F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Mid 50s and wet

We had one FNG – Postpone


  • 25 Side Straddle Hops
  • 6 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 four count Merkins

Suicide Style workout.

Block and Bear from Baseline to first cone, Bernie back to baseline, Karaoke back to block and block and Bear to next cone, once the block is at the last cone pick it up and carry back to baseline to start next round.


Odd Rounds: Preform exercises at baseline

  1. 20 Incline Merkins
  2. 20 Iron Mikes
  3. 20 Merkins
  4. 20 Jumping Squats


Even Rounds: Preform exercises at Cone with Block

  1. 30 curls
  2. 30 Tricep Extensions
  3. 30 Overhead Presses
  4. 30 Bent Rows


  • 20 Clover and Stems (On your six, extend arms and legs out like a four leaf clover, then   perform a “V Up” to create the Stem)
  • 30 second low plank
  • 15 Clover and Stems
  • 45 second low plank to finish time

With the Covid-19 scare, keep your distance. It is not air born, it is transmitted from person to person. Please only get the supplies you need, leave some for others that really need it. Do not take baby wipes if you do not have a baby. Everyone needs to do their part to help. If later it seems like everyone “Over Reacted”, then it was a success.

Happy New Year

THE SCENE: Low 40s and Dry

  • 15x LBACs Forward
  • 15x LBACs Reverse
  • 8x Cherry Pickers
  • 20x Side-Straddle Hops

Mosie on over to Mt. Krumpet and go through the life of Baby New Year

  • 10x Merkins at bottom
  • Bearcrawl up
  • 20x LBCs at top
  • Run down
  • 30x Merkins at bottom
  • Karaoke up (Switching side ½ way)
  • 40x LBCs at top
  • Run down
  • 50x Merkins at bottom
  • Sprint up
  • 60x LBCs at top
  • Run down
  • 70x Merkins at bottom
  • Bernie up
  • 80x LBCs at top
  • Run down
  • 90x Merkins at bottom
  • Bearcrawl up
  • 100x LBCs at top
  • Run down

If completed, Work your way backwards

Mosie back to the Grinder the long way

Happy New Year Gents. All of our struggles in 2019 are now over and it is a new year and a new decade. Let’s grow and learn from the past year and use that new knowledge to make 2020 a great year.


THE SCENE: Dry and about 37 degrees outside

  • 30x Side-straddle Hops

We attempted a modified version of the Army’s new CFT (Combat Fitness Test). We partnered up and split between the 5 stations. Each station we had 2 minutes to complete as many reps as possible then ~1 minute to reset the station and get to the next station. The Stations are in order below.

  1. Throwing Balls (Throw a 10lb medicine ball backwards over your head as far as you can then sprint to it and throw it back. There were 2 medicine balls, 1 per partner)
  2. Sprint, Drag, and Carry (Sprint 25 yards down and back, then drag 2 CMUs with a ratchet strap backwards 25 yards down and back, then farmer carry 2 CMUs 25 yards down and back)
  3. Leg Tucks (Hang from the pull up bars with an alternate hand grip and tuck your knees to your elbows)
  4. Hand-Release Merkins – Arm Extends (A normal Hand Release Merkin but with a twist. When you release your hands, extend them out sideways without them touching the ground until your elbows lock then bring them back in and complete the Merkin)
  5. Deadlifts ( A normal deadlift with a CMU in each hand)


We then went for a Indian Run for about 1.5ish miles around the park with a small 45 sec pit stop to hold an Al Gore. At the end, we Jailbroke the last hill to the Grinder


We then attempted the PFT (Physical Fitness Test) which was the following

  1. 2 Minutes of Big Boy Sit-ups
  2. 2 Minutes of normal Merkins

We then finished the work out with a 30 count of Tempo Squats


  • 25x Box cutters
  • 25x Fast Tempo Side-Straddle Hops


In the military, they are like brothers. Before I started coming to F3, I was going to try out for the Knoxville Rugby team. I played Rugby in college and was really looking forward to playing again. When I went to the first summer practice several months ago, the guys there were not very welcoming. I was the last one picked for the pickup game and no one even tried to introduce themselves. I knew no one and no one knew me. They all had their own little cliques. By the end of the second practice I was so discouraged because I was not having fun and pretty much just standing by myself.

When I came to F3, I was very skeptical because of my experience with the Rugby team. I was very happily surprised that the F3 Brotherhood was so welcoming. My first day at the Bomb Shelter was amazing! Very Difficult, but amazing. Everyone was so friendly and genuinely wanted to get to know me and any new person than came out. It was like being welcomed into a new family of brothers that always have each other’s back. I am so thankful to have found a brotherhood like this and I hope everyone else can appreciate it as much as I do!


Leg Day

THE SCENE: Cool and dry

Welcome to F3. It stands for Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. You are here on your own volition. I am not a professional. This is a free workout. I do not know your injuries and if you need to modify, please modify.


  • Side-Shuttle Hops incadence x 20
  • Merkins x15
  • Mosey to Church Parking lot while farmer carrying CMUs with 5 calf raises

DORA Style workout.

Round 1 – Bear Crawl up hill and 10 merkins

  • 150x 3sec hold Al Gore’s
  • 200x iron mikes
  • 250x

Round 2 – Bernie up hill with 10 WWII

  • 150x burpees
  • 200x
  • 250x

Mosey back to Grinder while farmer carry CMUs with 5 calf raises

With going along with Leg Day, your legs are your base. In your lives, your family and friends are your base. You can’t always hold yourself up. It is okay to rely on others to be your base. With my grandmother in nursing home and getting worse every day, it has been critical to keep my base close to help hold me up. Keep your base close.



Dirty Dancing

THE SCENE: About 72° and dry, perfect weather for some dancing! 17 PAX total, 1 FNG (Wake Up)


  • Little Baby Arm Circles (10)
  • Reverse LBAC (10)
  • Cherry Pickers (10)
  • Booty Bounce Pops (10)
    • In a squat position, knees go out(1), in(2), out(3) and then lift right leg(1), Knees go out(1), in(2), out(3), then lift left leg(2) etc…

Setup on the Grinder in a Dora Style workout. Stuck with the dirty dancing theme and listened to the soundtrack during the workout. 3 sets of exercises per round with 2 rounds. Ran a small lap between rounds all completed with a partner. Wrote in chalk at the starting line what the exercises were and how many reps per exercise. Partners had to complete the total amount of reps combined before moving to next exercise.

Round 1:

  • 100 Dry Docks – Lunges to the end of the Grinder and run back
  • 150 V Ups – Crab walk to end of the Grinder and run back
  • 200 Jump and Tucks – Dirty Dancing Crawl to the end of the Grinder with CMU and carry back
    • Dirty Dancing Crawl – Push CMU on ground while listening to Dirty Dancing Soundtrack

Run to road and back around

Round 2:

  • 100 Merkins – Farmer Carry 2 CMUs to end of the Grinder and back
  • 150 Rise and Shines – Karaoke to the end of the Grinder and back
    • Rise and Shine – Similar to put it on the shelf. Take a CMU and make it act like a sunrise and sunset.
      • Single count from one side to the other
      • Also acted as if you were lifting your dance partner as they jumped into your arms
  • 200 Big Boys – Sprint to end of the Grinder and run back

Alphabet Mary (A-Z) and Finish on a Superman hold ~45sec
Recently I have been thinking about relationships, both with my wife and with my friends. I once heard some of the best relationship advice I think is out there. “Don’t keep score on favors, just do nice things for each other because you care about them.” My wife is in graduate school currently and she gets tired and exhausted by the end of the day like most of us. Even when we both are sitting on the couch, if she asked if I can get up and get her something, I don’t hesitate. I don’t really know what it is like to be in graduate school but I do know it takes a toll on her. Even tho I am tired too, I care about her enough to jump off the couch and get what she asked. I don’t keep count on how many times this happens because I don’t do it to have her do it for me later. I know she cares about be that when I am having a bad day, she will do the same.

Just do nice things for others because you care about them and because you are a nice person. Don’t do things for others so they will do things for you later. DON’T KEEP SCORE!! IT’S NOT A GAME TO WIN!!
Keep Moses in your prayers on Saturday that him and his soon to be wife have a beautiful, stress-free wedding