F3 Knoxville

The “Ultimate” Beatdown

THE SCENE: Cool and calm

Mosey to oval office (track) with some leg stretches along the way.

Since this was acting as my birthday queue, we did one of my favorite things….played ultimate frisbee!  It was dark of course so we played on the Middle School football field where the most lights are.  It worked but was a challenge to catch dew (see what I did there?) to the wet grass and when the disc was coming from the direction of the lights (since they are only really on one side of the field).

When the disc was dropped we did merkins for awhile but ended up modifying to keep game play moving.  The team that was scored on had to do 10 burpees.

cherry pickers, overhead claps, little baby crunches
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The day before I lost my patience and control when it was time for the boys to get in the car for school.  It ultimately ended up well as I was able to model apologizing and talked with my son about how I could have handled the situation better.  I have continued to reflect on the situation and come to realize that I lost control of myself because I felt like I lost control of the situation.  My main takeaways from the experience were:

  1. It’s okay to not be in control of a situation but it’s not okay to not be in control of yourself
  2. In order to be able to respond in a better way, I need to work on myself outside of those moments.  It’s much like sports, you get better outside of games.  That’s what practice is for.

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Never Miss Twice

THE SCENE: Cold enough to complain but not cold enough to keep us away.

Side straddle hops, little baby arm circles, tempo squats.

Kept it simple and just went for a jog in the neighborhood.  Periodically stopped for some exercises (below):

  • Burpees
  • hand release merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • V-ups
  • Bobby Hurley

Cherry pickers, big boy sit ups, protractor.
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Recently listened to “Atomic Habits” audio book and am working on implementing some of his techniques into my life.  The book is set up to act as a manual and less of a motivational/inspirational book, which I found very practical and probably more helpful that a book just trying to inspire me to make changes.  I encourage you to read/listen!  Here are a few quotes:

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

“never miss twice. If I miss one day, I try to get back into it as quickly as possible.”

“If successful and unsuccessful people share the same goals, then the goal cannot be what differentiates the winners from the losers.”

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”

“If you show up at the gym five days in a row—even if it’s just for two minutes—you are casting votes for your new identity. You’re not worried about getting in shape. You’re focused on becoming the type of person who doesn’t miss workouts. You’re taking the smallest action that confirms the type of person you want to be.”

~ James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits)

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

  • Miles for Maryville Sat morning.
  • Movie night at Walts on Sat night.
  • FiA 2.0 Halloween Party and workout at Bomb Shelter 10AM-12PM on 10/29

Don’t just do something. Sit there!

THE SCENE: Cloudy and cool with a few sprinkles here and there

SSH, tempo squats, lunges, mosey to green belt just below tennis courts
CMU workout at each light pole.  After 20 reps at each pole overhead carry CMU to the next pole.  Set CMU down and run to the last cone and back to CMU to continue workout.  The workouts were as follows.  Completed each workout down and back.

  • CMU Press
  • Curls
  • Goblet Squat
  • Grave Diggers
  • Wings
  • Big Boys

Mosey back to oval office.  Over head claps, cherry pickers, windmills, hello dollys, flutter kicks, little baby crunches.
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At church this Sunday our pastor stated that we often hear the phrase, “Don’t just sit there.  Do something.” but what we really could use to hear is, “Don’t just do something.  Sit there.”  We did something difficult and awkward (which we should be used in F3), we sat in silence for about a minute.  Everyone was encourage to reflect, pray, or just work on clearing their mind and taking a brief moment to think about nothing.  I challenge everyone to take some time this week to be still, reflect, and/or give your mind a break.  Don’t just do something!  Sit there!
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Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Poker in the Park

THE SCENE: Calm as a card shark.  Hot as the black jack table you’re not sitting at.

Side straddle hops, little baby arm circles, jog to other end of bb courts and back.  Butt kicks to end of one court.  High knees back.  Karaoke down and back.

Divide up into 2 teams for some poker in the park.

5 Card Draw: each team does step ups on picnic tables while one HIM for the team runs up blind man’s hill to draw a card from the deck.  Do the corresponding exercise that matches the suit (merkins, plank jacks, big boys, Bobby Hurley) and the number on the card (keep counting up for face card, i.e. J = 11, Q = 12, etc).  Best 5 card hand wins.  Teams can keep drawing cards to make best hand.  Must discard before running for another card.  Once a team feels they have the best hand, they place their hand on the other team’s table.  Losing team does 10 burpees.

Drag the pot: each team must crawl from one sideline of the tennis court to the opposite side of the opposite court to retrieve one chip to return (via bear crawl) back to their side of the chip case.  Ended up modifying to allow teams to run the chip back and modified again to only crawl the width of one court for time sake.  No losers this game because everyone collected more chips than they lost, which is rare when gambling…

cherry pickers, flutter kicks, big boys, more flutter kicks, cash out with LBCs
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My wife and I often feel stretched due to both of us having full time jobs, side hustle travel business, and 2 kids.  Sometimes the stress builds to where we are no longer enjoying the beautiful things of life.  My wife shared with me that the other night she was starting to lose her cool because it was late, the boys needed to be getting ready for bed, but instead, they were playing and laughing together.  She looked at me with a defeated look and said, “I was mad because our boys were having fun together.”  She realized that her expectations had taken over to where she could not enjoy the moment of joy our boys were having with each other.  This was a great reminder to me that sometimes we need to reevaluate what is truly important in the moment.  Life without moments of joy is not life.  It’s just surviving.  We were made to do more than just survive.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

  • Shirt orders due by 8/27
  • Beer mile 9/10: sign up using google sheet in Slack
  • Ironpax starts next week: there’s a form to fill out to participate and a separate channel to plan out meet ups
  • Miles for Maryville 5k/10k on 10/2: there’s an F3 team

I told them we’re doing burpees and people showed up

THE SCENE: Beautifully muggy morning.

SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles, Tempo Squat, Tempo Merkin, Mosey to back part of track.
The dissected burpee: Each round you do 20 reps of one part of a burpee followed by a run around the track.  Bernie on the back straight stretch of the track.  The rounds go as follows

  • In and outs: squat down with hands on ground and kick legs out into plank position then back in.
  • 1 lap around track
  • Merkins
  • 1 lap around track
  • Jumps or Bobby Hurley
  • 1 lap around track
  • Burpees
  • 1 lap around track
  • Rinse and repeat

cherry pickers, wind mills, little baby crunches until time.
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I finished listening to “The Four Hour Workweek” a couple of weeks ago and I remembered I had saved a couple of quotes from the book for a Q.  Fast forward to the night before the beatdown, when I had just found out a vacation I thought I had booked for someone (I’m a travel planner) had actually been canceled due to an error on my part and they are traveling in a little over a month. Well the hotel they had is no longer available.  I felt sick and lost sleep over this.  I finally decided there was nothing else I could do that night so I had to prepare for my Q.  I looked up the quotes I saved and of course they both were about making mistakes.

“There are 2 types of mistakes.  Mistakes of ambition and mistakes of sloth.  The first is the result of a decision to act, to do something….  The second is the result of a decision of sloth.  To not do something.  Where we refuse to do something out of fear.”

“Only those who are asleep make no mistakes”

Ingvar Kamprad ~ founder of Ikea

Don’t fear making mistakes.  Own them.  Learn from them.  Give yourself grace.

And in case you were wondering: Fortunately the family was very kind and gracious toward me.  They found another option and I tried to make up for it by throwing in a VIP experience on me.  Things probably would have been fine without adding on the VIP experience but I felt it was the right thing to do

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Men’s Meating 8/20, Run with Hope 8/20, Beer Mile 9/10