F3 Knoxville

Self propelled pavement dryers

THE SCENE:  32  winter mix, but cleared off

Little streching, this and that

legs stretching this and that


tennessee rocking chair

baby arm circles

8count body builders



mosey to parking lot 1

sprints from light to light repeat

lunge / bear crawl mix from light to light


to the Sophomore

10 overhead claps Bernie the hill

20 BBS lunge the gap

30 Mtn Climbers Bernie down the hill

40 calf raises sprint to start


to the CMU pile


curls, tri’s, rows, press   Sprint to the cans and repeat


to the raised wall,

10/1 derkins to dips

mosey to the F3 parking lot

lunge / burpee 4/1 wash rinse repeat


back to the AO

Flutter kicks led by Erector

”Bring Sally Up” challenge
12 HIM’s in motion
God said no.

And God Said No’ (poem)

Here’s a poem, “And God Said No,” written in 1980 by a woman raised in an alcoholic home, whose sister was murdered and middle daughter diagnosed with a severe disorder requiring 24-hour care, … and the list of suffering and trauma could go on.

I asked God to take away my pride, and God said "NO". 
He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.

I asked God to make my 
handicapped child whole, 
and God said "NO".
He said her spirit is whole, her body is only 

I asked God to grant me 
patience, and God said "NO".
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation, 
it isn't granted, it's 

I asked God to give me 
happiness, and God said 
He said He gives blessings, happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me 
pain, and God said "NO".
He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings yo closer to me.

I asked God to make my 
spirit grow, and He said 
He said I must grow on my 
own, but He will prune me 
to make me fruitful.

I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me,
And God said "Ah, finally 
you have the idea"!

© 1980, Claudia Minden Weisz. Used by permission of the author.  http://www.andgodsaidno.com

3 Pax with prayer requests we lift up
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

3 C’s

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s, cloudy, just a little precipitation at the end


Some SSH’s, Cherry Pickers, Baby Arm Circles, Merkins, and Tempo Squats mixed in with some mosey over to the rock pile.

Moseyed to the rock pile for 3 sets of the following exercises (with rock):

  • Bicep curls
  • Overhead shoulder press
  • Squats

20 reps of each exercise, run and touch the bottom of the stairs in between each set. After 3rd set, we did 20 reps of 4 ct. flutter kicks with rock overhead.

Mosey to the dead end just below the Asylum for some 7’s. Exercise at the bottom = Jump Squats and exercise at the stop sign = Burpees.

Mosey back to the rock pile for round 2 (same exercises but only 2 sets this time). Finished with the flutter kicks.

Mosey back down to the dead end for another round of 7’s. Exercises = American Hammers (4 ct) and Merkins.

Mosey back to the rock pile for the last round (just 1 set this time). Finished with flutter kicks again.

Mosey to the bottom of Little Baby Hill. Run 3 times up with 1 burpee at the top each time.


Just enough time for some Hello Dollies and some Sweat Angels

11 HIM’s – no FNG’s


3 C’s that are in direct opposition to being the men we are called to be: Comfortability, Convenience, Complacency

I’ve found myself falling into the trap of the 3 C’s lately in terms of leading my family spiritually. Insert any excuse you want…..tired at the end of the day, in a busy season of life, work stress, etc., etc., etc. But those excuses are all just temporary circumstances, and God doesn’t call us to be governed by our circumstances. We are called to lead our families – not just when it’s comfortable or convenient. Being a HIM is about being the man that God calls us to be, regardless of our present circumstances. 

3rd F Prep Work

THE SCENE: Brisk morning, temp in the 30’s

SSH, A little of this and a little of that, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins

Mosey to Sunsphere to tackle the stairs.

  • Bear crawl up stairs with 5 Merkins at the middle and top
  • Lunge up stairs with 5 squats at the middle and top
  • Repeat

Mosey to parking lot S7.  Divide up into 4 teams for a relay.  One man runs the length of lot while others do flutter kicks.  Each man takes a turn running.  Recover.  Same thing with plank/Merkins.

Mosey to parking lot C15.  Everyone grabbed a coupon for the following:

  • Curls x 10 – run up stairs and back
  • Presses x 10 – run up stairs and back
  • Flutter kicks with coupon over head x 10 – run up stairs and back
  • Squats x 10 – run up stairs and back

Recover then everyone does American Hammer with coupon x 10 IC.  Also a round of circle burps without coupons.

Mosey to amplitheater for some SSH IC.  Mosey back to AO while Steam lead F3 cadence. Wrap up with a round of “leg pushes” (not sure if it has a name, everyone on their backs, legs up pointing outside circle. Each man runs around pushing everyone’s legs down.)  Over head claps x 25

22 HIM’s total with 3 FNG’s
Philippians 2:3-4  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

We can all be selfish with our time and resources.  Let’s humble ourselves and seek to serve others in a way that glorifies God.  Put others first and seek to do what we can to meet their needs and not just our own.
Everyone keep in mind the Fountain City AO that they are trying to get started.  If anyone can attend some of those workouts it would be greatly appreciated especially to the Mend House guys who have been coming out.

3rd F event immediately followed.  Great job to the guys who spoke!!  Very encouraging and insightful.

Mosey to the Kraken

THE SCENE: upper 30s and supposed to be raining or snowing, but neither

SSH IC x10

Merkins x 5 IC (4 ct)

10 burpees OYO

  • Mosey to Mr. Rogers Street for the Kraken.
  • On the way there stops along the way for escalator. 10 burps, 20 dry docks, 30 LBC, 40 squats
  • Once we reached the Kraken circle, perform reps at each cone, once complete, run down to the stop sign and back. Ran to the stop sign one  and due to time, we ran around the Kraken. Exercises were;
  • 20 star jacks, Power T flutters, Burpees, Monkey humpers, merkins, WWI sit ups, Froggie squats, DRY DERKINS.
  • ALL were done with 20 reps single count except for flutters and monkey humpers
  • Mosey back to the AO with de- escalate on the way back. We finished the escalator at the AO

LBC x20 ic, Side tri rises x10 each side IC, FLutters IC, Lazy boys the last minute
11 pax including 1 FNG Nathan aka Lay up

Mark Linton wrote: A real man is the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says Oh Crap, he’s up! Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat u right. Forgive the ones who don’t just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before u act when you’re mad . Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy . He just promised it would be worth it. 

A real Brother walks with u when the rest of the world walks on you. Send to all ur Brothers. For you Big Bro.Salute!!!😎

I wanted to expand on the BOM but completely forgot where I was going with it. But in short, I wanted to let the pax know, the older we get the easier it is to isolate ourselves as men. With that said, my dad has a lot of friends that stay in contact with him and its a great reminder for us to NOT isolate ourselves and stay in contact with our friends, old and new as we grow older. So lets not only get better together but let the friendships grow over the years.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

CMU Squared


The goal was to have a elevated sustained heart rate, which we achieved by almost zero transition time..  Gotta keep moving cause it be cooooooolllllldddd!!!!!


5 rounds of 10 SSH + 1 Burpee
25 High Knees
25 Side Lunges
15 Travoltas
20 Rainbow drops


14 seconds to get two hand size rocks.   This next set is the basis of the CMU² workout but when we get to it we’ll add distance, reps and more weight.

  1. Burpee
  2. American Hammers
  3. Big Boys
  4. Merkins
  5. Curls
  6. Push Press
  7. Squats
  8. Flutter Kicks
  9. Bicycles
  10. Mountain Climbers


Indian run with (zombie run, baby arm circles, crab walk, bear crawl, and single burpees).  Indian run to the Mulch piles.


3 Sprints over mulch piles

3 Sprints across sand volley ball court

4 Bleacher rounds with alternating high knee and lunging.

ok, we warm yet?


Each him grab a CMU and run it around the cement hill and put the CMU down in what will be his stack of ten CMUs (in the end).  As they stack the CMU do the exercise of the round that you are on with the following rep count.

2 Burpees

American Hammers

Big Boys

16 Merkins

25 Curls

36 Push Press

49 Squats

64 Flutter Kicks (single count)

81 Bicycles (single count)

100 Mountain Climbers (single count)

All exercises were to be completed with a CMU in hands

Do two rounds of the burpee machine ( https://f3knoxville.com/the-burpee-machine/ )

The challenge to Love your enemies is extreme and impossible in our own strength — Ask for strength from the Lord and he will give it!

I apologize for going long and not being able to form sentences – Had TOTAL workout brain and was babbling along like a crazy person.