F3 Knoxville

Choose Your Adventure At The Quacken

THE SCENE: Started raining but stopped by the end of the warm up, leaving us with a steamy, humid 75

SSH x 20, Arm Circles x 10 both ways, Shoulder Taps x 10, This and That, Cherry Pickers x 7
Moseyed over to the playground, where we did 11’s by the monkey bars: 1 pull up and 10 squat jumps to 10 pull ups and 1 squat jump. Ran a lap around the park and came back to the playground for 7’s: 1 squat jump and 6 pull ups to 6 squat jumps and 1 pull up.

Then we moseyed over to the church sidewalk where we took turns choosing sets of exercises to do: 15 reps of Abs, Arms, Abs and Legs followed by 2 laps around the parking lot

  • Wedgie chose first: 15 Full Sit Ups, 15 Merkins, 15 Full Sit Ups, 15 Squat Jumps, then 2 laps around the parking lot
  • Puck chose second: 15 American Hammers (4ct.), 15 Cobra Merkins, 15 Side Crunches each side, 15 Lunges each leg, then 2 laps around the parking lot
  • I chose third: 15 LBCs, 15 Carolina Dry Docks, 15 LBCs, 15 Box Cutters, then 2 laps around the parking lot
  • Wedgie chose again: 15 Freddie Mercurys, 15 Diamond Merkins, 15 Around the Worlds, 15 Squat Jumps, then 2 laps around the parking lot
  • Puck chose again: 15 LBCs, 15 Merkins, 15 Leg Lifts, 15 Sumo Squats, then 2 laps around the parking lot

Ring of Fire with American Hammers to kill the last couple minutes

Encouraged the guys to consider leading sometime. I spent nearly 2 years with F3 before leading and wish I had done it much sooner. I love leading a workout, but I love it even more when someone leads for the first time! One of F3’s main focuses is building up leaders in the community, starting with leadership in the workouts. If you’ve been to an F3 workout chances are you’re qualified to lead one!
Backdraft’s son Waylan should hopefully be coming home today

Teamwork Revisited

THE SCENE: Thick and Humid, 75ish, clear

SSH x 20, Arm Circles x 15, This and That, Imperial Walkers x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 6
Walked over to the parking lot

  • In pairs, one pair would do an exercise in cadence with each other while the other pair bear crawled together at the same pace across the parking lot. We did 4 rounds with 4 different exercises: Squats, Big Boys, Box Cutters and American Hammers
  • As a large group, we did these 4 exercises again back to back in cadence, then bear crawled across the parking lot all together. We did 10 reps each of Squats, Big Boys, Box Cutters and American Hammers, then bear crawled. We did 3 rounds of this.
  • On our own, we did 5 x Burpees, 10 x Squats and 15 x LBCs followed by a sprint across the parking lot. We did 3 rounds of this.

Circle of Fire with merkins, from 1 to 5 reps, and American Hammers, from 1 to 5 reps.

Talked about the importance of teamwork. Recently read a book called the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team which opened with the author saying something along the lines of, “It is not technology. It is not finances. It is not talent. It is teamwork that time and again proves to be the ultimate competitive edge, both because of how powerful it is and how rare it is”. We often quote Proverbs when talking about this by saying “Iron sharpens iron”, but Ecclesiastes is even more straight forward in saying that 2 are more valuable than 1 because they yield better returns, that a man who falls down alone can’t get up as easily as a man who travels with a friend, and that the cord of 3 strands is not easily broken. So I encouraged us to consider where in our lives we find ourselves on “teams” (out here, marriages and families, co-workers, etc.) to think through how we can be encouraging each other and rowing in the same direction or striving for a common goal.
CSAUP tomorrow, link to meal train for Filter in Slack

Ducks Don’t Run

THE SCENE: Clear, humid, warm, lower to mid 70’s

SSH, Arm Circles, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers, walked over to the parking lot
We did 5 rounds of crossing the parking lot, from the first stripey thing (which we decided is in fact the technical term for it) to the second at the other end. There were 4 cones along the way, each of which would mark a break for a different exercise each round. Also, each round we had to travel using a different form of exercise (bear crawl, broad jumps, etc.)

  • Round 1: Bear Crawls – Cone 1: 10 x Burpees, Cone 2: 15 x Hand Release Merkins, Cone 3: 20 x Plank Rotations, Cone 4: 25 x Merkins
  • Round 2: Broad Jumps – Cone 1: 10 x Lunges (each leg, 20 total), Cone 2: 15 x Flutterkicks (4ct.), Cone 3: 20 x Box Cutters, Cone 4: 25 x Smurf Jacks
  • Round 3: Crawl Bears – Cone 1: 10 x Inch Worm Merkins, Cone 2: 15 x Shoulder Taps (4ct.), Cone 3: 20 x Overhead Claps (4ct.), Cone 4: 25 x Cobra Merkins
  • Round 4: Anything other than running or walking (choice of bear crawls, jumps, lunges, etc.) – Cone 1: 10 x Get Ups, Cone 2: 15 x Side Lunges (each side, 30 total), Cone 3: 20 x American Hammers (4ct.), Cone 4: 25 x Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Round 5: Anything other than running or walking (choice of bear crawls, jumps, lunges, etc.) – Cone 1: 10 x Man Makers, Cone 2: 10 x Hand Release Merkins, Cone 3: 10 x Burpees, Cone 4: 20 x LBCs.

Ring of Fire with Merkins and Flutterkicks to kill the last 5 or so minutes

At church Sunday the guy preaching quoted Ray Ortlund saying “You can either be impressive, or you can be known. But you cannot be both.” I’ve been thinking about that a bit recently. I think we’d all, at least to some degree, say we’d prefer to be impressive rather than known, but I also think we all realize that being known is much more important and beneficial to ourselves and others than being impressive. This also reminded me of 2 Corinthians 12:9 where Paul says that God’s power is made perfect in his own weakness, and therefore we would gladly boast about his weaknesses. In order for us to grow, improve, and positively affect the world around us we must first be honest and vulnerable with each other and especially with ourselves, identifying our weaknesses and shortcomings so that we can continue to work on them rather than hide them in order to appear more impressive than we really are.

Practice Makes Permanent

THE SCENE: Upper 60’s, clear, humid as always

SSH x 15, Rockettes x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Arm Circles x 10 forward and backward, Shoulder Taps x 10, Phelps, This and That, Cherry Pickers x 5

Then we ran a lap around the park and headed over to the parking lot
For the workout we did one minute of an exercise, followed by a run out and back across the parking lot, followed by 15 seconds of rest before moving on to a minute of another exercise. I encouraged all of us to spend that minute focused on performing each exercise with as close to perfect form as possible, not worrying about how many reps we got done. Better to do 10 perfect push ups than 20 half hearted ones here

  • The exercises we did were: Burpees, Squats, Cobra Merkins, Big Boys, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Plank Shoulder Taps, American Hammers, Hand Release Merkins, 6 Point Lunges, Catalina Wine Mixers, LBCs, Wideout Merkins, Sumo Squats, and Plank Rotations


I was reminded not too long ago of a coach I had in high school who would always say to us “Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” If we spend every workout doing rushed, poor-formed exercises then we’re only training ourselves to continue to do rushed, poor-formed exercises. That mentality applies to the rest of our lives as well. If we approach our families, marriages, churches, jobs, etc. with rushed, poor-formed actions we’re only cultivating flawed families, marriages, churches, jobs, etc. So not only in our workouts, but also in our lives as well, lets all focus on going through the entire motion, digging deep, taking the time to do things right, and training ourselves to do the right thing, since we know that practice makes permanent, not perfect.

Making The Most Of The Mundane

THE SCENE: Clear, mid 60’s

SSH x 25, Arm Circles x 15 forward and backward, Shoulder Taps x 15, Tempo Squats x 8, Imperial Walkers x 15, Cherry Pickers x 8
The workout was reverse suicides; 4 cones were laid out in the parking lot and each cone had an exercise assigned to it. 1st lap we’d run from one end of the lot to the farthest cone and do that exercise and run back. 2nd lap we’d do the same but add the 2nd cone on the way back. 3rd lap was same as before but added the 3rd cone, and same thing for the 4th lap and 4th cone. We did 3 rounds, which were broken up by Get Ups followed by hill sprints

  • Round 1: 1st cone – 10 American Hammers (4ct), 2nd cone – 15 Flutterkicks (4ct), 3rd cone – 20 BBS, 4th cone – 30 Oblique crunches (15 each side). Ended with 15 x Get Ups followed by a hill sprint
  • Round 2: 1st cone – 10 Squats, 2nd cone – 15 Box Cutters, 3rd cone – 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 4th cone – 20 180* Squat Jumps. Ended with 10 x Get Ups followed by a hill sprint
  • Round 3: 1st cone – 15 LBCs, 2nd cone – 15 Sumo Squats, 3rd cone – 15 Inch Worm Merkins, 4th cone – 15 Body Builders


Shared about how things have felt incredibly mundane within my own life. All the days seem similar. There’s not much going on aside from working from home, which most of us know is an absolute blast. I shared this with my students not long ago how this reminded me of 1 Kings 19:11-13, which says 11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”. Seasons of routine and mundane days can actually have a lot of value, because they almost force us to be more willing and able to hear the Lord’s voice when it appears as a gentle whisper rather than a grand display of majesty or glory. So my encouragement to everyone, especially myself, was to be encouraged and view this season as an opportunity to train ourselves to be more aware of God’s presence.