F3 Knoxville

Church Of The Kraken

THE SCENE: Low to mid 40s and clear


PAX did SSH while each man did a burpee, just 5 this morning so we went around the circle twice. Lined up and did lunges to the next line and then inchworm merkins back to the start.

Mosey to the gravel church parking lot across the street. Kraken set up this morning with 8 stations. Start at any station and do the exercise listed then run a full lap and go past the exercise you did to the next one. All exercises were 20 reps.

  • Burpees
  • WW2 Sit-ups
  • Mountain Climbers (2-ct)
  • Flutter Kicks (4-ct)
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Shoulder Taps (2-ct)
  • Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct)

Overhead Claps IC (4-ct) x25; Leg Raises IC (4-ct) x10; Overhead Claps IC (4-ct) x25; Hello Dolly IC (4-ct) x10; Gas Pumps IC (4-ct) x10; Tempo Merkins IC x10; LBAC for time

Five men came out to worship at the church of the kraken this morning.

Shared part of my personal experience and testimony on waiting for God’s timing. Before I got married 17 years ago my wife and I had talked about how many kids we wanted to have and even had agreed that because she is adopted we would like to adopt some day as well. We were real busy telling God our plans and of course God had other plans in store for us.

After about 8 years of struggling with infertility we made the decision to adopt. We thought this would be a quick process and were so excited to hold our son/daughter. Of course, God had other plans. After about a year of paperwork, home studies, and red tape we were finally approved to adopt a kid. We just had to wait for the call. About six months later our agency called us and said they had a 1 year old girl that was being given up for adoption and would we be interested. Of course we said yes and hurriedly started packing our things to head to Florida the next day. The next day we got the call that the mother had changed her mind and not to come. Although tough, we chalked it up to not being right in God’s timing and just continued to wait.

Another 4 or so months later we get another call that we have been matched with a mother that is pregnant and expecting a baby boy! We of course are excited and say yes and start financially supporting the mother. We pick out the name Sebastian for our son and are over the moon excited to hold him in our arms. Then we get the call that rocked our world. The mother had a falling out with the agency and left them entirely. We would no longer be getting out son. We are now emotionally wrecked over losing a child, financially hit because of the money we would never get back from the birth mom, and struggling with the why. Looking back I know it was still just God asking us to wait and trust Him.

Another several months past and we get another call. We have been matched again. I must say that we said yes again but with much trepidation. We flew to Florida and got to meet the birth mother. The next seven or so months go smoothly and all is on track for us to adopt our baby girl. The birth mother could still back out but we were just relying on and trusting in God that this was His plan. We sat at the hospital for ever waiting on her arrival and on April 3rd, 2014 we held Carrie Isabella in our arms. God had showed us His timing was perfect and that His plan was what was right for our lives.

But you see, God has a sense of humor. Three years later, my wife that can’t get pregnant, got pregnant. So now we have two baby girls that were brought to us in God’s timing and there is no way we could say or believe that to be true any other way. I challenge you, when you are facing a difficult time remember that God is in control and His timing is perfect.



The Perfect Game

THE SCENE: 55 degrees and the ground was wet after some rain last night



Cherry Pickers x5; Little Baby Arm Circles (F&B) x10; Line up on baseline and lunge to next line then inchworm back

PAX grab their CMUs and mosey to the baseball field to find cones set up at all 9 positions and both benches

Explained that a perfect game in baseball is getting all 27 outs without allowing a base runner so we would do 27 reps of each exercise at each location except right field. Only other rule is to keep your CMU with you at all times.

  • Pitcher – CMU Swings
  • Catcher – CMU Thrusters
  • 1st Base – CMU Curls
  • 2nd Base – CMU Overhead Press
  • 3rd Base – Iron Mikes (2-ct)
  • Shortstop – Blockees
  • Left Field – Big Boy Situps
  • Center Field – Hand Release Merkins
  • Right Field – Run Lap Around Field
  • Bench 1 – Step Ups
  • Bench 2 – Dips

PAX did 7s on the hill next to the field after completing the perfect game. Bodybuilders at the bottom of the hill and WW2 Situps at the top.

Mosey back to the Grinder

Rotated between doing Flutter Kicks and Little Baby Ab Crunches until time

12 HIMS and 1 2.0 this morning

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

What are we doing to make sure we win the race? Just like it takes discipline and training to win a race, we need to be disciplined and be training to lead in the race of life. We win that race by being the leaders that God intends us to be. We must first lead our families, then lead in our churches, workplaces, and any where else God places us. We can lead by example even if we don’t have a title that would indicate that we are in charge. We can do everything to the best of our abilities no matter whether someone is watching or not.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

War Against A Bear

THE SCENE: Low to mid 40s, perfect morning



SSH (4-ct) x20; Cherry Pickers (4-ct) x8; Little Baby Arm Circles F/R (4-ct) x10 both directions; Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct) x10

Grab CMU and mosey to the tennis courts

Battle Buddy up to fight the WAR this morning

One man bear crawls two widths of the tennis courts than sprints the other two widths, does 10 Burpees, than Bernie back two widths and crawl bear back two widths.

Other man spells WAR with his exercises. Doing WW2 Situps, American Hammers (holding CMU), and Release Merkins. Rep count starts at 10 per exercise and increases by 5 each time around until reaching 30 than stays there. Battle Buddy picks up where other man left off when he gets back.

Mosey back to the Grinder

PAX Roulette for 10 minutes


“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31

We may be physically weary after a workout but these verses are talking about a weariness of the mind, spirit, and our emotions. There are many things that could have us weary, maybe it is our work, our boss, our children, our spouse, or something else. Waiting on the Lord is the answer to all these things that cause us to be weary. We wait on the Lord by spending time reading His Word, just like we are consistent in working out we should be consistent in reading the Bible every day. We wait on the Lord by spending time in prayer. we should pray about the things that have us weary and for others that need to know God. We wait on the Lord by being in fellowship with other believers. We need to have men around us to encourage us and hold us accountable. We need to be part of a local church.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.