F3 Knoxville

Meet Splinter

The Scene: A cool 40 degrees and clear

Warm up:
20 Merkins
20 squats
20 side squats

The Thang:
Off we go with Rucks on brisk walk
Taking along a 6’x 18” waterlogged telephone pole taking turns carrying it with two people (it sucked)

Roughly dropping every 300 yards to do 20 merkins 20 squats and switch carriers. X4

Drop the pole aka “splinter” off on start of second lap. 20 pack presses, 20 upright rows and 20 tricep presses

Mosey, Bernie up the hill, sneaky walk, side sneaky walks. 20 Merkins, 20 squats
Here is where i forgets details but we stayed busy. Stopping every so often we did a few exercises. Including 20 dips, 20 step ups, 20 incline Merkins, 20 Merkins, 20 squats, bear crawls, more sneaky walks
Drop at start. 20 pack presses 20 squats 20 tris.

Mary: 41 flutter kicks, boat canoes and Peter Parkers

I get to take my daughter Molly to school every morning. On Thursday mornings, I have an early 8 o’clock meeting. She is usually up and ready to go, but sometimes she forgets to wake up. Yesterday morning was one of those mornings. When I got home from my workout at 6:25 she was just waking up. I asked her if she was getting ready and she started whining saying she woke up late and she can’t get ready in time. “It’s impossible Dad!” I assured her that she could if she hustled and made it a goal to get ready by 6:55 AM. She whined one more time and said OK. At 6:55 she was already dressed, had made herself some breakfast, had her bag packed and was waiting on me. I thought to myself that often times we talk ourselves out of things when we really just need to put our head down, clinch our teeth and push through. I think Molly learned a good lesson this morning as we talked about it on the way to school and so did I.

F3 Knoxville Inner City kids workout

F3 Knoxville wants to REALLY make a difference in a Knoxville inner city kids life.
On Sunday Dec 3rd from 2pm-3pm, we will be doing a special workout with kids from the Mechanicsville and Broadway areas. All of the kids have no active fathers or positive male role models in their lives.
This is our opportunity to show them what real men are like.
We will have a fun workout, interact with the kids and let them see positive role models in action. There will be a 45 min workout with the kids where we will partner up for team building exercises and have a special BOM at the end. Many of the kids get very little if any gifts during the season, so the PAX will also be bring a small gift to give to their kid partner from the workout.

2nd Anniversary Gathering

Celebrate F3 Knoxville’s 2nd anniversary with a workout in the morning and a fun afternoon of fellowship!

F3 Knoxville launched on a damp Saturday morning on November 7 2015. Over the past two years, literally hundreds of men have come out to the gloom to get better. We have exercised in the heat, the snow and the rain, and watched the sun come up as we grabbed the day by the horns. Men have grown physically and spiritually, and lasting friendships have been made. This PAX has continually inspired the rest of F3 Nation, and is only getting stronger.

On Saturday November 4, we want to celebrate. We will have a convergence workout at the the Asylum that morning, bringing all the PAX together. That afternoon, we will get to fellowship with each other while having a potluck dinner (see instructions below), an “awards” ceremony and a fun game for the wives and kids. The festivities will be from 2:00pm to 6:00pm at McFee park (933 McFee Rd. Knoxville, 37934)

This is going to be a family event so bring the whole crew…girlfriend, wife, kids, friends or someone that you just met today! The F3 “Awards” nomination Google Doc form will be emailed out soon. Please take a minute to fill it out even if you can’t make it to the gathering.

For the Potluck, La-Z-Boy has put together an online sign up sheet. Please click below or cut and paste to sign up to bring something. The link to the sign up is: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d45ada82faafe3-f3potluck

I, Cap’n Crunch, want to personally encourage and exhort you…come out and be a part of what you have built! Even if it has been a while since you’ve seen the gloom, take this weekend as an opportunity to hit the restart button. Looking forward to seeing everyone at McFee Park on the 4th. Reach out to someone you haven’t seen in a while, let them know they are missed and we are holding their spot in the COT. No man left behind, no man left the same!

Y’all must have forgot about CMUs!

THE SCENE: We are too blessed to have weather like this! Perfect!

20 SSHs
20 merkins
10 SSHs
Cherry Pickers x5
Curls, presses, tris x10



Mosey to the “Boat” w/CMU:
CMU curls, presses & merkins x20
Mosey to steps w/CMU pressing x5 at each light pole.
At steps CMU curls, press, merkin X20
Leave CMU and run up steps and path to top, return
(Run it twice if needed to catch 6)
Mosey with CMU to Matterhorn:
CMU curl, press and merkins x20

W/o CMU, Sprint to light pole, 10 merkins, sprint to top of Matterhorn 10 merkins and Wagon Wheel back down to six and back up.

Mosey to Pavalon and partner up
50 reps each
Pull ups and Dips
Partner 1 does AMRAP pull-ups while Partner 2 does AMRAP Dips
Switch when necessary till you reach 50 of each

Sprint to top of Matterhorn 10 merkins and mosey down.
Pick up CMU do presses till 6 catches and then mosey to AO.

Ring of Fire
Flutter kicks, marge simpsons, boat, canoe, etc while someone runs around.

PAX of 20, 2 FNGs (RainFly and Doubledown)
I shared with the PAX a story of an elderly woman that I met at the hospital who was looking for her car. As I was showing her where to go find it, we started talking and she shared with me that her husband was just recently put on hospice care. I asked her more about her family and she said she had none.  she had no kids and they had just moved to the area from Florida expecting to retire here. They do not have any friends in the area and she will be alone. I walked with her for a considerable amount of time to her car.  She asked if I was married and with my answer she said make sure I hug my wife when I get home. She asked for a hug when we got to her car and I obliged her as well as asking her name so I may pray for her. I told the story not to say that I’m special For doing this, as I was just showing her where her car was, but to point out there are lots of people going through things that are difficult and we should keep an eye out for those folks. Get to know people better, reach out to people  we know but not well, and reach out to complete strangers even. Ask if you can pray for people when they share with you. Be open with your faith. The last thing she said to me when she was at her car  was, I think God put you in my path today, thank you.
We had to hard-working FNG’s today, the whole PAX worked hard and got the job done together. It was good to see everyone doing the wagon wheel for the six. No one complained  about the extra running with a CMU to bring up or brothers.
Mayberry reminded everyone of the trucking to the pound event and Toto mentioned to anyone that hasn’t Qed can reach out to another PAX member to help with a Co-Q.

Bash Bros take home championship

There was lots of good food and fellowship at the 2nd F Cornhole Tourney last night.  The weather was perfect for a clear cut victory by team Bash Bros. There will have to be another tourney as the Red Sea team had an off night and will come back!  The wife clearly likes to entertain and made enough food to feed an army. Thanks to Holly for feeding us! She was also happy to meet the wives that came and get to share stories of their husbands soreness. For the HIM that needs to get their wife a gift: here is the link to Holly’s jewelry show that benefits the Samaritan’s Purse for hurricane relief. http://bit.ly/2h0auSi    It’s a great cause that will help a lot of people)

If you have an idea for a 2nd F fellowship event or would like to host, shoot me a text at (865) 368-0411. Coming soon….camping, paintball, haunted maze ????