F3 Knoxville

I got your 6

THE SCENE: Warm, sunny, and muggy. Seems like we say that a lot right now.

Jog from end to end of Grindstone, 5 goofballs at far end, run back 5 more goofballs. Bernie end to end, 5 goofballs at each end.

Thang 1

Partner race- ( Q realized if you want pax to actually challenge themselves, racing may not always be best) – we did two rounds of this

  • Race starts at end of Grindstone, near pavilion.
  •  Bearbrawl from start to first cone, switch partners and bearbrawl till second cone.
  • From second to third cone, teams are doing partner plank jump overs. One partner holds a plank the other partner jumps over them and then goes into plank. repeat till you get to the end.
  • each pax then did 10 pullups or 20 body rows and 20 Derkins
  • Once each pax completed exercises, repeat the jump overs and bearbrawls, starting with jump overs.
  • This was intended to be a race, all three groups finished around the same time. Handed out burpees trophies- 5 for 1st, 10 for 2nd and 15 for 3rd

Thang 2

Pax split into two groups.

Group A had Hanging knee raises- 20 and Bulgarian split squats 20 ( 10 each leg)

Group B had Balls to the Wall for 30 seconds and a wall squat till 6 finished in group A.

Pax switched, completed two rounds.

Thang 3- Bucket Barraged- Picked up the biggest CMU at the BS and Indian ran from Grindstone to Mt. Crumpet taking the scenic route up the side of the mountain to the top.

Pax lined up arms distant apart. Q started off , handed CMU to next pax and than ran to end of the line, CMU moved down the Mountain in that fashion, pax handing off and running to end of the line. We completed 4 rounds, 2 down and 2 up rounds.

Pax transported the CMU back to the Grindstone via an Indian Run taking the long way back and going over the troll bridge.

Wall Hold Push ups- Feet on wall 5 derkins, walk up wall two more steps 5 more derkins ( all done IC)

Pax choice on the rest of the Mary- Q apologizes i do not recall the specific exercises we did.

Value the time you have with your kinds now. i look back on my daughters younger years and hate that i put time with friends especially vacations over her. I wish i had those times back, relationships change, kids grow up and you cant get that back.

Inspector Gadget

THE SCENE: Mugy but what else do we expect for July in E.Tenn

Mosey loop around park to softball field
Inspector Gadget- pax starts with three burpees and then works to complete all reps. timer will go off every min, all pax will stop and do 3 burpees then pick up where they left off

  • EMOM- 3 Burpees
  • 50 Hand Release -Release Merkins
  • 100 Leg raises
  • 150- Jungle Boy Squats
  • 200 BBS
  • 250 Lunge Steps Single Count

No time

This world of ours…must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect” Dwight D Eisnehower

I feel like now more than any time in my life people have zero respect for other people and are so willing to be hateful for the smallest thing. I saw something the other day asking how F3 has changed you as a man. Without a doubt F3 has helped to create a deeper level of ownership for my community and wanting to help those around. I shared a story with the pax of an encounter i recently had at a fast food restaurant where a guest was yelling at employees for very minor issues. I took it upon myself once i realized he would not stop to ask the man to leave the restaurant. I could not sit by while others in my community were being treated in that manner.


The inspector gadget was part of the 2020 Iron Pax Challenge. We checked the scores and the top time was 15 min. I see no way this is humanly possible and want to see video evidence of the feat.

Not that song again!

THE SCENE: 87% humidity felt like 71 and clear skies, best and worst of both worlds.

Tabata- 2 min- 4 rounds- 30 Sec on 5 off

change exercise after each round – Squats, Merkins, BBS, Plank hold


Q had set a timer for 12 and 30 min into beatdown, at that time Q stopped the beat down and Chumbburpee was held. The pax anticipated the first time which occurred right at the end of Thing 1 but the second time was a pleasant surprise which happened in the middle of thang 3 .

Thang 1

11’s- Grindstone Sidewalk Hill – Star Jumps and Apollo Ono’s SC

Thang 2-under pavilion

  • Super set- of Lat Step ups with knee drive  on benches 10 on each leg and Dwight Howard for 20
  • After each set pax went to the wall under the pavilion and did ascending testacies, 10 derkins IC, up the wall a few steps 10 more derkins IC, than 20 seconds hold.
  • on round 3 pax did a 30 second hold instead of derkins

Thang 3- 21’s at the hill behind the Grindstone- SL Lunges and American Hammers


Tabata – 4 min- Leg raises and starfish crunches

” Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” Bruce Lee
Please keep walts friends family in mind as the deal with passing of a loved ones. recovery for Walts coworker. Please keep my cousin in your prays as he handles some challenges in life.
Moses house tomorrow at 5. 2.0 work on on the 24th!

Really more SSH???

THE SCENE: Nice fog had set in, the humidity was as thick as pea soup. Q tired to get some music going, but the mumble chatter filed the air!

  • High Knees down and back
  • Side Shuffle up left back right
  • High Skip – down back
  • Heel Kicks- down back

Circle circle Circle-

PAX forms a circle, size of the circle increased with each round. RD 1 arms length, Rd2 3 body distance Rd 3 hells on edge of the court. PAX used cones to mark their spot.

Each pax moves a 50 lbs ruck around the entire circle using the method prescribed by the Q. Once they get back to their start spot they will deliver the ruck to the next pax using the movement prescribed.  Rest of the PAX is doing exercise prescribed till the ruck gets to them.

  • RD1- Ruck is moved by Bernie around the circle; rest of pax is doing squat jumps. Forward lunge to deliver ruck to next pax
  • RD2- Ruck is moved using side shuffle to the right; rest of pax is doing SSH’s. Side Lunge to deliver the ruck to next pax
  • Rd3- Ruck is moved doing side shuffle to the left; rest of pax did plank holds, squat holds, and SSH’s. Reverse lunge to deliver the ruck.


5 Min EMOM- Burpess and suicides.

  • Rd 1 – 2 burpess, three line suicide ( foul line, three point line, half court)
  • Rd 2- 3 Burpee’s , three line suicide ( same as RD1)
  • Rd 3 – 3 Burpees , Three line suicide ( Same as last two)
  • Rd 4- 3 Burpees, 4 lines ( Foul line, three point, half court, opposite three point)
  • Rd 5- 3 Burpees, 4 lines


Leadership starts with asking questions. The best leaders understand that we empower those we lead by asking questions and being though proving leaders not demanding leaders. I shared an exert from an article on Socratic Leadership. The goal is use questions as a powerful leadership tool. ” Questions can also be used to communicate beliefs, set cultural norms, and push the edges of peoples thinking.”
We recently discovered that my 11 yr old step son has been looking at pornography. As parts this is never an easy conversation. I ask that we have the strength to approach this in a manner that encourages our son to come to us to ask questions not to push him to be afraid.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

A humbling experience

  1. THE SCENE: Perfect gloom weather, mid 60’s high humidity. Just enough few on the grass to let the sand stick on the baseball field.

Tabata circle bear crawl 5 rounds 30 seconds on 10 off- 4 min


Thang 1

7 of diamonds-30 min- home, right field corner, middle field, left field corner. Complete exercise at each stop around field. Sprint or mosey between each point. Round 1, 4,5 was done as a pax. Squat hold till 6 arrives at next stop. Round 2,3 was OYO. 

4-7 rounds + 7 reps per round,


Flutter kicks-14

Merkins -21


Carolina dry docks -35

Thang 2

EMOM 1- 10 min

CMU swings x 10

3 line suicide

EMOM 2 – 5 Min

5 bodybuilders


BBS x 10

Leg raises x 10

Alt Superman’s x 10



Be about action not about words. Love what you preach.

I’m thankful for the pax, without them being out there I would be sitting at home divulging into bad habits. They help me stay focused on what’s best when I want to be

CSUP AND Hardship Hill coming up in July and October. Get signed up.