F3 Knoxville

Party goes sideways

THE SCENE: 20 degrees. Not much wind

20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 9 Boxer jax, 10 Imp Squat Walkers.
Big block beer pong

Call out an exercise for pax to do while you play beer pong. To throw, first do 3 hand release merkins. If you make it, PAX takes turns using big blocks to do exercise and reps on the bottom of the cup. If you miss, PAX keeps doing the exercise you told them while you farmer carry both big blocks to bathrooms and back.

Tennis courts shenanigans

Tried and failed on a couple tennis games. Ended up just making ESPY and scout master do a bunch of burpees. We ran a bit and did merkins and burpees.

Tennis ball Indian run

Ball starts at the front. Toss it up for guy behind to catch. Guy in back runs the ball to the front. If ball drops, all do 5 burpees

Bears and sprints. Alternate bear crawls and sprints on the Tennis courts down and back. This one worked okay.

Captain Thor up to 5, 10 BBS, 20 side crunch each side, hold 6 inch for time.
4 pax
Reflecting on the fact that though as men we are called to lead our families, women tend to lead and encourage in other important ways. For example, my wife tends to be quicker to turn to prayer on a given topic whereas I tend to try and wear myself out trying to just take on every struggle. Pay attention to the ways women in your life contribute to the well-being of your family and community. Thank them for it. Encourage them in it. And look for the unique ways you can contribute to the good of your families and community.
Breakfast at Drifter’s on the second Saturday in February.

Special 7s

THE SCENE: A little (not much) warmer. Like 36 or so. Had just a little bit too much clothing on.

20 SSH, 10 IC Merkins, 10 IC Squats, 5 Cherry Pickers

Special 7s are like normal 7s, but after completing the final 6+1, there is an additional round with 7 reps on each end of the run/hill/what-have-you.

Round 1 on the Grinder. Sideways step ups on one end (1 leg up counts as a half rep, so 2 count?), Pull-ups on the other end. Just run the grinder.

Round 2 on Waxjob hill. Hand release merkins at the top, Donkey Kicks at the bottom. Just run the hill.

Round 3 on a tiny hill next coming up to the grinder. Burpees at the bottom, Big Boy Sit-ups at the top. But here’s the kicker. Crab walk feet first up the hill. Bear Crawl down the hill.

Round 4: Pax Roulette for 15 minutes. One PAX calls out a movement for all others while they complete 5 pull-ups and run back.
I guess the Pas Roulette was kind of like a long Mary….
6 PAX! Good work getting out guys!
Been reading in Genesis lately and there is a repeated patterning of 7s. In Genesis, God Shabbat (rested) from all His work on the 7th day. That pattern moves into there being a command to keep the sabbath and make it holy. Then fast forward to Jesus’s day and He is healing a man on the sabbath and it really seems like He could have done it on a different day if He had just waited even a few hours potentially. So, what is He doing? It seems He’s making an even bigger point about being the Lord of the Sabbath than I noticed on readings I’ve done in the past.
Anyway, the point is that I set aside some time to read and really got a lot out of it after doing some work to really slow down and think about it. I encourage you all to read something slowly and carefully this week. There really is no substitute to meditating on something that is well written. It seems like people back in the day made time for it. I don’t know that we today have that much more going on of importance to have an excuse not to slow down every once in a while and read. We just choose to do other frivolous things instead.


Don’t forget about Hot Squat’s camping trip!

4 Lines and Agility Roulette

THE SCENE: So cold. Like getting close to what-the-heck-are-we-doing-out-here cold. But not quite. Just like 20 or so.

20 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats
4 lines. Each has a rep count. 5, 10, 15, and 20. Work your way up each line, run to the Pull-up bars for 5 pull-ups. Work your way down each line. After completing the 3 below, only work up the lines.

  • Merkins and bear crawl
  • BBS and crab walks
  • Squats and lunges
  • Rinse and repeat for time (but only Work up to 20, not back down)

Agility roulette. Set up a bunch of Agility cones. One PAX calls out an exercise for all to do until they get back. Then the next person calls a new one while they run the cones and so on… surprisingly, no repeated movements. Well done y’all.

N/A. lots of abs in the roulette.
10 PAX
Kind of a silly thing, but was listening to a workmate learn the hard lesson of not going to the dealership for tire issues and payed way more than needed for a new tire when a patch would have worked. Reminded me of the importance of learning from other people’s experiences, mistakes, and wisdom. Sometimes, it is super practical like the tire thing. But the ultimate example of this is Christ. We can trust His testimony having proved Himself via miracles and being vindicated through His resurrection which hundreds of people witnessed. If we are to learn from anyone’s experiences, it is His.
Thanks for coming to breakfast. I think Hot Squat is getting a camping trip started. Check the slack.

New Year – New Men

THE SCENE: 70 degrees? What the…

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 11 tempo squats. Grab your bricks and run to the school.

21’s (Man Makers and Box Jumps) at the bleachers.

11’s (Pull-Ups and V-Ups) at the Pull-up bars.

11’s (Side Kicks and Swing Thrusters) at the swings

Start at the bleachers with 20 Man Makers and 1 Box Jump.  Run to Pull-up bars and do 10 pull-ups and 1 V-up.  Run back to bleachers and do 19 Man Makers and 2 Box Jumps.  Run to the swings and do 10 side kicks and 1 swing thruster.  Run Back to bleachers and do 18 Man Makers and 3 Box Jumps.  Keep moving through the rotation until time is called.

Make it back to the ao with the dang bricks…
With the new year, it is a good opportunity to reorient on what is important and make a plan to invest time in those important things constantly. It took me like 3 or 4 times of listening to my boss deliver the same time/life management class before it really sunk in with me to invest small amounts of time regularly in the important things in my life. I encourage you to think about what is really important and prioritize time invested in those things.
What are the top 3 most important things in your life?

How should we wisely spend out time

  • In light of my past experiences
  • In light of my current responsibilities
  • In light of my future hopes and dreams
  • There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts in certain activities over a long period of time
  • There are rarely any immediate consequences for neglecting single installments of time in any arena of life
  • Neglect has a cumulative effect
  • There is no cumulative value to the urgent things that we allow to interfere with the important things.

Breakfast at Drifter’s on the 8th. And every 2nd Saturday of the month this year.

Drifter’s Classic Count to Ten

THE SCENE: Well… it started out pretty warm and relatively dry. Upper 50s. But then about half way through it just started a consistent drizzle.

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, warm-up lap.
It is a compound movement beatdown. So you do everything in a bullet in that order for 1 rep. Then run a lap and increase reps by one. Rinse and repeat up to 10.

  • Hand Release Merkin, Merkin, Clap Merkin
  • LBC, BBS, WW2
  • Get up, squat, squat jump
  • Bent row, upright row, cmu swing
  • Run a lap

20 Peter parkers, 20 mountain climbers
1 PAX (me)
Been listening to a great podcast series on the Bible Project Podcast about how the Bible was designed to be read vs. how we often misread it in our modern culture. One of the things that stood out to me was reading the scriptures as a community. I felt challenged to bring my questions and confusion about the Bible and about life in general to the community. I think we should be more willing to talk about hard questions and hear diversity of thoughts in our life. Especially when this is done with a group you trust has your back in thick or thin.
Planning on reading through the Bible next year. Let me know if you want to join me and I’ll send you a Bible app link.
2nd F tonight with the ugly sweater thing. Sign up on slack.