F3 Knoxville

Manjaro Deathmarch

THE SCENE: a perfect 55 and clear.

25 SSH, 20 Windmills, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Cherry Pickers,

Manjaro Deathmarch

At the base of JUCO Manjaro start this sequence of exercises.  AFTER the EVEN exercises, start back at number #1 and sequentially work back up to where you were.  For example, after 10 Frogs, start back at 1 burpeee, then 2 lunges, and continue on to 12 Parker crawls, then back to #1 Burpee.  Each time you progress through the sequence add onto what you’ve done by 2 exercises.  The ODD exercises are stationary, while the EVEN exercises are traveling exercises.

  1. Burpee
  2. Lunges
  3. Merkins (4ct)
  4. Lunges
  5. SSH
  6. Inchworms
  7. American Hammers
  8. Broad Jumps
  9. LBC’s
  10. Frogs
  11. Freddy Mercury’s
  12. Parker Crawls
  13. Mountain Parkers
  14. Lunges
  15. Peter Parkers
  16. Inchworms
  17. Leg Lifts
  18. Broad Jumps
  19. Imperial Walkers
  20. Frogs
  21. Plank Destroyers

We made it to 16 inchworms before time to sprint to the top of JUCOManjaro.  Then mosey back, with chereokee, bernie, alternates.

A nice long Jailbreak

Let your yes be yes and your no be no.  37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A37&version=NIV

1 Samuel 20 14 But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live, so that I may not be killed, 15 and do not ever cut off your kindness from my family—not even when the Lord has cut off every one of David’s enemies from the face of the earth.”


 “Don’t be afraid,” David said to him, “for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always eat at my table.”


Hardship Hill right around the corner.


THE SCENE: 60 with Misty Mountains
Apologies for the mislabels, and mis-anything.

A few of these, a few of those.  Pre-cursers of criss crossy things to come.


At base of JUCOManjaro.  Each HIM within a team of 4 takes turns carrying a CMU to the top of JUCOManjaro.  As they carry the CMU to the top they cross over to the other side of the road where they will find a orange cone with a exercise on it which they will do.    There were 9 stations to get to the top which were labeled:

  • 50 Imperial Walkers
  • 25 Cross Toe Touches
  • 50 Freddy Mercuries
  • 25 Mountain Parkers
  • 50 Scissor Kicks
  • 25 Plank Destroyers
  • 50 Travoltas
  • 50 Windmills
  • 50 American Hammers

As the group finishes, do American Hammers with the CMU’s being passed from HIM to him in a back facing circle of HIM’s on their six.  Keep doing CMU American Hammers until the whole group is in the circle.  Switch directions a couple times.

Take CMU’s back down to the A.O.


Had a fun time naming our FNG who is now Blackbox.



Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Fellowship reference: https://fellowshipknox.org/wl?c=1 (5/5/2019)

Hardship Hill coming as well as Bridge.

Sideways – Good Friday

THE SCENE: Wet and rainy 60 degrees.

Well, our Burpee Baseball got rained out. We really want to save it so we can do it at the Baseball diamond..  So things went Sideways from there and never let up..


  • 50 SSH with intermittent burpees and double time SSH.
  • Lunges
  • Tempo Squats
  • Travel to workout location: Mosey, Kereokee, Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Guerilla Strut, Crab walk, Sideways Crab Walk, Backwards crab walk, Bear crawl, Bernie to Overhang


First Set of Elevens:
Side Crunches (Side Hope and Side Lunges to next station – face one direction)
Side Lifts (Side Lunges and Side Hope to previous station – face same direction)

Second Set of Elevens:
Four Count Travolta (Run between stations)
Mountain Parkers (Run between Stations)

Third Set of Elevens:
Imperial Walkers (Guerilla strut + Kereokee to other station)
Freddy Mercuries (Guerilla strut + Kereokee to other station)

However we only got to mid way on the Second Set before time ended.

All time used during workout

Good Friday gents. Apologies, I wanted to have a chalice to take communion from but it was more than I could do. Praise the Lord we live off of forgiveness. Remember what He did for us!

Hardship Hill coming.

College Graduation – Saved by Grace

THE SCENE: 61 and clear…  Here comes summer

This is the best job every, since I’m neither a professional or paid, yall can’t fire me. As much as you might want to after you do this workout.  In celebration of my VQ 1 year anniversary, we’re enrolling in college again, so we can progress through the years and Graduate!  A year of F3 has had me feeling like I’ve graduated .. in a sense..

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Empiracle Walkers. While moseying  to the “Freshman Wall”, do alternations of forwards and back crab walks, bear crawls and Gorilla shuffles (and a bernie or two).

THA-THANG: College

  • 25 Merkins + Freshman HILL
  • 50 Squats + Sophomore Hill
  • 75 Freddy Mercuries + Junior Stairs
  • 100 Burpees + Senior Stadium


At the CMU (aka Freshman) wall,  harken back to when you were a freshman.  Just doing a pushup or finding a class was a challenge.  So for freshman we keep it simple.

25 Merkins and run around wall.

Recollect that when certain people would for the first time, spend a full year at the dorms, eating potatoes and carbs for three meals a day, their thighs ended up being a bit large..  So we did a larger (from bottom to top) hill and

50 Squats + Sophmore Hill

Then, as a junior you were more refined, you were getting the hang of classes, and getting through the “CORE” classes as well as some of your major classes.. so:

Run the Junior Hill Stairs and do 75 (four count) Freddy Mercuries

Then, in preparation for the real world your major courses were kicking your tail, it was and is a long grind, you did what you had to, to reach the graduation finish line.. so

Run the Senior Stadium hill and follow it up with 100 Burpees.   Break-em up into sets of 15, then 10, and find a battle buddy to do whatever you can to graduate.


In the spirit a of leave no man behind, we helped two HIM’s push through the last 20~30 burpess and made sure that everyone graduated.


As you drop balls today whilst you try to do everything that is on your plate, think about how it’s ok.  Lay that todo list at the feet of Jesus and plead that he helps you prioritize them. You can not do everything, and it’s ok.  There are not enough hours in the day and it’s impossible to please everyone.  Step by step is how you do it.  No matter if it’s a 100 burpees, progressing through the tough college years, or a mount Everest of todo items.

Congratulations to all HIMS who graduated today!

Ouch, I can’t move my arms.

The Crabby Bear Gut v2 (Strength in Weakness)

THE SCENE: Clear, cool, crisp.
I am not a professional and any likeness or similarities to a professional are purely coincidental and do not necessarily reflect the views of sane people.

  • High Knees + Merkins  (Herkins)
  • 5 Merkins + High Squat Jump (Berkins – or Merkin Burps)
  • Windmills
  • One speed round of the exercises (with demos and no bear crawls or crab walks) that are at each station of the main workout.

THA-THANG: The Crabby Bear Gut v2

35 Min A.m.r.a.p.  (5:40-6:15) of Light Pole Loop around parking lot.  Seven Light pole stations each with two exercises.  Do 50 reps of the exercise at each station.(single counts).  The first time around the loop you do exercise A and the second time around you do exercise B.

To get to each light pole alternate between bear crawling and crab walking.

Light Pole Station Exercises:

  • a. Crunches , b. Imperial Walkers
  • a. V-Ups  b. Flutter kicks
  • a. Cross Toe Touches  b. W’s (raised extended crunches)
  • a. American Hammers b. Peter Parkers
  • a. Supermans b. Scissor Kicks
  • a. Freddy Mercurys b.  Elbow Plank side raises.
  • a. Hello Dolly’s  b.

After seven light poles have been reached, climb the hill to the guard rail and do 5 reverse incline push ups and 5 incline push-ups.

No time for Mary. We all just finished one round (all the exercises = 2 loops = 14 exercises)


This weeks sermon at Fellowship Knoxville blew me away. The Gracious Gift of Affliction and Weakness Had to try and share some of the ideas of “power in weakness”.  It’s such a tough topic and hard to describe, akin to hitting a bullseye from 500 yards away, when the bullseye is a needle in a haystack.  In summary, do not shy away from your weaknesses, God will meet you in your attempts to address them. He will light the way and support you because He is awesome and because he is deeply invested in you and getting you through the tough valleys of humiliation and NOT AROUND THEM.   It worked also kind of like a good analogy for todays workout because we spent most of it on our hands and knees begging for mercy and strength as we crab walked and bear crawled for what seemed like miles.  But praise be to God, he met us, and we finished !! We could barely speak and were dizzy, but we all finished.

Boast in weakness

Search me and know me God, help me to work out any hurtful ways in me.

Almost my 1 year anniversary of my VQ