F3 Knoxville



F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  ✔👌 – With some additional mumble-chatter:  

PURPOSE of Q-101: Designed to teach how to lead a proper workout and the structure of an F3 workout.The First F of “F3” is fitness. It’s the workout we suffer through together in the Gloom. Traditionally, this is a boot camp style workout but it doesn’t have to be.

A few points made:

1) No perfect F3 Workout. Everyone’s design for a workout will be different and that is a great thing. It fosters muscle confusion and breaks the monotony.

2) It’s not about you. It’s about the PAX. Everything you do should be focused on the group.

3) Actually Plan the Workout: Type it out, bring it with you, run it by a member who has experience.

4) Know your limitations – if you can’t do it, don’t Q it

5) Better to have too much, than not enough

6) Always keep time (wear a watch) and be respectful of others’ time

7) Never leave a man behind – (string of pearls) We start together, we finish together. It’s how we make people feel included and how we keep them coming back.

Every workout will be different and that’s what we want. We become stronger through each other’s differences. Variety is key. Pay attention to the PAX and break monotony if you have to.


First, as the Q, always show up early make adjustments for conditions, etc. Set the tone (command voice!), welcome the PAX, especially FNGs. Call out 1 minute warning – establishes command, sets the tone. WELCOME people – does two things: 1) acknowledges they exist and 2) that they have value to the group.

*Make sure the FLAG is there (this is very important at JUCO and not something we are willing to compromise)

Q demonstrated and went over how to call an exercise the F3 way: Call the exercise, Ready Position…Move…In Cadence…..Exercise commands.  All In Cadence:

SSH x 25

Imperial Walkers x 20

Tempo Squats x 15

8 CT Body Builders x 10

Mosey to newer North Parking Lot, stopping for some Partner Sets: Merkins x100 and Squats x100

Mosey to coupon pile.  Two Rounds of Partner carry/Burpees – P1 carried coupon up and around the concrete wall while P2 did Burpees.  When P1 returns, switch, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to large triangle shaped median for Bearmuda Triangle – Bear Crawl to corner 1, 3 Burpees.  Bear Crawl to corner 2, 6 Burpees.  Bear Crawl to corner 3, 9 Burpees.

Mosey back to Shovel Flag.

Dealer’s Choice – Went around the circle having PAX practice calling exercises the proper way while being gently critiqued.

12 Strong, including Cougar from F3 Johnson City


When you think of the term “ministry” what comes to mind? Many of us associate that term with pastors, preachers, priests or other “official” religious leaders in the church. Christians seem to think that is who does “real ministry.”

But the Apostle Paul states otherwise. In fact he indicates that the church’s teaching ministry is, at least in part, preparatory. It merely EQUIPS members to carry out ministry – ministry that is every bit as real as the ministry of preaching.

Perhaps we lionize the ministry of church leaders because we tend to think that our everyday works that we carry out seem so small and unnoticed. So what does the church’s teaching ministry prepare us to do? It EQUIPS us to:

1) Put away slander and speak truth (Ephesians 4)

2) Work hard at our jobs (Ephesians 4 and 6)

3) Put to death stinginess and share what we have with others (Ephesians 4)

4) Refrain from dirty jokes and profanity (Ephesians 4 and 5)

5) Be kind and forgive one another (Ephesians 4)

6) Avoid being deceived by false doctrine (Ephesians 5)

7) Love our wives (Ephesians 5)

8) Raise our children in a way that honors the Lord (Ephesians 6)

9) Treat employees and co-workers equitably and justly (Ephesians 6)

So what does “real ministry” look like for Paul? It looks like two men putting aside rivalry and comparison to love and serve one another. It looks like a young man refusing to tell a dirty joke for a cheap laugh and instead choosing words that build up. It looks like cheerfully punching numbers into a spreadsheet from 9 to 5 as an act of devotion to Jesus. It looks like sharing the gospel with an unbelieving neighbor or sending an email to a discouraged brother. It looks like a man laboring to help his wife overcome depression and thrive spiritually. It looks like inviting a friend to F3 or even better, serving the men out here by signing up to Q a workout. None of these actions, of course, looks glamorous, and some may even go unnoticed in the world. But for Paul, these things are “REAL MINISTRY.”

CSAUP Off The Chain, Collections for Mend House


THE SCENE: Too nice. 60s.

Cherry Pickers, Good Mornings, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Plank Jacks

  • Mosey to guardrail.  Perform 25 Dips, Lunge across road to opposite side, 25 Squats, Lunge back. (3 rounds)
  • Mosey to small upper parking lot.  Stand at parking stripes facing curb. Bear crawl to curb, 25 Merkins, Crawl Bear back. (3 rounds)
  • Mosey down road toward Sophomore Hill (SH), 1 Burpee at every tree along the way. Pause for 10 Diamond Merkins at the end.
  • Mosey to top of SH, stopping twice for Merkins and Werkins along the way.
  • Half of the PAX doing AMAP Pull-ups at the rail bar while other half lunges across parking lot and lunges back.  When lunging group reaches halfway point, Pull-up PAX switch to underneath grip on bar. (2 rounds)
  • Mosey to Coupon Pile, grab a coupon.  25 curls, 25 Tri-cep Extensions, 25 Squats with coupon (3 rounds)
  • Mosey back to Flag, stopping for 50 dips and 25 Merkins at the brick wall.

(IC) 25 LBCs, 20 Flutter Kicks, 15 Pickle Pounders
9 for Boot-camp, 7 for RUSH (1 FNG)
Shared a short story out of the book, “No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy Seal,” called “Staying in your three foot world.”  In times of stress and worry – focus on 1) what matters most and 2) what you can control in the moment – ignore everything else.
Ralph VQ on Friday


THE SCENE: 60s and misty


Cherry Pickers x7 (IC), Windmills x7 (IC), Tempo Squats x7 (IC), Tempo Merkins x7(IC)
Divide PAX  (24) into 3 teams.  Mosey to bottom of Mt. Juconte.  Three stations separated by a comfortable distance.  Each team starts at a different station.  Teams rotate stations (1-2-3) every time station 1 is completed.  Stations:

  • Station 1 (cardio) – Mosey up Juconte, 3 Burpees at every tree (21 Burpees total). When complete, mosey to Station 2 and bump that team to Station 3.
  • Station 2 (core) – At one cone perform 100 LBCs, Frog Jump to next cone and perform 100 Flutters. Repeat until Station 1 team is done. When “bumped” by Station 1 team, mosey to Station 3 and bump that team to Station 1.
  • Station 3 (strength) – 6 trees in the median.  Teams work their way up one side performing 10 merkins at every tree, then back down the other side performing 10 squats at every tree. Repeat until bumped to Station 1.

Each team got to do each Station twice.  Mosey back to shovel flag parking lot.

JELLY ARMS/JELLY LEGS – (ARMS) PAX hold six inches for time, then perform reps of merkins as called by the Q (three rounds), PAX hold an Al Gore for time, then perform reps of squats as called by the Q (three rounds).

MARY:  Freddy Mercury (assist from Erector – thanks, dude!), Flutter Kicks

24 HIM

Words are powerful.  God says so.  Throughout the Bible we see a constant theme where gossiping, talking too much, and careless mouths are warned against.  This is something that I struggle with.  It is very easy to get sucked into gossip, especially if it’s true.  But does truth matter when we are using our words to tear someone down? Let’s look at Scripture:

Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death”

Ephesians 4:29 “Let no unwholesome talk come our of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their deeds, that it may benefit those who listen”

Exodus 23:1 “Do not spread false reports”

James 1:26 “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves”

Proverbs 10:19 “Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues”

Proverbs 11:9 “With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors”

Proverbs 16:28 “A perverse person stirs up conflict”

Psalm 141:3 “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips”

As you can see, the Lord treats our words and the intent behind them very seriously, even if what we are saying is true.  I would encourage each of you to consider your words wisely, use them to build others up (even if we “feel” they deserve to be torn down).  There is a lot of wisdom in keeping our mouths shut, living a quiet existence and letting our actions speak for us.  There have been so many times in my 39 years I’ve wished I could take something I said back.  Be mindful of what you speak and learn to tame the tongue.


Prayers for Kick-Flip and his family.  We are with you, brother.  Psalm 34:18 “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Sign-up for meal train for Farragut mother and son.


THE SCENE: 50s and no Q in sight.

LBACF, LBACB, OHC (ALL IC, x25), Tempo Merkins x20, Cherry Pickers x7,  Tempo Squats x20, High Knees with a Burpee x3
Separate into two groups of 9 and mosey to assigned parking lot for 4 corners (1 Exercise, 40-30-20-10). Once corners are complete, switch parking lots and do another 4 corners of different exercise.  We did Merkins/Squats, Hello Dollies/4ct Flutters, Mountain Climbers/SSH.

Stay in assigned parking lots, groups travel across lots as called by the Q.  We did 3 rounds of Bear Crawl down, Lunge Back.

Burpees! x10, x8, x6
18 Strong
Commission volunteered to do the BOM.  What is God calling you to do that you keep giving an excuse (a “but”) NOT to do? We see this several times in the Bible and the results that come from not following God’s call.
Fingerfood’s alarm let him down!
Sign up to Q!


F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Full F3 Disclaimer given along with COVID19 restrictions
  Merkins(IC), Squats(IC), Plank Jacks(IC), Cherry Pickers(IC)
JUCO RECON:  Divide up into three teams of 5.  Each team will attempt to complete all three Missions (one at a time) located at three different areas on campus, rotating counterclockwise to the next mission after completion of the previous one. Teams will separately run to each, staying on pavement at all times (grass medians are lava).  Why? Because each time the team makes a turn and changes direction (even the slighter ones), the team does 15 Merkins, 15 Squats, 15 Plank Jacks. If any team member inadvertently tries to cross a median to avoid a turn, it’s 10 Burpees for the team and back to the pavement.

  • Mission 1: Large East Parking Lot by Duck Pond- Bernie all the way across and all the way back
  • Mission 2: Coupon Pile at Loading Dock – 100 Curls, 100 Tri Extensions
  • Mission 3: Sophomore Hill – Bear Crawl all the way up hill, Crawl Bear all the way down opposite side (this was awful)

Flutter Kicks (IC)(x25), LBCs (IC)(x25).
15 Strong
Scripture states that God is Love.  Scripture states Love embraces Patience, Kindness, Truth, Resilience, Faith, Hope, Endurance, and Perseverance. On the other hand, Scripture states Love resists, stands against, and is opposed to Envy, Boasting, Arrogance, Rudeness, Selfishness, Anger, Resentment, and Wrongdoing.  Do you practice the above attributes that are embraced by Love?  Over the past few months, we have all had extra time perhaps to meditate on what really matters in life, what we place our trust and hope in.  For me, all of my hope – the only true hope I believe we have in this world – is Jesus.  It is all about Him for me.  He means more than family, more than my personal health and fitness.  Just Him, Jesus.
It was great to be back out at JUCO with these men.  Snaggletooth wanted me to name the workout, “THAT SUCKED.”  I felt the above title was more appropriate.
Booster on Q Wednesday.