F3 Knoxville

Body builders anyone ?

THE SCENE: Drizzle my nizzle and 42


BURPS BETWEEN EACH EXERCISE , starting w one burp then 2 up to 5 then back down


squats x20

imperial walkers x20

imperial squat walkers x 20

Dry docks

mtn climbers

cmu triceps

cmu curls



Deck of cards

  • Hearts =bodybuilders
  • Diamond =flutters
  • Spades = cmu overhead squats
  • Clubs = cmu swings
  • Face cards 10 reps ic
  • lower cards do the number given
  • jokers, run a lap for each one

6 hims
Go to your dark place and see how you react or better yet reflect. Find an event that pushes you to those places. It’s therapudic to say the least .  Not saying to go to your dark place or isolate your self all the time but going to dark place can have a positive outcome. Spending brief moments alone in peace and quite can do wonders as well….go camping by yourself and reflect !
Something about doing physical events that seem extreme to me is scary. I love diving into those black holes and seeing where it leads me. Doing the Heavy over a month ago, I went to my dark place several times but found ways to push through and be positive. The 5o mile Star course I did this last weekend, not so much any dark moments but it did push me more than I thought it would and enjoyed the suffering , if that makes sense !

Go find another event that sounds on the verge of impossible and make it possible

Looking forward to the next black hole!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Soggy Cards

THE SCENE: Cold steady rain, around 40 degrees

Warm up in the dry of the pavilion

20 SSH on the 4ct, 10 Windmills on 4ct, 10 cherry picker, 10 Freddy Mercury, 10 tempo merkins, and 10 tempo squats
14 rep cards various rep numbers and 14 exercise cards with 14 exercises. Flip for rep and exercise.

Exercise cards as follows

  • man makers
  • burpees
  • Big boys
  • Run up baby hill and back x3 cards
  • Hand release merkin
  • dips
  • table rows
  • 1 min wall sit
  • 4ct squat
  • pull ups
  • smurf jacks
  • freddy mercury


3 HIM’s made it out on a nasty cold rainy tuesday.
Talked about how Christ surrounded himself with brothers during his ministry.  Talked about how important accountability and fellowship is to us as men.  Challenge to pray for each other and reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while to be an encouragement to them.


Don’t skip hill day!

THE SCENE: Rain 40 degrees. Everyone was happy to be there

Tempo Squat x 12 IC

SSH x 30 IC
Mosey to hill on Commerce Road

Hill Pyramid: Reps = 5-10-15-20-20-15-10-5

  • Top of hill = merkin
  • Bottom of hill = Jump lunge (each leg)

Burp Back Mountain: Partner Up

  • P1 Nur up hill and run back down
  • P2 does burpees until partner returns then flapjack.
  • Run hill twice

Brickeverest: Lunge one step then squat. Alternating legs until stop point halfway up hill.

Mosey back to AO

8 Count Body Builders (man makers for Belding) x 10 IC. Two rounds.

From John 6:22-59 Don’t just seek Jesus when you are needing something. He provides us more than just “bread”. He desires a relationship with you. Don’t come running to him for the candy and cookies and wander off. Have a relationship with him so that when challenges come into life you already know where to turn.



A neat workout at Asylum

THE SCENE: Low 40’s at the Asylum and no rain!

15 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 10 windmill
Mosey to the parking lots south of the where the shovel flag is supposed to be and gather in the southeast corner.  Start with 20 merkins, run to the next corner, 10 burpees, run to the next corner, 20 diamond merkins, run to the next corner, and 10 burpees.  Repeat once.

Mosey on the greenway toward Cardiac hill.  Stop about 5 lights shy of the intersection.  Bear crawl between each light and do 10 leg lifts at each light.  Continue mosey to Cardiac hill.  Run up the hill stopping at the corners for 20 squats and then 20 lunges.  Run to the top and do 20 flutter kicks on a four count.  Repeat once.

Mosey to the playground.  Do 3 rounds of 15 box jumps at the playground and 15 supine pull-ups on the park benches under the pavilion.

Apollo Creed style one arm push-ups in a circle.  One arm on your brother’s shoulder and one on the ground.  5 each arm.  After completion, YHC said “that was neat”.  Not sure where that came from, but a good finish to the workout none the less.
18 PAX today
Ephesians 6:1. “Children, obey your parents…”.  That one is easy for the parents, but here is the tough one.  Verse 4 “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”  YHC constantly struggles with this one.  Sometimes the kiddos don’t think I love them when I discipline them.  Make sure you are not disciplining your children when angry. Cool off for a minute first.
Cleveland launch Saturday. Upcoming canned food drive for Second Harvest with FIA.

Being a Light in a World of Darkness

THE SCENE: 30’s, Hard to Breathe, Great day for F3.


SSHs, Cherry Pickers, Moving Warm-o-Rama: SS, Mosey, Bear Crawl, Mosey, Inch-Worm, Mosey, Bernie, Mosey to NE side of JUCO
#1 – Route 66 style grinder: 10 lightpoles along road, stopping at each one for “snacks” – 5 Wide Merkins, 5 Diamond Merkins, 10 plank Jack’s, 10 Bobby Hurley’s. (It got really quiet at about pole 6.) Mission Complete – Mosey to large lightpole in middle of NE parking lot…

#2 – “Wheel of Fortune” to boost morale: PAX form circle around pole, each approx 10 yards from pole. One by one each PAX calls out an exercise, circle completes 20 reps of said exercise before bear crawling to pole and crawl bearing back.  Rinse and repeat. (Picks: 4ct Flutter Kicks, 4ct Russian Twists, Merkins, Squats, Hello Dollies, Crabettes, Burpees (UGH), Carolina Drydocks). Mission Complete – long Mosey to creepy loading dock area.

#3 – Grab a CMU, complete 30 Woodchoppers w/CMU, 20 Squats w/CMU….Mission Complete – Mosey back to AO.

No Time.
Bagger, Booster, Chaco (respect), Spotter, Snaggletooth, Trolley, Crotch Rocket, and Judge Judy
QIC shared a story of a friend “Rick” who lost his young child in a swimming pool drowning accident. At the hospital, while his child was taking his last breaths, the wife was bedside and uncontrollably grieved. When the husband arrived and came into the room, the wife’s testimony was that upon seeing her husband – who was extremely calm – she immediately felt his presence, warmth, and calmness and stated she literally changed in an instant and just knew everything would be okay.  We all know people that have that presence. They are the people you call to get Godly counsel in the midst of tragedy, the person you seek out when trouble comes. Are you that for your wife, children, friends, co-workers? I’m convinced, the only way to have that warm, inviting, calm presence (which we and others all need) in hard times is to have a deep, personal relationship with the one who will make all things right one day, Jesus.  If you have that, you can’t help but see tragedy as God does – temporary. BE that person and you will be a blessing to others and leave behind a legacy that points to Christ.
Trolley arrived on two wheels with his gas foot thru the radiator and hair blown back but he made it.
Praise for Booster’s dad’s successful surgery. Prayers for all traveling in the coming days.