F3 Knoxville

A Properly Motivated JUCO Posse

THE SCENE: Cloudy and cool, with temps around 32, and a wind chill in the high 20’s.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: This is F3, Fitness Fellowship, & Faith.  Q has a cell phone in case of Emergency.  He is not a professional, and does not know your injuries.  You will need to modify accordingly.  You are here on your own volition, the only thing that brought you here was an EH (Emotional Headlock), and a desire to check out why these guys get up so early to roll around in parking lots. 
Cherry Pickers to 5
Baby Arm Circles forward & Backward 10 ea
The Motivator from 12 (312 total reps)  This exercise reduced the mumble chatter to zero and left only groaning and complaining.


This is a 2 station workout.  At station 1 located near the coupon pile, you will perform 20 reps of each of the following 6 exercises with a coupon: Rows, Curls, Squat Thrusters, Tricep Extensions, Calf Raises, BBS aka “Louganis” holding coupon over head.  After you complete the 6 exercises, run to the top of sophomore hill.  At the top you will perform 6 more exercises, again with 20 reps each.  The exercises are as follows: Wide Merkins, Squat Jumps, Curb Dips, Diamond Merkins, El Capitan to the crosswalk, and handrail pull ups.  Once you finish run back to station 1, where you will rinse and repeat.  This is an AMRAP routine.  Most PAX made it to the third round, some beast studs began their fourth.  Butter Knife was out font leading the charge with Frenchie and Erector hot on his trail.  There may have been others in the lead group, but I was not.

Very little time for mary, the PAX held plank on their elbows for a short time (15-20) seconds.

29 HIM’s, no FNG’s.  My video failed, and I am proud of recalling 29 names from memory.  I will admit I struggled to complete the list as my picture was very grainy.

  • “I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.’”
    Quoting the declaration of Independence.
  • “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
    MLK’s Actions required Faith.  He was a champion for the civil rights movement, and so powerful a figure, with such a strong message, that those threatened by him eventually assassinated him.
  • “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
    Matthew 22:39 Love your neighbor as yourself.
  • “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
    John 13:34  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
  • “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”
    HIM-High Impact Man

Praise from Butter Knife for the Men of JUCO.
Mermaid, 16th Wedding Anniversary today. His M is a patient woman for putting up with him for that amount of time.
Hardship Hill, can we create 2 Juco Teams?
OTB RUCK workout similar to the rush concept on Monday morning.  0500

A JUCO Invasion at The Equalizer

THE SCENE: An unseasonably warm January day with temps in the high 40’s
I failed to announce that I had a cell phone with me in case of emergency.  This is a new precaution that Q’s have been tasked with when leading the group.
-The Motivator from 11
-Tempo Squats
-Cherry Pickers

2 stations, at one station we did upper body work, then ran to the 2nd station to focus on the lower body.  We ran about .2 miles in between the tennis courts and the pavilion at the top of the hill.  We did one exercise, ran to the next station, and alternated until we ran out of time.  At the top we did 4 sets of 20, these were the exercises.  Merkins, Picnic table pull ups, and dips.  On the tennis courts we did 4 sets of 20 squats, calf raises, and then El Capitan’s across the width of the tennis courts.  We had the lights on at the tennis courts, and it made me realize how ugly the men of F3 really are.  No wonder we workout in the Gloom!  That is a joke, we are all amazing looking specimen.

We began with a 10 count of Carolina Dry Docks, then the PAX got mouthy and it was recommended that we also do 4 sets of 20 of that exercise.  After our arms fell off at the shoulders, we did 20 flutter kicks in cadence, and 20 BBS as we ran out of time.
We had a record of 15 in attendance at the Equalizer, the previous record was 13.  We had one FNG, who we named Gotcha. (Josh McMullen?, Age 28)
The Great commission, Matthew 28:16-20  The challenge was to go out and make disciples as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission.
Prayer Requests:
Tank- Praise that his wife has some relief from the kidney stone that has been ailing her.
Wax Job – Pray for discernment about his Mother in Law that is suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Doubtfire on Q Wednesday, and Bartman on Friday.

New Year’s Day at JUCO

THE SCENE: 35 Degrees, a slight wind, but otherwise comfortable.

The Motivator from 10

Mosey to the pond .75 miles
Warmup exercises
Walking Lunges
Cherry Pickers
1 mile run
once finished, find people still running and encourage them, pick up cones
Push up PT test
Sit up PT test
Mosey to AO

I will add a tab to Mandolin’s spreadsheet, so that if we want to repeat these, we have a baseline to measure improvement.  See link here.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvJB3KJoW9XvUVQYBBMQ-kUdJR3yOgKx_jjZbzyHQxY/htmlview# 

Results from testing:

January 1, 2020
PAX Weight Mile Time Pushups in 2 min BBS in 2 Min
Booster 9:16 45 47
Cheatsheet 8:08 100 61
Erector 6:07 81 50
Hurry Can 7:06 41 50
Judge Judy 6:57 75 55
Mailbox 6:45 41 50
Mandolin 11:29 55 40
Mermaid 199 N/A 56 50
Ralph 9:05 15 33
Spotter 6:06 68 57

The mile run and additional warm up exercises took longer than expected.  No time for Mary.
10 guys, no FNG’s today  Ralph was here too, but not yet entered into the website, so he can’t yet be tagged.
The new year an new beginnings.  I spoke about my professional life, and some challenges that led me to the where I am professionally today.  Don’t be afraid to make a professional change.
Prayer Requests:
Cheetsheet – Pray for his family
Booster –  A friend named Jim Johnson who recently passed.  His family and their grief.
Judge Judy – His Wife’s family member Chris Kerr who is gay and is having issues with his family because of his decision to come out.
Mailbox – his wife has had some good days, continued prayer for her hart condition because the cause is still not known.

Polar Bear Plunge New Years day at noon, clown car options avail.
F3 New Year’s Party on Friday night 1/3 @ 7:00PM.

A Snow Day @ JUCO

THE SCENE: High 20’s and snow on the ground

The Motivator starting from 7
The Ole Miss Piss in honor of Lane Kiffin rejoining the SEC


Mosey to wall
Indian run Squats on Wall
Take CMU to Freshman hill
21’s Merkins @ top, squats at the bottom
Repeat until I  call time around 6:05-6:07
25 Calf Raises with CMU
20 Curls with CMU
15 Tri Ext with CMU
10 BBS with CMU
5 American Hammers with CMU
BTW @ wall hold for 1:00 min
Mosey to AO

We made it down to 7 on the 21’s, the snowy steep hill slowed us down and really made us pay attention to our footing.  Altar boy, however, was the human snowboard and flew down the hill repeatedly.

Doomsday Clock (til we finish)


Matthew 12:9-16
If Jesus can go to Church when the Pharisees set him up to break laws, we can follow his example in the face of issues we may have with doctrine.
Trolley’s work stress.
no announcements

Staying Warm at Juco

THE SCENE: Cold, 20 degrees with a slight wind making the wind chill somewhere in the teens.


All of the exercises for the day were picking to work big muscle groups, in an effort to stay warm.  We tried a few new things, one of which was pretty challenging (Balls to the wall Indian Run means you hold plank for a really long time)!  3 rucked prior to the boot camp in an effort to be warm!  6 men did JUCO Rush.  Props to Guardrail for riding his bike every week, in the rain and in the cold!

2 laps around the small parking lot (.25 miles)
Speed Skaters (5 each Leg)
El Capitan 5 each leg (deep lunge with both hands to the ground)
20 Merkins OYO


Mosey to loading dock near CMU’s
Count into 3 groups
3 stations
at box (for lack of a better word), do calf raises 25L, 25R, 50 together 100
at loading dock do leg lifts while holding yourself off the ground 20
at designated area, Merkins/squats 30 each
rinse and repeat x3
mosey to wall
20 squats OYO
at wall perform wall squat indian run
15 incline Merkins feet on wall
BTW  (Balls to the wall or as close as you are comfortable) indian run back
El Capitan up hill behind wall to sophomore hill
Speed Skaters (10 each Leg) 20
Mosey down
Repeat x 3
Mosey Back to AO

It was too cold to lay on the ground for some Mary!  We took advantage of our time elsewhere today.
13 for boot camp and 6 for Juco Rush
How do you know the will of God?

Ephesians 4:25-32
Paul gives some guidelines on how we should act, ie things we should or should not do.  Scripture defines how we should act so that through prayer we can be more in tune with God.  If we don’t do the simple things listed in scripture., how can we expect big things from God?
2 prayer requests:
Pool Boy is meeting with the Attorney today, it could be to finalize the divorce.
Curve ball has a colonoscopy coming up this week, pray that the prep day is “smooth”, and the the test reveals noting of concern.
Convergence coming up in early December at the Truck Stop.