F3 Knoxville

Happy Birthday to Me

THE SCENE: low 60’s



  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • OYO stretches
  • Shock & Awe Burpees


  • Mosey to baby Everest for 11’s.  Starjacks at top / Diamond Merkins at bottom
  • Mosey to pavalon and do 3 sets of the following.  Run to the gate & back between each set.
    • 10 pullups
    • 20 dips
    • 30 squats
    • 20 step ups
    • 10 thrust merkins


  • Side crunch x 15
  • Heels to heaven x 10
  • v-up, roll-up x 10

Stitches, Dreadlock, Junk, Mayberry, Tweet E, Aladdin, Mouthwash (FNG), Wagon Wheel, Ratchet, Bartman


Matthew 6:14-15  For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if  you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Birthday Q today – 41 today.

Hardship Hill

Don’t slow your roll

THE SCENE: Plenty warm to work up a good sweat. Mostly clear. Air stinks kinda bad for some unknown reason…

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x6 IC
Crabettes x15 IC
Outside plank heel touches x15 IC
Inside plank heel touches x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Tempo Squats x15 IC

Mosey to the restaurant courtyard by the Poke Bowl place.

Split into 2 teams. Each team has an identical pile of exercise cards.
One extra-large size die with numbers 1,2,3.
One team rolls the die. That’s the number of laps up the stairs and back around.
While that team runs the laps, other team works through the pile until laps completed.
When entire team returns from laps, other team rolls.
When pile is complete, set up a cone as a counter and start again.
See how many times each team can work through the pile.
Pile exercises:
15 Merkins
15 4-ct Monkey Humpers
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat Jumps
10 Burpees
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Carolina Dry Docks
20 BBS
20 4-ct Mtn Climbers

The die seemed weighted to roll 3’s… Lots of stairs for us!
Each team completed two trips through the pile, came out pretty even when time ran out.

Mosey back to the AO, stopping halfway for 15 4-ct Monkey Humpers on Hardin Valley Rd.

Hey! We have some time for Mary this time!
20x 4ct LBCs
25x Hello Dolly IC
20x Flutter Kicks IC
4x Row Your Boat

8 HIMs made for 2 pretty evenly matched teams.
Even with the die rolling this morning, both teams came out pretty evenly in the end. I had no idea if it would work out that way or not. We don’t always know how things will turn out in life either, but rather than just random chance, the thing controlling our situation is an all-knowing God, who works things for our good. Even when we don’t understand what’s going on at the time…
Great effort today! Both from the team-to-team competition aspect and the push within each team! Hitting those stairs really sucked, especially right after that opening sequence of Monkey Humpers, Iron Mikes, and Squat Jumps…
Hardship Hill coming soon – If you’re not registered, you should be! Abridged OEW benefit night Thursday 5/9.

The Road Not Taken

THE SCENE: Warm, mid 80s, sunny, with a slight breeze (thank goodness)

Nailed it.


20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct) IC, 10 Cherry pickers (4-ct) IC, 20 Lateral Hops (4-ct) IC, 10 baby arm circles (small to wide) forward and backward(4-ct) IC


PE EXAM!! (Hat tip to Erector!)

Mosey to stop sign at main road for the first letter of P.E. E.X.A.M.

P – 10 Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees aka PCMBs.

Mosey to the grassy hill partway down the Dragon’s Tail.

E – Elevens – merkins at the bottom and Bobby Hurleys at the top.

Do Escalator down Dragon’s Tail.

E – Escalator – 10 burpees, 20 squat jumps, 30 mountain climbers (2-ct), 40 iron mikes (2-ct, audibled to 1), 50 LBCs at each successive light.

Took the road less travelled.  Play a bit in the sprinklers by the new bathrooms, and then Mosey cross country all the way across grassy field in front of Admin building to stop sign at junction of circle drive.

X – Xs and Os , 2 minutes

Mosey to parking sign up the road towards admin building

A – Aiken legs – Done in succession with no rest — 15 Squats, 15 Froggie Jumps, 15 Lunges (each leg), 15 star jumps.

Mosey back to AO for the…

M – Mary


  • Captain Thors
  • 20 Bottle Taps or Openers, always forget what they’re called (4-ct) IC
  • 20 Box Cutters (4-Ct) IC
  • 20 Pickle Pounders
  • 20 Hello Dollies (4-Ct) IC
  • Ring of Fire
    8 strong, including one FNG, whom we named Squirtle. J-Lo not tagged.
    Recently, a friend’s blog led me to revisit one of my favorite poems, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (note the title… The Road Not Taken, NOT The Road Less Traveled):

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth;


    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim,

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

    Though as for that the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same,


    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black.

    Oh, I kept the first for another day!

    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

    I doubted if I should ever come back.


    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

    I took the one less traveled by,

    And that has made all the difference.

    A common misconception about this poem is that the road that the protagonist takes truly is less traveled, and as such has some additional inherent worth than the other road.  But upon closer reading, the two paths are actually equal, the other path being “just as fair” and was worn “really about the same”.  Having this pointed out to me was fascinating, as I had never noticed it before.  Two key conclusions can thus be made:

    1. The paths are essentially equal in worth, and therefore, picking one over the other is essentially like flipping a coin.
    2. The way we perceive choices affects our decision and the ultimate outcome.  The author PERCEIVES that one path seems to be less traveled, and takes it, and as he says in the last line, “that has made all the difference”.

    But what affects our perception??  This is where I see a bit of a religious meaning in the poem.  Two options exist.  Which one to choose?  I tend to agonize over big decisions, and have prayed over such choices, asking God to direct me down the best path.  But there may not truly be a “best path”… each may have its own advantages and disadvantages.  But for me at least, given some time, my preference of one path over the other grows stronger, and I select it.  And you know what?  Each big choice has worked out.  That doesn’t mean that if I had picked a different path my life would be in flaming ruins.  But God has gently guided me down the roads that have lead me to where I am today, and I am very grateful that He is with me to help me choose, even if the choices are relatively equal.  Don’t beat yourself up over the choices you make.  Sometimes we choose well, sometimes, perhaps poorly, but open your heart to God and let him help lead you down whatever path your life takes.

    PROVERBS 3:5-6

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
        and do not lean on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

    ISAIAH 30:21
    And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

    Psalm 119:105

    Your word is a lamp to guide me
    and a light for my path.

    Good luck to the Ruckers competing this week-end!

Mental Toughness

TTHE SCENE: Mid 60’s. Humid.

SSH x 25 IC
OH Claps 4-ct x 25 IC
Squat x 25 IC
Dips x 25 IC
Alt Deadlift Squat x 25 IC
Calf raise x 25 out/fwd/in IC
Little this/that
Michael Phelps
Each man grab a station. AMRAP 1 minute at each station. Hit each station 4 times.
1. Shrug the twins/buckets of rocks
2. Weighted squat ruck or sandbag front load
3. Weighted dips ruck or sandbag
4. Sandbag deadlift
5. Lawnmowers with plates alt each 10
6. Weighted calf raise alt each 20 in/straight/out
30 seconds of LBCs
16 brothers
6 exercises to improve mental toughness:
1. Get rid of extrinsic motivators – no music, no training partner. Suffer in silence alone
2. Develop good habits – Mentally tough people are more consistent than you. They create habits and relentlessly stick to them
3. Learn to ignore things you cannot control – Stoicism is the ability to endure pain and hardship without display of fellings and without complaint
4. Ruck – put a heavy pack on and go walk for hours.
5. Farmer carry – pick up some heavy shit and go for a mile walk.
6. Hang – grab and pullup bar, a tree branch or some playground equipment and start a timer. Work up to 60 seconds.
No cardio but still worked up a great sweat and burned a lot of calories.
OEW night at Abridged May 9 at 6pm.


THE SCENE: Mid 60s

SSH x 25
Jog grinder down and back
Merkin 4-ct x 15 IC
Jog grinder down and back
Squat 4-ct x 15 IC
Jog grinder down and back
BBS 4-ct x 15 IC
ROUTE 66 by Crumpet:
Alternate for the 6:
10 4-ct flutters
4 10-count Superman

10 rounds of sprints up Mt. Butterbilly together
Starting at 10 Burpees at the top with decreasing reps each round. We got in 3 rounds.
CMU Thrusters x 20
CMU Flutter kicks 4-ct x 20
10 men got better.
KISS – Keep it Simple, Stupid
Sometimes we overcomplicate our lives unneccesarily. I find when things feel out of control complicated, I just need to take it back to basics. Merkins, Squats, Big Boys. When life feels too overcomplicated and I’m stressed out, I go downstairs and hit the pull-up bar, do some merkins or big boys. All of a sudden I can see a little more clearly. Exercise sharpens the mind as well as the body.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:OEW night at Abridged Brewery on May 9 at 6 pm. Some profits are donated. We had a good turnout last year so let’s do it again!