F3 Knoxville

A JUCO Invasion at The Equalizer


THE SCENE: An unseasonably warm January day with temps in the high 40’s
I failed to announce that I had a cell phone with me in case of emergency.  This is a new precaution that Q’s have been tasked with when leading the group.
-The Motivator from 11
-Tempo Squats
-Cherry Pickers

2 stations, at one station we did upper body work, then ran to the 2nd station to focus on the lower body.  We ran about .2 miles in between the tennis courts and the pavilion at the top of the hill.  We did one exercise, ran to the next station, and alternated until we ran out of time.  At the top we did 4 sets of 20, these were the exercises.  Merkins, Picnic table pull ups, and dips.  On the tennis courts we did 4 sets of 20 squats, calf raises, and then El Capitan’s across the width of the tennis courts.  We had the lights on at the tennis courts, and it made me realize how ugly the men of F3 really are.  No wonder we workout in the Gloom!  That is a joke, we are all amazing looking specimen.

We began with a 10 count of Carolina Dry Docks, then the PAX got mouthy and it was recommended that we also do 4 sets of 20 of that exercise.  After our arms fell off at the shoulders, we did 20 flutter kicks in cadence, and 20 BBS as we ran out of time.
We had a record of 15 in attendance at the Equalizer, the previous record was 13.  We had one FNG, who we named Gotcha. (Josh McMullen?, Age 28)
The Great commission, Matthew 28:16-20  The challenge was to go out and make disciples as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission.
Prayer Requests:
Tank- Praise that his wife has some relief from the kidney stone that has been ailing her.
Wax Job – Pray for discernment about his Mother in Law that is suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Doubtfire on Q Wednesday, and Bartman on Friday.