F3 Knoxville

Jelly Legs at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Mid 20’s, cold and dark

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Baby Arm Circles

  • Amphitheater: 3 sets of: 10x Box Jumps, 10x Alternating Split Squats, 10x Big Boys, run the stairs, 10x Rows
  • Hill By Church: 10x Knee Tucks, 10x Squats, 10x LBCs, run the hill, 1 burpee at the top. Then 10x Mucho Legos with run and Burpee. Then 10x Knee Tucks, 10x Squats, 10x LBCs, run the hill, 1 burpee at the top again. Then 10x Flutterkicks, 10x American Hammers, 10x Hello Dollys, run the hill, 1 burpee.
  • Parking Lot at Edge of Park: 2 sets of: Walking lunges to each median, 1 rep of Mucho Armos at each median, then reverse the direction of the walking lunge after each median, followed by a sprint back to the starting point
  • Stopped at bridge over Cumberland for 33 Big Boys in honor of the Bulldogs taking down the Tide
  • Mosey home


Last week got into a conversation with one of my students on discipline in regards to our walks with the Lord. This reminded me of a message from a conference in the past where the speaker talked about the same topic and recalled growing up on the west coast and observing what she called “surfer boy” culture. High school students that would get up around 4am to travel to the beach, throw on a wetsuit, get into cold and dark waters, all in hopes of catching a few waves before school started. Something that always stuck with me is that she said she doubts that the thought of discipline ever crossed the surfer boys minds, because they loved what they were doing. A combination of passion and discipline is what leads to lifestyles. I pointed out that though we likely feel like we require discipline, we aren’t much different. The guys this morning woke up somewhere between 4:30-5am, the night after a big game, the morning before a full day of work, to come outside, in 25 degree weather, to have some punk kid with no level of authority tell them to run up a hill a bunch of times. That requires discipline as well as an appreciation for more than just a workout. Chances are the other 2 F’s help fuel our desire to be a part of this. I also challenged us to consider where else in our lives can we match that same level of discipline with passion. Whether our marriages, jobs, kids, friends, neighborhoods, etc, lets not let this meeting of passion and discipline be exclusive to 5:30am workouts

Big Ball 2021 Year In Review

THE SCENE: 55 and damp, thankfully the rain stopped just in time for us to run around outside

SSH, Amazon’s Shoulder Shredders, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers
Like last year, this work out served as a recap of memorable beat downs from this year at the Big Ball. Everything we did was something someone else introduced us to or was based off another work out

  • Control Freak Burpos (Night Shift from NC): Burpos (Burpees minus the jump, staying in a squat when standing) on a “control freak” cadence, meaning each position in the exercise was determined by how I called it out during the count. Example, one rep we went 1-2-3-4-3-4-3-4-5-6, meaning we did 3 push ups in the burpo. 10 reps total
  • Plank Frog (Fixer Upper): Like leap frog but in a plank. Two lines formed, everyone held a plank, whoever was in the back of the line jumped over everyone else and took place in the front of the line in a plank again. We did this until everyone crossed the field.
  • Billy Madison/12 Days of Christmas (Frizzles/Drive Thru, Wedding Singer, and Huffy): Billy Madison is 12 rounds of escalator, building upon each other from 1 to 12, 12 days of Christmas is the inverse. So in honor of these 4 Q’s we did the 12th round. Each man gave us an exercise, once we had 12 listed we did 10 reps of each followed by a lap around the amphitheater. Exercises were: Flutterkicks, Burpees, Hello Dollys, Long Duck Dongs, Rows, Squat Jumps, Smurf Jacks, Bus Drivers, Big Boy Sit Ups, American Hammers, Calf Raises, and Merkins
  • Doras (Pfieffer): Pfieffer led us through similar Doras on a game day in the pouring rain. One partner did Burpee Broad Jumps while the other worked on chipping away at 100x Merkins and 100x Squats. We played with Judge Judy rules, so the first pair to finish got to call recover for everyone
  • Building Blocks (Tank): 4 cones were placed on the sidewalk next to the lawn. We started at one end of the lawn and ended at the other. Each cone had an exercise, and reps increased by 5 each cone. Round 1 was running to each cone with Merkins (5, 10, 15, 20), then a jog back once finished. Round 2 was bear crawl to each cone with squats. Round 3 was bunny hops with Big Boy Sit Ups

I was hoping to finish with some ATMs (Abort) but we ran out of time
Had Poison from VA and FNG Icebreaker join us
Talked about how New Years serves as a great opportunity to not only look forward and set goals and hopes for the future but to also reflect on the past as well. I encouraged us to think through what are things from this past year that we want to hold onto as we move forward and what are things we want to reach for next year. For me something that hits both those categories, which has been my closing word after every Q this semester, has been continuing to develop the habit and discipline of “preaching the Gospel to yourself daily”, as Jerry Bridges puts it

Reindeer Games

THE SCENE: A very warm December morning, right before the storm. Thankfully the rain held off


SSH, Baby Arm Circles, This and That, Michael Phelps, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Hill Billies
Today we played reindeer games. Each workout was either a solo or team competition. Losers of each workout owed the winner 10 Burpees. The games were:

  • Bring Sally Up Pushup Challenge: Up and down in cadence with the song, last man “standing” wins
  • Murder Bunny Relay Race: Divided into 2 teams. Each team lined up at the edge of the lawn. From end to end were 5 cones. First person in line Murder Bunnied to the first cone, sprinted back, and led their team in 5 merkins. Next man up ran to the block, murder bunnied to the next cone, ran back, led push ups, and so on until the first team got their block across the field and back (total of 12 segments). Everyone held a plank while waiting to run
  • Hammer Relay: We worked together on this one. In a big circle everyone held an American Hammer position while a 8lb medicine ball was tossed from person to person, making its way around the circle. When you had the ball you owed 5 American Hammers then tossed it to your neighbor. If any feet or the ball hit the ground everyone owed 10 Big Boy Situps
  • Bear Crawl Relay: Divided into 2 teams again. Lined up again on one end of the fountain pavilion, with a cone on the other. Everyone held a plank while one person from each team bear crawled to the cone. Once there, that man called out the next person from their team by name to crawl to the cone. Once an entire team had crossed, together as a team they crawled back to the start point. First team out and back won
  • Beep Test: Just like middle school gym class, run to the cone before the beep, run back before the beep. 2 failures in a row = elimination. Last man standing wins
  • Ultimate Frisbee: Ran a quick game of Box Ultimate to run out the clock. Any dropped disc meant 5 squats for everyone


Continued to share from my routine of developing the habit championed by Jerry Bridges of preaching the Gospel to yourself daily. I’ve also been doing a Biblical Worldview training program called the Colson Fellows that has a ton of assigned readings and daily devotionals. A devotional from a few days ago said “God loved us enough to die for us. But since God can’t die He became a man in order to do so”. I felt like this quote did a good job of stating the Gospel as well as the reason for Advent and Christmas. Part of the Gospel is that we know celebrate the incarnation of God through Christ, and in this season of Advent we wait in hopeful expectation of this, knowing that it also means Christ’s death on our behalf

Welcome to Man in the Mirror

IPC Week 2 at The Quacken

THE SCENE: At the Gresham Track, lower 60s

SSH and static stretching
IronPAX Challenge Week 2:

  • Round 1: Do 8 Burpees on the sideline, sprint to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Burpees are complete (88 total)
  • Round 2: Do 8 Squrls on the sideline, coupon carry to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Squrls are complete (88 total)
  • Round 3: Do 88 Overhead Presses on the sideline, rifle carry to the far sideline, do 88 more (176 total)
  • Round 4: Do 88 X-Factors on the sideline, Bear Crawl to the far sideline. Do 88 more, then Crawl Bear back to the sideline (176 total)


Continuing my theme of encouraging us to preach the Gospel to ourselves daily, I talked about John 17:3 where Jesus lays it out simply: eternal life is to know God and know Jesus. Our ability to live life to the fullest begins the moment we place our faith, trust and obedient submission in Jesus

Frisbee on the Fly

THE SCENE: warm and humid, sunny, mid 70’s

I tossed the frisbee at random to someone in the circle who then was responsible for leading us in a warm up exercise
The majority of the workout was made up on the spot. I had a frisbee and whoever caught the frisbee outside of when we moseyed was then responsible for leading us in an exercise. If the disc hit the ground at anytime (which it definitely did) everyone owed 5 burpees. When moseying whoever had the disc ran to the front of the line and then throw it to the back, who then also ran to the front and through it back. We stopped in three locations around the park:

  • Sunsphere: Here whoever caught the disc in the circle led us in a leg exercise and then we ran to the top of the stairs and back down. We did 4-5 exercises here
  • Parking lot near campus: Here we did 4-5 upper body exercises
  • Amphitheater: Here we led each other through 4-5 ab exercises

After this we returned to the lawn, numbered off into two teams and play ultimate frisbee. The twist was that if the disc hit the ground everyone owed 10 Monkey Humpers (which changed to 5 squats) and if your team was scored on you owed 10 Jump Squats (which changed to 10 merkins)


Shared about an author who also used to be a part of the ministry I work for that advocated for the practice of “preaching the Gospel to yourself daily”. With the start of this school year I have also started trying to practice this. One of the ways in which he did this was by every morning as soon as he hit his alarm clock he would quote Lamentations 3:22-23 to himself. So I shared the verse also and encouraged us to not only preach the Gospel daily to ourselves but to also remember that God is faithful and never failing