F3 Knoxville

April ruck workout 7

THE SCENE: 70, breezy

Insert information about the warmup.
Ruck 1 mile

10 sets of

  • Ruck deadlift x 10
  • Ruck lunges x 10
  • Ruck merkins x 10

Time was 38:16

Ruck some more

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hill Sprints Suck

THE SCENE: 64 and still.

Cherry Pickers x5 IC Junk speed
Hipper Snappers – 4 count IC ready position, 1) left 2) right 3) jump
Merkins x10 IC
LBAC forward x10, reverse x10
1 CMU per pair, head to the matterhorn
– guy running carries the CMU, other guy skips
– Incans x10 oyo at the light poles
Hill Sprints (group Dora)
A] At the light pole – all w/ CMU
1) 100 Carolina Dry Docks
2) 200 Sumo Squats
3) 300 Curls
4) 200 Tri
5) 100 Clean and Press
B] Group Downhill sprint – leave on “go”
– first guy down gets to head back up oyo
– everyone else does 10 Merkins then goes
– once partner is up Rocky Balboa til the 6 gets there
Switch partners, Rinse and repeat
1/2 way through reps stopped for Mary
20 Hello dolly IC
CMUS to the bottom of the hill, now sprints are uphill and reps are at the speed hump
Mosey back. Incans at light poles again
Junk, Mayberry, Frosty, I-beam, Raindrop, Tweetee, Wagon Wheel, Sparky, Snitch, Bartman
It’s easy in life to get going  so fast it feels like we’re running downhill. If you remember as a kid running down a hill that was too steep where your legs are moving so fast that if you stopped you knew you would fall and tumble the rest away. Sometimes when running at that pace we get to where we are actually racing the people that we are running alongside, often times chasing the wrong things and filling our lives with too much stuff all the while trying to keep up and “win” the crazy race.
Sometimes we don’t even realize what’s happening as life gets tougher – relationally, work, self esteem, insecurity, true loss. Whatever the reason we find ourselves suddenly running uphill: resistance, reduced speed, aching to be done. The challenge I would propose is to consider whether you still run the uphill times like a race or do you Try to skip them and keep running downhill? Do you set yourself to work hard or just to survive? Do you seek to learn something, to get better – or do you just dwell in the misery longing for it to be over?
I tore my plantar fascia (on the bottom of my foot) a couple weeks ago during an OTB that was truly incredibly stupid. It had been feeling good the last few days so I had envisioned competing, perhaps even winning one or two of the downhill sprints. 5 minutes into the beatdown today it rose up and let me know it was there. So I had to pace myself on the downhill which I don’t like to do. Because of that, I ended up pushing myself harder on the uphills than I normally would. All part of prepping for the BOM I guess. My conclusion:  I need to push myself on the uphills more often.
Tweet-ee has lost three people from his recovery program to overdose in the last few weeks. We spent time in prayer for their families, for all of those in recovery, and especially for those in denial

Dora No Bueno

THE SCENE: 55ish

  • Arm Circles x10 IC (each direction)
  • Merkins x10 IC (4 count)
  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Sprint down and back across the parking lot

The Triple Dora

  • Round 1 —– 100 Merkins, 200 BBS, 300 Squats – Partner farmer carries CMU’s
  • Round 2 —– 100 CMU Swings, 200 OH Press, 300 Curls – Partner does Bear Crawl down and back
  • Round 3 —– 100 V-ups, 200 Squat Jumps, 300 Shoulder Taps – Partner sprints down and back


  • 30 BBS OYO
  • 50 LBC’s OYO
  • 1 minute plank

13 HIMs
“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survies.”

Life is really rough to get through by yourself. Learn to trust in the people around you and use each other to get through hard times. Don’t shut yourself in and take on the burden of the world on your own. F3 is an extremely great group of men that you can always call on for help. Use each other to get better, that’s what we’re here for.



Captain spectacular visits the Asylum

THE SCENE: 56 and crisp with a shooting star during the workout!


SSH x20 ic

squats x 20 ic

merkins x10 ic

peter parkers x10 ic

  • 11’s at the end of the parking lot where the hill is that goes down to the ball field. At the bottom, start with 1 monkey humper (4 ct) Bernie up and do 10 big boys. Do this until the script is flipped. Total QUAD smoke fest!
  • Capri lap to loosen the quads up. Circle up, lock shoulder to shoulder in a circle with the pax and perform calf raises, straight, out, and in X 20 on the 4ct for each directions. Good ole calve smoke fest and with the pax resting on each other, it provides more resistance.
  • Capri lap again to loosen calves
  • Circle up with your CMU for CAPTAIN SPECTACULAR! 1:4 ratio of one inch worm merkin: 4 cmu goblet squats and 4 CMU overhead presses
  • Do this ratio up to 10 inch worm merkins: 40 cmu goblet squats and 40 cmu over head presses
  • TOTAL reps during captain spectacular is 55 inch worm merkins, 220 goblet squats and 220 over cmu overhead presses. A really good anaerobic workout I might add!

Boxcutter x20 ic

LBC x20 ic

not so lazy boys right into James bond poses

Captina thor up to 5 big boys : 20 American hammers
20 pax including one FNG , BOILED
You haven’t tested your limits until you try something you can’t do! The best day is today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not guaranteed.
I know…..simple BOM but it says so much in so little words! keep on keeping on and make every good day and great day!! AYE
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

CMU fun at JUCO

THE SCENE: 50s and pleasant at JUCO
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  administered.

15 SSH, 15 Imperial walker, 10 windmill, 15 mountain climbers, 15 Moroccan night club
Indian run to the coupon pile behind the maintenance building and grab a CMU and then mosey to the Sophomore.  Perform the following exercises at each corner carrying the CMU with you as you go. 2 rounds.

  • 20 Curls, then Bernie Sanders up the hill
  • 20 Tri-cep extensions, mosey to next corner
  • 20 Over-head press, mosey to next corner
  • 20 Merkins with one hand on the CMU and switch after each rep (10 each side).

Mosey back behind the maintenance building at the base of the stairs.  20 lunges with CMU (10 each leg) and mosey to the top of the stairs.  20 squats with CMU and mosey to the bottom. 2 rounds.  Return CMU to their home.

Interval runs back to the shovel flag. 30 sec., 1 min., 45 sec., 1.5 min, 30ish sec. (looped around school twice)

Only a little in between each routine to catch our breath.
5 PAX at JUCO today.
Acts 17:10-11 – The Bereans were commended for their eagerness in receiving the Word.  Not only for their eagerness, but also because they studied the scriptures daily to make sure what they were told was true.  We may think of our preachers, ministers, pastors, etc. as an authority on the scriptures, and, in general, I would tend to agree.  However, we need to be mindful that it is always possible for even those with a lot of knowledge to be wrong.  Look at Paul; he was very knowledgeable and zealous for God’s word, but he did not know the truth about Jesus.  Paul persecuted Christians for what he thought to be God’s will.  So, search the scriptures to make sure what we think to be the truth is actually so.
Sign up for Hardship Hill.