F3 Knoxville

Columbian Necktie Returns…Again…

THE SCENE: It was a beautiful morning. Mid 60s I think.

30 SSH, Plank, 10 Dancing Bears, Pistol Squats 10 each leg, 8 Cherry Pickers, Follow the Drifter warmup run to the kiddy slope(buttkicks, highknees, etc.)

Columbian Necktie. Basically a burpee but with an Absoultion (Catalina Wine Mixer) at the bottom in stead of a merkin. 20 cones. Run to the first cone and back and do 1 CNT, then the second and do 2. etc. etc. all the way to 20 (farthest made it to 16 today).
Did some Flutter Kicks and Heals to Heaven to “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons. Basically anytime the chorus started, you’d switch from flutter kicks to pulsing Heals to heaven. 10 Hello Dollies, then LBCs for time.

I played that song from Fiddler on the Roof that has the chorus “TRADITION!!!” at the beginning of the beatdown. Columbian Necktie is a bit of a tradition at the bombshelter, but it’s not the most important thing. It reminds me of Matthew 15:1-9 where Jesus calls out some of the super righteous people for upholding a tradition rather than a command of God. There’s a book by Francis Chan called “Letters to the Church” where he makes the point that the Church has started to do the same thing. We are clearly commanded in scripture to love one another and be united. Yet, how many churches split and denominations are created over pieces of theology or traditions that have no clear root in the teachings of Jesus or scripture? Why are we making these traditions so dang important that we miss the commands of Jesus? Let’s take a look at our own lives where we’ve upheld some random thing as the most important, when it isn’t. Can we let go of that stuff for the sake of unity and brotherly love?

Letters to the Church: https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Church-Francis-Chan/dp/0830776583

Don’t forget about convergence! Get signed up!

Speedway’s First Slingshot

THE SCENE: the threat of heavy rain ever loomed, but the heavens only released a gental shower.

20 SSH, 10 IC Merkins, 10 IC Squats, a little of this, a little that, michael phelps, 10 IC franken kicks, 10 IC Boxer jacks, mosey
Partner Slingshot arround the Speedway 500. Partner 1 does 10 burpees then runs to catch partner 2. Partner 2 is alternating bear crawls, burnie, crab walk, burnie each time they swap. Do one full loop.

Crab-kets and crackilackin-krackin burpees

Do crab-kets while you wait for a pullup bar.

3 hand release merkins + 3 pullups = 1 crackilackin-krackin burpee. Do 5 then join the crabs until your next turn.

20 peter parkers, 15 hillbillies, 10 supermans, lbc for time
12 PAX
F3 is not a religious org. Instead we are challenged to answer 2 questions. What do you believe happens when you die? And how does your answer to the first question affect how you live today. It’s up to the guy in the center of the circle to share his thoughts and the others to listen with an open mind, but also to be prepared to share alternative vantage points when it’s their turn in the center, creating healthy and constructive dialogue.

I shared my answers to the questions,  but more want to encourage you to reflect on the questions.
Aos launching. Convergence at juco, etc

Agility Cone Roulette

THE SCENE: A nice cool morning. Low 60s

20 SSH, 20 Merkins, 20 Squats, some little warmup stuff on the run to Crumpet

At crumpet, we did a set of 8s. Burpees at the bottom, Big Boys at the top. For my 8th wedding anniversary!

Back at the little field next to the pavilion, we had a bunch of agility cones set up. One person would call out an exercise for everyone to do while they ran the cones. They come back and slap the walking path. Everyone runs to the last cone and back. The next person calls out a new exercise and the process repeats.

Lot’s of folks called for ab exercises during the beatdown, so we just went to time.

4 HIMs and 1 2.0

Taking Relationships for “Granted” vs. “Cherishing” our Relationships.

In our relationships, we take a lot of things for “granted”. Meaning, we assume, intentionally or unintentionally, that something is just due to us or it has to be because it’s our right or something. Relationships cannot be taken for granted. We are not owed a given relationship. We have to work on them and for them.

Instead, we ought to “cherish” our relationships. A good definition of cherish is to “care for” and “protect” someone lovingly. Cherishing starts with giving a rip. You have to care for someone in order to cherish, so you have to care. Ask what is going on with them and listen. Figure out what is important and meaningful for that person. Then we have to protect. Often we do the opposite and are the greatest accusers of the people closest to us. And I’m the worst example of this, finding fault in whatever is rubbing me the wrong way in a given moment. Instead, I need to put the other first and desire to protect them.


Likely a Breakfast at Drifter’s at the end of the month or beginning of next.

Bags full of Problems and a Grinder to Boot

THE SCENE: 60s light breeze. Pretty nice.

20 SSH, 15 IC Merkins, 15 IC Squats, warm up jog.
Drifter’s part. Three teams.

Valley: One team carries all the crap (tires, flag, buckets of water, bags of rocks) from one end of the baseball field to the other. When they get there, they swap with the team on the hill. The crap just keeps going back and forth.

Hill 1: 10 4ct Bicycle kicks, bear crawl down the hill, 10 hand release t merkins, Burnie up the hill, repeat.

Hill 2: 10 box jumps, 10 chest to bar, 10 4ct mountain climbers

ESPY’s part.

Grab a CMU on the grinder

  • 10 CMU good mornings
  • Walking curls to next part
  • 15 blockees
  • Walking Skull crushers
  • 20 CMU squats
  • Melunges (which suck by the way)
  • 25 CMU press / 2ct flutter kicks
  • 30 merkins
  • Run the Apex loop
  • Grab your CMU and head back to start.

Tempo merkins, Box cutters, flutter kicks

17 HIM
Sometimes, we go through valleys in our lives. The crap and bags of problems don’t go away. Leaders grab a hold of that bag, and do what they can to help. And great Leaders come along side others to help them pull. ESPY is one of those leaders, and I (Drifter) am super excited to pass the AOQ flags over to ESPY. He and His family have often come along side me and mine in the midst of our valleys. I know he will continue to lift up those around him, but he needs us to take a handle of the bag too.
CSAUP on Friday. Get a team together.

Torential Tuesday

THE SCENE: 50s. Lot of sky sweat. Bit of lightning so had to stay under cover.

20 SSH, 15 Imp Squat Walkers, 10 cherry pickers, 5 burpees (plus a few others sprinkled in)
Had to pivot a bit. Did Sally song with merkins. Did another song with a basketball pass while holding a v-up. Thunder Struck with holding squat and a jump squat on each thunder.

Then we did a little free throw. Try to hit at least 3. 10 attempts. Miss is 5 drydocks for everyone. Make is 5 star jumps for everyone.

ABCs, hold superman, pax roulette.
I’m in Customer Experience for my job, and I just got back from Disney world. A good book on the topic is the Experience Economy. It talks about the progression of economic value. How we started in a commodity based economy, progressed to goods, then service, and now Experience. At each level, people attribute a hire value and are willing to pay more for it. Hence, me paying way more than I should on stuffed animals at Disney. Anyway, the point being that an even higher economic offering is transformation. The best example is working out. You subject yourself to a bunch of uncomfortable experiences for the end result of a physical transformation in your body. And Disney is fun, but the more meaningful time I spend in the long run is in the things that invest in my own transformation. So where are you placing value? On stuff? On kicking back and having cool experiences? Or on investing time in transformation, physical, spiritual, etc.?
Speedway is starting next week! Help by showing up or Qing.