F3 Knoxville

If it was easy, everyone would do it!

39 and drizzling…PERFECT!





  • SSH x25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
  • Little Arm Circles x10 each Forward and Back IC
  • Side Lunges x15 IC
  • Two laps around the parking lot

Partner up and line up along the curve marked by the yellow cones.


It Takes Two
Battle Buddys will take turns performing 1 rep of exercise each until they reach 30 reps total.  Sprint to the orange cone, complete 10 4ct SSH then lunge to yellow cone.  At yellow cone, sprint back to start point.


  • Rd 1: Burpees
  • Rd 2: Dry Docks
  • Rd 3: Wide Merkins

Rinse and repeat!

Mosey to the playground


1-2-3 Pyramid on Benches
Do the following: 1 Box Jump, 2 Decline Merkins, 3 Squats.  Repeat adding one rep to the first exercise and multiplying that number by 2 and 3 for the other exercises until you get to 10, 20 and 30 reps respectively.

Mosey to new parking lot


Parking Lot 11’s
Start at one end of the parking lot, 1 Diamond Merkin.  Run to far end, 10 Jump Squats. Run back to start, rinse and repeat adding 1 rep of Merkins and subtracting 1 rep from Jump Squats each round.


MARY (On the Run)
Gather in the parking lot for quick abs.

  • 4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
  • 4ct American Hammers x20 IC

Mosey back to the SP


Number Off & Name-O-Rama (43 PAX, incl 1 FNG)


“King. Warrior. Mentor. Friend.  Four pillars of a manly heart.  Every man is commissioned by his Creator…
to provide, as a Servant-King
to protect, as a Tender Warrior
to teach, as a Wise Mentor and
to connect, as a Faithful Friend

– Stu Weber, The Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart

I’ve recently picked up a book I read a long time ago, “The Four Pillars of a Man’s Hear” by Stu Weber.  In the book Weber presents that all men four core pillars that support and give shape to their masculinity: King, Warrior, Mentor and Friend.  The transformation from boyhood to manhood is about growing and stewarding these masculine energies.

Part of what I experience in the mornings at F3 is an awakening of my warrior.  Pushing hard, struggling, embracing the suck…all that reminds me that I am alive and made to move, to have impact.  This is a good thing, a needed thing.  I’ve also noticed that sometimes I bring the warrior home and relate to my family from that place.  Usually not what they need.  What my family needs is for me to be a King.  One who lovingly leads and serves them.  Every King is a warrior, but not every warrior is a King.  The King channels the Warrior’s energy so that it is productive and life giving.

Today I want to challenge ALL of us to enter back into our world as Kings.  Speak life to those around you.  Play the man…be a king!

Keep it Simple, Keep it Moving

48 and Mild Fog




SSH x30 IC
4ct Squats x15 IC
Windmill Merkins x10 IC
4ct Lunges x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Bkw x12 IC
Jog a lap around the parking lot

Mosey to half-way up the hill next to parking lot


Jacob’s Ladder
Start at half-way point up the hill.  Run to the top of the hill and complete 2 Merkins and 2 Squats.  Run back down.  Immediately run back up and do 4 Merkins and 4 Squats.  Rinse and repeat adding two reps of each exercise until everyone completes 10 Merkins and 10 Squats.

Mosey to new parking lot across from the playground.


Leg & Ab Circuit
Complete as many rounds of the following circuit in 5 minutes as you can.

Circuit 1: Legs

  • 1st cone 10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone 5 burpees
  • 3rd cone 10 squats
  • 4th cone 5 burpees

Complete as many rounds of the second circuit in 5 minutes as you can.

Circuit 2: Abs

  • 1st cone 10 BBS
  • 2nd cone 10 Russian twist (count only one side)
  • 3rd cone 10 4ct Hello Dolly
  • 4th cone 10 Russian twist (count only one side)

Mosey to Pavilion


Bench Work
Every one grab a bench.  Complete the following exercises in as many rounds as possible for 6 minutes.

  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Incline Merkins – 15
  • Dips – 15
  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Decline Merkins – 15
  • Dips – 15

Mosey back to SP


Parking Lot Suicides
Start at one end of the parking lot.  Run suicides using the parking lines on the ground. the the parking

Circle up for Mary


4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC
Side Crunches Rt x20 IC
Side Crunches Lf x20 IC
4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC
4ct Superman Swims x20 IC




We reap what we sow, but not in the same season.

This is a biblical principle that we would do well to heed ourselves, and train our children in.  It explains why it is so easy to pursue unrighteous, unhealthy, “bad” things and hard to pursue righteous, healthy, good things.  The delayed fruit causes us to be short-sighted, and we pay a price for it in the long haul.  This is why long term goals couple with short term grit is critical for growth.  Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Track Work

53 and Foggy

Ruck to Bearden Middle School track (1.5 miles).  Stop half-way, 20 Merkins and 20 Squats

At the track do the following…

3 Rounds:

  • 15 Overhead Ruck Presses
  • 20 Ruck Pull Merkins (start with ruck on left side. Do 1 merkin, pull ruck under body to left side.  Do 1 merkin pull ruck to under body to left side).
  • 20 Squats
  • 1 Lap around the track

4 Rounds:

  • 15 Ruck Curls
  • 15 Ruck Swings
  • 10 Lunges each leg
  • 1 Lap around track

Total distance at track (1.75 miles)

Ruck back to SP (1.5 miles).  Stop half-way, 20 Merkins and 20 Squats

At SP, ruck to Lover’s Lane.  Bear crawl half-way up Lover’s Lane, Bernie the rest.  Ruck back to SP (.5 miles).

Cash Out:
Flutter Kicks 4ct x30 IC

Total Mileage = 5 miles

Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy

43 and Foggy




SSH 4ct x30 IC
Tempo Squats 4ct x15 IC
Windmill Merkins x16 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd 4ct x12
Baby Arm Circles Bkw 4ct x12

Grab a Battle Buddy and head to the curb and line up on the orange cones.


It Takes Two
Battle Buddys take turns performing 1 rep of exercise each until they reach 30 burpees total.  Sprint to the orange cone, complete 15 BBS then lunge to yellow cone.  At yellow cone, sprint back to start point.


  • Rd 1: Burpees
  • Rd 2: Dry Docks
  • Rd 3: Bobby Hurleys

Rinse and repeat!

Mosey to the pavilion.


1-2-3 Pyramid on Benches
Do the following: 1 Let Me Up, 2 Decline Merkins, 3 Squats.  Repeat adding one rep to the first exercise and multiplying that number by 2 and 3 for the other exercises until you get to 10, 20 and 30 reps respectively.

Mosey to base of Cardiac Hill


Route 66
Stop at each light pole and do one Diamond Merkin.  Increase 1 rep each at each consecutive light pole until you get to 11 reps total.

Mosey back to the SP


Flutter Kicks 4ct x20 IC
Side Crunches Rt x20 IC
Side Crunches Lf x20 IC
Hello Dolly 4ct x20 IC
Superman Swims 4ct x15 IC




Stay in the fight!
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”
– 1 Peter 5:8-10

Each day we face a battle.  What makes it tricky is that it isn’t a physical battle, but a battle in our mind and hearts.  It’s easy to get complacent and put our minds on autopilot, and that is exactly what our enemy wants.  Each day we must “resist” and stand “firm” against his attacks.  The key is to recognize that we don’t fight this battle alone!  We have brothers around us who are ready to lock shields and pursue righteousness with us.  It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

1-2-3 Pyramid

30 and Clear

1 Loop around West Hills Park (1.3 miles), end with 20 merkins & 20 squats (ruck on).

1-2-3 Pyramid (all exercises done with ruck)
Ruck to Walkers Springs Park Pavilion (2.0 miles one way), stopping at each mile to do the following pyramid routine:

Mile 1:
1 Curl, 2 Merkins, 3 Squats
2 Curls, 4 Merkins, 6 Squats
3 Curls, 6 Merkins, 9 Squats
4 Curls, 8 Merkins, 12 Squats
5 Curls, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats

Mile 2:
6 Curl, 12 Merkins, 18 Squats
7 Curls, 14 Merkins, 21 Squats
8 Curls, 16 Merkins, 24 Squats
9 Curls, 18 Merkins, 27 Squats
10 Curls, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats

Mile 2 is at the pavilion.  After doing the routine, head back to SP and do the following:

Mile 3:
9 Curl, 18 Merkins, 27 Squats
8 Curls, 16 Merkins, 24 Squats
7 Curls, 14 Merkins, 21 Squats
6 Curls, 12 Merkins, 18 Squats

Mile 4:
5 Curl, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats
4 Curls, 8 Merkins, 12 Squats
3 Curls, 6 Merkins, 9 Squats
2 Curls, 4 Merkins, 6 Squats
1 Curls, 2 Merkins, 3 Squats

Total = 5+ miles, 100 Curls, 200 Merkins and 300 Squats.