F3 Knoxville

Do…don’t offer

THE SCENE: Not raining but soggy like a cheap wet towel on the floor of hotel hot tub area

SSH X15, SSIM x15 (side straddle- Iron Mikes), cherry pickers x5, 10 merkins

11s to warm up- merkins and CMU Curl-press-tris. 25yd run between

8 stations inside the tennis courts

  • CMU American Swings x20
  • Bear crawl to center and back
  • CMU Curls x20
  • CMU overhead presses x20
  • CMU Tippy Toe walks to center & back
  • CMU Curls x20
  • CMU Tricep presses x20

After completing each exercise, run around perimeter of courts then grab CMU and move to next station. Repeat x3

Clean up with some balance planks and one lap with CMU above head, two laps without. As well as CMU LBCs x20, CMU Am Hammers x20, CMU Am Swings x25

High and low flutter kicks x40
9 attending plus 3 Ruckers (Frosty, Moses and Littlefoot) gettin it done in the Park
A lot of times we tell ourselves that we don’t want to do something. Sometimes we just have to do it and not think about it. I did not want to get up this morning and work out, because my legs were so sore from the last few days. I force myself to take the Q so I would get up. I’m much happier because I did.

More importantly than that, there are several times in life when we feel like we should do something but we stop ourselves from doing it. When someone needs help we think to ourselves, I’m not qualified to do that, or I don’t know them that well to help them, that’s not my skill set etc. When people need help they don’t need people saying to them…call me if you need anything, or I’m here if you need me. Step in. Tell them, I’m coming by to help you on Tuesday….is that a good day? Or I’m bringing you a meal, what day is best. Or, let’s go have coffe and talk, how is Mon morning? No one wants to ask for help.

Hard work was achieved by the PAX this morning. Not much chatter but we got it done
Prayers for scooters mother-in-law, Detention’s friend who suffered a stroke and a coworker who passed away. Prayers for those struggling with addiction and for Tweet-E to be a light for them. Praise for Tank’s coworker Trina, seeing some recovery from life threatening illness.


THE SCENE: Warm about 70 degrees. Pollen is everywhere.

SSH X20, 10 odd count merkins, 5 Cherry Pickers

Do 10 of each exercise at each cone along the big loop.

  • Inch worms
  • Smurf jacks
  • One arm up planks
  • diamond mericans
  • 10 sec one legged stands
  • Run to top of hill at restaurant
  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Reg mericans
  • squat jumps
  • wide mericans
  • bobby hurleys
  • iron mikes
  • shoulder tap mericans
  • lunges

Flutter kicks x 30 till 6 joins then Mosey to AO
Ring of fire-leg lifts x3
19 in attendance
Talked about example of doing a mud race with my wife and being too self centered and wanting to run it and do it fast. My wife is not in the shape I’m in and really struggled. I got irritated and she could sense it and along with the fact we got there late and she hates the shape that she is in, ended up having a small panic attack. It litterly took that for my dumb ass to figure out that the day was not about me running a race but about spending time with my wife and the mother of my children.

so…..when you spend time with your family, BE THERE for them mentally as well.
Good chatter this morning and some new guys are adding some good energy to the PAX
Hardship Hill, prayers for Tanks wife


THE SCENE: Beautiful morning. Clear and perfect

SSH X29,

Mosey Around outhouse

Cherry pickers x5
Tha Thang
Partner up, mosey with 1 CMU per duo up towards boats
Stop at 1/2 way at guardrail
100 declines
150 CMU squats
200 presses
While partner runs up to top and back (60+ yards)
Mosey to boat
One partner runs to light pole with CMU
while other does burpees. Partner 1 runs back and tags partner 2 and both run to CMU. Repeat switching partners each time.
 10 burpees OYO
At steps:
Stand beside each other.  15 squats total passing CMU each time. Repeat but switch sides. For total of 30.
Run up to rock at restaurant
Repeat x3
 10 burpees OYO
Return back towards AO stopping at each light pole as before but doing LBCs.
Mosey To guardrail again for mini Dora 100 merkins while partner runs to top again
 20 incline merkins on guardrail
mosey to AO for 35 Flutterkicks
COT 12 Pax
 Story from Rabbi Abraham Twerski

“‘Young man. Why are you eating that fish?’ The young mans says, ‘Because I love fish.’ He says, ‘Oh. You love the fish. That’s why you took it out of the water and killed it and boiled it.’ He says, ‘Don’t tell me you love the fish. You love yourself, and because the fish tastes good to you; therefore, you took it out of the water and killed it and boiled it.’

“So much of what is love is fish love. Young couple falls in love. Young man and young woman fall in love. What does that mean? That means that he saw in this woman someone who he felt could provide him with all of his physical and emotional needs, and she felt in this man somebody she feels that she can write, that was love, but each one is looking out for their own needs. It’s not love for the other. The other person becomes a vehicle for my gratification.

“Too much of what is called love is fish love. An external love is not on what I’m going to get but I’m going to give. We had an ethicist rabbi Dessler, who said, ‘People make a serious mistake in thinking that you give to those whom you love, and the real answer is you love those to whom you give.’

His point is if I give something to you, I’ve invested myself in you. Since self-love is a given, everybody loves themselves, now that part of me has become in you, there’s part of me in you that I love. True love is a love of giving, not a love of receiving.’

Not a lot of chatter this morning, I’m assuming that means it was a good workout?…
Prayers for families struggling, praise for friends marriage issues on right road

This is not the Caribbean Islands

THE SCENE: Clear, a little windy and 36 degrees

SSH X 20, cherry pickers x5, Rockettes x 10, mericans x 10

mosey to the big lot
THA-THANG:   Complete each exercise at parking lot island/cone and run up lot to next island/cone in a zig zag across parking lot.

1) 10 mericans
2) 10 squats
3) 10 diamond mericans
4) 10 Bobby Hurley’s
5) 10 shoulder touch mericans
6) 10 smurf Jacks
7) 10 burpees
8) 10 lunges each leg
9) 10 inch worms
10) 10 iron mikes
11) 10 plank ups each arm
12) 10 sec one leg balance holds each
13) 10 wide mericans
14) 10 squat jumps
Then “collect cones” by running to each cone and add 2 reps per cone picked up.
first 7 is mericans, second 7 is squat jumps…. then some flutter kicks for fun.

More flutter and slutter kicks x30, Superman holds, boat/canoes w/rowing, burpees x6

13 including 1 FNG (Hawkeye)


1) Children living with fathers in the home tend to fare better on cognitive achievement and behavioral outcomes.

2. Adolescents living in intact families tend to report closer relationships with their fathers.

3. Among urban fathers, those who frequently attend religious services tend to be more engaged with their children.

4. Close relationships between adolescents and their fathers are positively associated with adolescents’ psychological well-being.

5. Adolescents with more involved fathers tend to exhibit lower levels of behavioral problems.

6. Adolescents who report having more positive relationships with their fathers are less likely to engage in delinquency.

7. Adolescents who report having more positive relationships with their fathers are less likely to abuse substances.

8. Individuals whose fathers showed more involvement in their lives early on tend to attain higher levels of education.

9. Growing up without a father appears to be associated with greater likelihood of incarceration later in life. 

10. Fathers’ religiosity is linked to higher quality of parent-child relationships.

11. Fathers’ engagement in their children’s activities was linked to higher academic performance.

12. Among adolescent girls, those who have a strong relationship with their fathers are less likely to report experiencing depression.

13. Close father-adolescent bonds protect against the negative influence of peer drug use.

14. Adolescent girls who have a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to delay sexual activity.

15. Adolescent girls whose fathers were present during their childhood are less likely to become pregnant.

16. Adolescent males who report a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to anticipate having a stable marriage in the future.

17. Men who become fathers outside of marriage are more likely to be poor.

18. Fathers of intact families spend, on average, more time with their children. 

19. Children raised in intact families by happily married parents tend to be more religious in adulthood.

20. Children raised in intact families are more likely to have stable and healthy romantic relationships as adults.

21. Intact families are more likely to provide a safe home for children.

22. Adolescent girls who have never lived apart from their parents are less likely to report sexual abuse than those who have.

23. Girls who experienced a parental separation during childhood are more likely to engage in early sexual activity.

24. Among teenage boys, those from intact families with frequent religious attendance average the fewest sexual partners.

25. Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor.

Don’t just be around, be involved!

A bit quiet for mumble chatter most likely due to the cold air and cardio.

Prayers for friend who lost their mother this week, family and relationship issues in the PAX, Hardship Hill success and to be better fathers.
Hardship Hill two JUCO teams 5 & 10 hour choices

Krak a lakin

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.

Big circle of 8 cones about 30yd diameter
2) 30 CMU squats
3) bear crawl to center and back x2
4) get ups with the CMU X5
5) 10 blockies
6) 20 squat high pulls
7) 10 one arm rows each
8) 20 merican R-L swaps
Run a lap around the circle after completing each exercise
(completed two rounds)
run 5 laps around circle

Flutter kicks x30, Superman’s, iron mikes, Tweet-E inspired one armed Spider-Mans


Give your best to God and others. Example of a friend staying at the house and putting them up in a nice bedroom as opposed to the basement floor.

Teeet-E is a beast. One armed everything. Also, word for the wise. If you have a son and he wants to date his daughter. He will meet with him before and explain to him that he knows he as a penis.