F3 Knoxville

FUN With Numbers

THE SCENE: Tropical

Head/neck back side to side x5, Grady Corns x5, Al Gores x4 10 sec hold, planks x4 10, 20, 30, 60 sec hold

(CMU) FUN With Numbers: grinder square linear numbered 0-9. Exercises determined by birth date, SSN, Phone, Weight, Age average, Zip, etc. until time.

0 = burpee x2 (single leg each time), merkin x2 (one arm push left, right each time), shoulder taps x2 (left and right tap = 1)
1 = 10 blockies
2 = 20 squats with block, 20 lunges (10 each leg)
3 = 30 CPRs Curl, Press, Raise (skull crushers)
4 = BBS x4, LBC x4, WWII x4
5 = Alarm Clocks x25
6 = Bernie x6 on Waxjob hill
7 = Thrusters x7
8 = Alpo x8
9 = Boat/Canoe with CMU x9

Cusack to each number. When number grouping completed, run the apex loop and plank until the 6 finishes. Repeat with new numbers.

PAX Roulette


We are more than numbers. As leaders, we provide vision — desired future state. We engage. We execute a plan. WE measure (clear, agreed upon, defined end). We fix & adapt. These skills push us to be our best and bring others with us.


Next Saturday, no beatdown at BS. Go to Arsenal instead for the flag pass to Butterfingers.

Battle of Helms Deep

THE SCENE: Heavy rain and lightning. Stayed under cover until the lightning had passed.

All in cadence 4 count: 20 SSH, plank, 10 slow merkins, 10 Imperial squat walkers
Various phases in the defence of Helms Deep.

15 min. Alternate between 10 blockies to fortify the gate and 10 reps of swinging your weapon of choice to fight the orcs.

10 min. Alternate 10 grave diggers each side (i.e. 20) to dig in the deeper defenses and 10 step ups each leg to climb up to the Hornburg.

5 min. Alternate 10 standing block chest press (press out not up) to push the orcs off the ladders and 10 4ct mountain climbers to run along the wall.

5 min. Alternate 10 thrusters (the wall blowing up) and 10 strikes of a weapon

Block press flutters. Super man. Block press dolly. Super swims
4 HIMs
The elves in lord of the rings had a bleak choice: sail to the undying lands leaving man kind to be enslaved to the darkness of Sauran, or stay and fight until almost certain death for the frailest of hopes that an undeserving man kind might outlast the darkness. To make matters worse is that king Theoden took the poeple of Rohan to Helms Deep out of fear. All counselors in his life were urging him to live up to his true identity as the king of the horse people, to find Eomir and his men and fight. So the elves’ choice to stay and fight is even more heroic and self sacrificing. We are inspired by moments like this because that is our true identity. To fight back the darkness. To sacrifice our own comfort to do what is right. Not because someone has earned it, but because they need to be reminded of who they really are. To ride out in our true identity and hold on to hope however slim it may be.
See slack

Fireworks in Springbrook

THE SCENE: It was fine. Not too terribly hot, but still thick enough air to get the sweat flowing pretty steady.

Motivators from 8, 20 Merkins, 8 Cherry Pickers, 8 Piano Keys, 20 Squats

In true Alcoa style, we ripped off Maryville’s fireworks. This time it was more metaphorical.

Starting at the pavilion, do these three exercise with 11 reps:

  • Bench Walks
  • Derkins
  • Box Jumps

Then head out to a station, do the work there, and return to repeat the first three exercises before going to the next station. The stations are:

  • Jog to troll bridge and sprint back
  • Jog to bottom of the path hill and lunge back up to the blue library box at the fork in the trail
  • Bear Crawl to the pull-up bars, 11 pull-ups, jog back
  • Jog to Waxjob hill and Bernie it 11 times (this sucked by the way)

Some heals to heaven, body builders, crunches, leg touches, flutter kicks

7 PAX and a Webelo sighting

It took me a bit of rambling to get there, but the main point came out pretty good at the end and it was this:

Other people worked hard and sacrificed to earn your freedom. It’s not a guarantee, so we need to find ways to invest time in earning that freedom for those who come after us. Freedom is to be enjoyed, but like all good things, it has to be stewarded and maintained.


Convergence on the 2nd! Breakfast at Drifters on the 9th. Beer Mile at Moses’s on the 16th.

The Sorta Secret Hundo

THE SCENE: Very comfortable. Like low 60s

All 4ct in Cadence: 20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 8 Cherry Pickers
Jog around the Small Apex Loop

There are lines in the Grinder marked 5, 10, 15, 20 respectively. Simply do the number of reps for the exercise, then do the corresponding movement between the lines. After completing line 20, run to the pull-up bar and do 5 pull-ups. Then run back and do everything in reverse (except broad jumps…that’s dangerous to do backwards).

  • Merkins / Bear Crawls
  • Big Boy Sit-ups / Crab Walks
  • Good Morning / Lunges
  • Squats / Broad Jumps
  • Dips / Bear Crawls

20 4ct Flutter Kicks, 15 4ct Hello Dolly, 10 4ct in and outs, 5 V-ups, Pax Rolette until time


Perseverance has been on my mind lately. In some respects I think that word relates to just gritting through hard situations. But lately, I’ve just been trying to persevere through a particular habit I’m trying to work on. The bad habit is just tensing my shoulders in random even non stressful situations. I don’t know why it is happening, but I don’t like it. So how can I persevere in maintaining calm? It takes patience. Patience with myself and acknowledging that I don’t have it all together. That I still have stuff to work on and that I need help. For me, I think about the fruits of the Spirit that I want to see ripening in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, righteousness, and self-control. All these fruits develop and ripen the more I am abiding in the vine of Christ. So whatever thing you are working on to better yourself or to improve things for those around you, be patient with yourself. Persevere in the little things.


Convergence on July 2 (sign up), Breakfast at Drifters on July 9, Beer Mile and Field Day at Moses’s on July 16. So a packed July.

Sorta like hot yoga

THE SCENE: Felt kinda warm. Sauna-ish. Lot of moisture.

All 4ct in Cadence: 20 SSH, 15 Knee Taps, 10 Imp Walkers, 5 cherry pickers. 

Slingshot to Mount Suckmore: Partner 1 carries 2 CMUs toward mount suckmore. Partner 2 does 10 burpees and then runs to catch partner 1. Switch jobs then rinse and repeat.

At Suckmore: reps are 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5 (if you can make it that far). Curls and CMU swings at the bottom. Big Boy Sit-ups and 2ct Knee taps at the top.

Run back to AO. At AO Block overhead for 20 4ct Flutter kicks, 20 4ct hello dolly, 20 4ct superman, 20 4ct squats. 

11 PAX

3 seemingly unrelated things: My Dad, My Mailbox, and Aristotle.

My Dad. My Dad is a really hard worker, and there were many a day where he was working long hours at a labor intensive job and would come home and put in even more hours of back breaking work on various things around the house to make it so we could live a good life. I’m super grateful and learned more from him and internalized those lessons probably even more than he realizes. For example, I worked all day on a dang mailbox this weekend.

My Mailbox. It seemed like every single step of putting this mailbox together was thwarted in one way or another. Even stuff that used to work kept breaking down and I don’t know why. So I had to problem solve almost every step. And even though I didn’t do it exactly the way my dad would do it, upon reflection, I see a lot of his lessons helping me get the job done and sticking with it until it was finally done.

Aristotle. For all the virtue of my Dad’s work ethic, there were some points where he takes it too far. He still has a hard time turning it off. He often has literal beaver instincts and cannot rest until he’s fix this thing or other and often over fixes it to the Nth degree. That’s why Aristotle comes to mind. He said that ever virtue lies between two vices. There is the vice of slothfulness and then the vice of overworking yourself. There were many times that my Dad lost out on really good family opportunities because he simply couldn’t set aside his work. I find myself slipping into that too. Letting projects so consume me and frustrate me that everyone in the family feels my frustration and can’t have a good time.

I think we all need to take a lesson from these 3 things. 1) perseverance is needed and best learned from those willing to endure suffering with us and for us. 2) use the lessons our parents gave us and pass them down to the benefit of the next generation, even if that means they are simply able to put a mailbox together. 3) find the amount of work and the amount of rest that is appropriate for you, your situation, and your family. Work is important, but it isn’t everything.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Don’t forget about the July 2 convergence and the 2.0 workout on June 25 at 8:15am at the Bombshelter.