F3 Knoxville

Teamwork Revisited


THE SCENE: Thick and Humid, 75ish, clear

SSH x 20, Arm Circles x 15, This and That, Imperial Walkers x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 6
Walked over to the parking lot

  • In pairs, one pair would do an exercise in cadence with each other while the other pair bear crawled together at the same pace across the parking lot. We did 4 rounds with 4 different exercises: Squats, Big Boys, Box Cutters and American Hammers
  • As a large group, we did these 4 exercises again back to back in cadence, then bear crawled across the parking lot all together. We did 10 reps each of Squats, Big Boys, Box Cutters and American Hammers, then bear crawled. We did 3 rounds of this.
  • On our own, we did 5 x Burpees, 10 x Squats and 15 x LBCs followed by a sprint across the parking lot. We did 3 rounds of this.

Circle of Fire with merkins, from 1 to 5 reps, and American Hammers, from 1 to 5 reps.

Talked about the importance of teamwork. Recently read a book called the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team which opened with the author saying something along the lines of, “It is not technology. It is not finances. It is not talent. It is teamwork that time and again proves to be the ultimate competitive edge, both because of how powerful it is and how rare it is”. We often quote Proverbs when talking about this by saying “Iron sharpens iron”, but Ecclesiastes is even more straight forward in saying that 2 are more valuable than 1 because they yield better returns, that a man who falls down alone can’t get up as easily as a man who travels with a friend, and that the cord of 3 strands is not easily broken. So I encouraged us to consider where in our lives we find ourselves on “teams” (out here, marriages and families, co-workers, etc.) to think through how we can be encouraging each other and rowing in the same direction or striving for a common goal.
CSAUP tomorrow, link to meal train for Filter in Slack