F3 Knoxville

Tuesday’s Daily Dose…

The Dog Pound

53 & clear

F3 Welcome & disclaimer

SSH x 20 (IC)
Cherry Pickers x 18 (IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles Forward x 20 (IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse x 20 (IC)

Indian run through marina parking lot to gravel at the top of the hill and partner up.

Each group completes 200 merkins, 200 squats, & 200 mountain climbers.
While Partner 1 is completing reps, Partner 2 runs to pavilion to attempt 10 pull-ups. If pull-up failure is reached prior to 10 reps, drop down and finish set with dips before returning to relieve Partner 1.

20 second recovery

Mosey to bottom of marina parking lot

Each person complete 5 8-ct. Body Builders & 5 Big Boy Sit-ups.
Repeat with descending reps (4,3,2,1).

Mosey back to to AO with sprint from speed bumps if desired.

Box Cutters x 25 (IC)
Never Cross Dolly x 20 (IC)
Bicycle Kicks x 20 (IC)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“A comfort zone is a beautiful oasis, but nothing ever grows there”

As men and as leaders, we cannot afford to shy away from opportunity just because it lies outside of our comfort zones. Stepping outside your wheelhouse will allow you to expand your skill set, meet new people, and gain new experience.

It was a great morning to be outdoors and we had a great PAX. The cool, clear morning had everyone pushing hard and everybody worked up a good sweat by the end of the workout. It was a different experience being in the center of the circle this time but I left feeling very refreshed and ready to take on another day – I hope everyone else did, too.