F3 Knoxville

Peaks and Valleys

THE SCENE:  Low 60s and clear.  i.e. perfect.

SSH x25, Imperial Squat Walkers x 20, Line up on baseline, high skip across parking lot, 50% run back, karaoke across and back, butt kickers across, 75% run back.

Mosey to playground and grab some bench.  Proceed to 25s – start with 20 box jumps, then 5 Hello Dollies, 15 box jumps, 10 Hello Dollies, etc.

Mosey to pavalon.  25s:  Table rows and calf raises on the steps

Mosey to back parking lot.  4 laps with 25s at the end of each lap.  In middle of doing the lap, stop for 10 burpees.  The 25s at the end of each lap:


Iron Mikes (2ct)/Flutter Kicks (4ct)

Carolina Dry Docks/Squats

LBCs (4ct)/something else that I’ve already forgotten

Mosey back to AO

Just enough time for some Captain Thors.

Do you like the mountains for the valleys, or do you like the valleys for the mountains.  I heard that question some time ago.  The fact is, you can’t have one without the other.  Life is full of peaks and valleys.  But God is with us either way.  “The God of the Mountain is Still God in the Valley.”  1 Kings20:23-27.  When we are stuck in a valley, God sends us F3, family, friends to help us get up to the moutain top.  And being in the valley makes the mountain top all that much sweeter.
Thanks to Worm for stepping up for the Q on Friday!
Hardship Hill!

Easy Breezy – Sort of

THE SCENE: Dark out, warm but not too hot

SSH, Tempo Merk, Super Marios, Suzane Somers, Tempo Squats, 5 Burpees

Partner Sets: P1 Does Exercises while P2 runs a suicide then 1 lap.

Exercises: 100 Merkin, 200 BBS, 300 Squats, 400 Mtn Climbers


Cones of Dunshire: 3 burpees–>Bear crawl to 2nd cone, 6 burpees –>bear crawl to 3rd cone, 9 burpees

run a lap and rinses and repeat

Flutter Kicks, boat canoe


Matthew 6:25-34

Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendorwas dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

The Making of Manmakers

THE SCENE: 67 degrees and bee eee ay you tee full

Tempo Squats, smurf jacks, side straddle hops, star jacks, lunges, and inchworm merkins
Pax moseyed to the light-pole circuit in the upper parking lot. We increased rep by one for each consecutive pole on the way up and decreased rep by one on the way back, adding one exercise each trip in this order:

  • Thruster
  • Merkin
  • Plank Jack
  • Jump Squat

Afterwards, we found a battle buddy and stood opposite them in a line. Pax A Bernie’d as fast as they could for ~20 yards. When Pax A hit the 20 yd mark, Pax B sprinted to catch up with Pax A turning around to join the sprint once caught. Total sprint ~50 yards. We did two rounds for each team member and then Indian moseyed bac

We had time for 30 box cutters, in cadence.
I read the PAX some exceprts from QSource 1.9 regarding Mammon, a HIM’s relationship with his work. We discussed how we failed or excelled in this area and how to keep it in check.


Shooter is back, but he is being pretty quiet. Hopefully he’ll get back to his former self soon.

What’s my hospital name!?

THE SCENE: 65 degrees and awesome

  • Pre-Ruck 4 Rounds of following exercise. Last round to be completed in under 5 minutes. All exercises performed with ruck.
  • 20-8 count Man Makers
  • 20 sit-ups
  • 20 thrusters
  • 20-4 count flutters


Baby Arm Circles X 15 ED EA

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

Plank Push-up x 20 IC

Overhead Clap x 30 IC
THA-THANG: Mosey to track/football field

Stair Lunge: Lunge up stairs of bleachers one leg at a time. At each stair do one squat then step with next leg.

No Mercy Mile: 3 Rounds = 400 m BC, 400 m lunge, 100 merkin

  • Start at mid-point of track
  • Jog to turn 1 then bear crawl to exit of turn 2
  • Jog to mid-point of backstretch and perform 25 merkin
  • Jog to turn 3 and lunge to exit of turn 4
  • Jog to start point and do 25 squat

8 Count Man Makers x 10 IC

Flutters x 20 IC

Hello Dolly x 20 IC

As was learned this past weekend during GORUCK Tough and Light events, it is important to know the names of your teammates. Even though F3 was the majority of men at Tough we had to think about each others hospital name. We learned in the events that it is important to know the people’s names around you so that you can address them and ask them for help or just talk. As the Cadre told me at the end of the event “it is hard to be an a-hole to someone if you know their name”. And it is. Take time to know the people around you and remember their names.


Feeling Gumpish!

THE SCENE: Dark and splendid!

19 SSH’s
This workout was all about getting distance!  Every exercise was performed moving forward 20 yards then medium sprint around the track, those that arrived back quickly would go back to get the 6!

☆ Bear Crawls

☆ Baby Arm Circle

☆ Imperial Walkers

☆ Broad Jumps

☆ High Skips

☆ Duck Walk

☆ Backwards sprint

☆ Butt Kickers

☆ High Knees

After completing our 5k, we all had fun at the playground.  We split into 2 groups.  Group 1 Crab Walked around the playground while Group 2 did Pullups, BBS, or Stepups OYO.  Then switched, we completed 2 rounds!

20 LBC OYO, then roll over to high plank and hold for 20, then low plank for 20, then 10 Merkins. 2 rounds as well!
Also had Schnitzel visiting from Hilton Head!

Life is constantly moving forward and continually speeding up.  Make sure to do your best to slow down and make memories.  I have been overwhelmed with work and have not made time for my family & friends like I should.  However, I needed to work until dark on Tuesday and instead dropped everything and took the family to the TN Baseball game.  I knew deep down later in life I would not regret getting those extra 4 hours of work in, but I knew that I would regret not making wonderful memories with my family…
I must say it is a small world after all!  Too cool that Schnitzel was at my Q.  Last Summer, I was on vacation in Hilton Head and worked out with F3 there on a Saturday and was invited to the 2nd F on the following Sunday.  Their 2nd F was taking 5 or 6 boats to a sand bar with family and friends gathered for some phenomenal fellowship.  This is where I met Schnitzel and his son as we talked on the boat ride over and on the way back.  He had let me dig into his cooler of wings too!  Get out there and make memories!
We prayed for Knoxville and its youth, we also prayed for a high school and college friend that was missing for 24hours that suffers from Huntington’s disease.  He has been located and is ok!  Thank you for the prayers!