Station 2
Run to parking lot.
Run suicide sprint. Then each member completes x15 CMU Swings, x15 CMU Presses, x15 CMU Squats.
Repeat x3

Station 3
Run to far dugout.
Each member of team completes 10 pull-ups, 20 Carolina Dry Docks and then runs two laps of stairs.
Repeat x3

Station 4
Run to covered area.
Each member completes x10 Box Jumps, x15 Derkins and x10 Let Me Ups and 1 Suicide Sprint
Repeat x3

Station 5
Run to parking lot near playground.
Run to each cone and do x10 of stated exercise and run to next cone (in a zig zag pattern). At the last cone run on the outside of the parking lot to start line.
Cone 1 – 4ct Flutter Kicks
Cone 2 – Narrow Squats
Cone 3 – Merkins
Cone 4 – Hello Dolly
Cone 5 – Jump Squats
Cone 6 – Shoulder Taps
Cone 7 – Diamond Merkins
Cone 8 – Burpees

Repeat x2

BBS x30 IC
American Hammers x15 IC
Bicycles x10 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Micah 6:8 – “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

The PAX came out and worked hard this morning.  We were greeted by a nice fog and departed in a steady downpour.  It was a good morning!

Circuit Frenzy

69 and foggy

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x 25 (IC)
Wide Merkins x15 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x12 (IC)
Toy Soldiers x10 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
2 Laps Around the Parking Lot

Mosey to flag pole near covered area.

Circuit Circus V2
Divide up and head to 5 Stations.  Complete each station and run to the next one.
S1: 15 Burpees / 20 Reverse Pickle Pounders
S2: 20 Superman Swims/ 20 4ct Flutter Kicks
S3: 10 Chin-ups / 25 Prisoner Squats
S4: Shuttle Lunge/Crawl/Run (lunge to 1st cone, bear crawl back, sprint to 2nd cone and back)
S5: 25 Merkins / 20 Let Me Ups

Compete AMRAP in 25 min.

Mosey to parking lot.

Cash out
ATM + 30 BBS
Rinse and Repeat

Number off and Name-O-Rama (23, 1 FNG – Lazarus)

YHC shared the preface from “Tribe” by Sebastian Junger.  We are not made to walk through life alone.  Throughout history people have gathered in tribes to not just survive, but thrive. A tribe not only looks out for us, but won’t allow us to just skate by with minimal effort.  Our tribe-mates push us to reach our full potential and never settle for less than 100%.  We become better as we understand we have are responsible for the man to our left and right.  F3 gives us an opportunity to connect to something larger than our everyday world.  Each morning we are reminded that we live in a war zone and our engaged in a battle for the hearts and minds of those we love, but we are not alone!

Hebrews 10:24-25

The PAX continues to push and work hard every single workout.  Our FNG, Lazarus, shared a little bit of his story and blew us all away.  Thankful to have him join the PAX, and look forward to continue to get better together!

Total Merkin count: 30 + n*15 + n*25 + 40 (n = number of times you completed that station)

Gone in 60 Seconds

90 degrees and balmy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Squat                          ICx15
Baby Arm Circle        ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx15
Imperial Walkers      ICx10
Merkins                      ICx10

Grab coupons and circle up

Gone in 60 Seconds
Overhead Press         As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds
Curls                           As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds
Lie on the ground; chest flies As many as you can in 60 sec
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds

Return coupons and run to the base of Route 66 starting point; at end of each round PAX members were to run two flights of stairs up the hill back to the starting point.

Route 66
Round 1-        Burpees; run up stairs
Round 2-        Squats; run up stairs
Round 3-        Merkins; run up stairs

Mosey back to the AO

Boat-Canoe    led by Edit
Box Cutters    ICx15 led by Sleeveless

Number off and Name=O-Rama

P-nut thanked everyone for coming to POST on a hot, humid, sunny afternoon. He talked about how good it was to experience the fellowship of a small group…groups like today. He was able to engage with most everyone in the PAX in a meaningful way- and it encouraged him to know that there were brothers committed to help each other get better.

P-nut took prayer requests, including: sympathy for a death of an acquaintance of Timberlake, cancer relief for a friend of Hooker, praise for Sleeveless as he’s found a place to live in Dallas and thanksgiving for the upcoming marriage of Beyonce.

The PAX came ready to sweat. Even as the temperatures soared, the mumblechatter and conversation was free-flowing and positive. A great end to a great day.

Tuesday’s Daily Dose…

53 & clear

F3 Welcome & disclaimer

SSH x 20 (IC)
Cherry Pickers x 18 (IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles Forward x 20 (IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse x 20 (IC)

Indian run through marina parking lot to gravel at the top of the hill and partner up.

Each group completes 200 merkins, 200 squats, & 200 mountain climbers.
While Partner 1 is completing reps, Partner 2 runs to pavilion to attempt 10 pull-ups. If pull-up failure is reached prior to 10 reps, drop down and finish set with dips before returning to relieve Partner 1.

20 second recovery

Mosey to bottom of marina parking lot

Each person complete 5 8-ct. Body Builders & 5 Big Boy Sit-ups.
Repeat with descending reps (4,3,2,1).

Mosey back to to AO with sprint from speed bumps if desired.

Box Cutters x 25 (IC)
Never Cross Dolly x 20 (IC)
Bicycle Kicks x 20 (IC)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“A comfort zone is a beautiful oasis, but nothing ever grows there”

As men and as leaders, we cannot afford to shy away from opportunity just because it lies outside of our comfort zones. Stepping outside your wheelhouse will allow you to expand your skill set, meet new people, and gain new experience.

It was a great morning to be outdoors and we had a great PAX. The cool, clear morning had everyone pushing hard and everybody worked up a good sweat by the end of the workout. It was a different experience being in the center of the circle this time but I left feeling very refreshed and ready to take on another day – I hope everyone else did, too.