F3 Knoxville

Jelly Legs at the Big Ball

Big Ball

THE SCENE: Mid 20’s, cold and dark

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Rockettes, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Baby Arm Circles

  • Amphitheater: 3 sets of: 10x Box Jumps, 10x Alternating Split Squats, 10x Big Boys, run the stairs, 10x Rows
  • Hill By Church: 10x Knee Tucks, 10x Squats, 10x LBCs, run the hill, 1 burpee at the top. Then 10x Mucho Legos with run and Burpee. Then 10x Knee Tucks, 10x Squats, 10x LBCs, run the hill, 1 burpee at the top again. Then 10x Flutterkicks, 10x American Hammers, 10x Hello Dollys, run the hill, 1 burpee.
  • Parking Lot at Edge of Park: 2 sets of: Walking lunges to each median, 1 rep of Mucho Armos at each median, then reverse the direction of the walking lunge after each median, followed by a sprint back to the starting point
  • Stopped at bridge over Cumberland for 33 Big Boys in honor of the Bulldogs taking down the Tide
  • Mosey home


Last week got into a conversation with one of my students on discipline in regards to our walks with the Lord. This reminded me of a message from a conference in the past where the speaker talked about the same topic and recalled growing up on the west coast and observing what she called “surfer boy” culture. High school students that would get up around 4am to travel to the beach, throw on a wetsuit, get into cold and dark waters, all in hopes of catching a few waves before school started. Something that always stuck with me is that she said she doubts that the thought of discipline ever crossed the surfer boys minds, because they loved what they were doing. A combination of passion and discipline is what leads to lifestyles. I pointed out that though we likely feel like we require discipline, we aren’t much different. The guys this morning woke up somewhere between 4:30-5am, the night after a big game, the morning before a full day of work, to come outside, in 25 degree weather, to have some punk kid with no level of authority tell them to run up a hill a bunch of times. That requires discipline as well as an appreciation for more than just a workout. Chances are the other 2 F’s help fuel our desire to be a part of this. I also challenged us to consider where else in our lives can we match that same level of discipline with passion. Whether our marriages, jobs, kids, friends, neighborhoods, etc, lets not let this meeting of passion and discipline be exclusive to 5:30am workouts