F3 Knoxville

College Graduation – Saved by Grace

THE SCENE: 61 and clear…  Here comes summer

This is the best job every, since I’m neither a professional or paid, yall can’t fire me. As much as you might want to after you do this workout.  In celebration of my VQ 1 year anniversary, we’re enrolling in college again, so we can progress through the years and Graduate!  A year of F3 has had me feeling like I’ve graduated .. in a sense..

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Empiracle Walkers. While moseying  to the “Freshman Wall”, do alternations of forwards and back crab walks, bear crawls and Gorilla shuffles (and a bernie or two).

THA-THANG: College

  • 25 Merkins + Freshman HILL
  • 50 Squats + Sophomore Hill
  • 75 Freddy Mercuries + Junior Stairs
  • 100 Burpees + Senior Stadium


At the CMU (aka Freshman) wall,  harken back to when you were a freshman.  Just doing a pushup or finding a class was a challenge.  So for freshman we keep it simple.

25 Merkins and run around wall.

Recollect that when certain people would for the first time, spend a full year at the dorms, eating potatoes and carbs for three meals a day, their thighs ended up being a bit large..  So we did a larger (from bottom to top) hill and

50 Squats + Sophmore Hill

Then, as a junior you were more refined, you were getting the hang of classes, and getting through the “CORE” classes as well as some of your major classes.. so:

Run the Junior Hill Stairs and do 75 (four count) Freddy Mercuries

Then, in preparation for the real world your major courses were kicking your tail, it was and is a long grind, you did what you had to, to reach the graduation finish line.. so

Run the Senior Stadium hill and follow it up with 100 Burpees.   Break-em up into sets of 15, then 10, and find a battle buddy to do whatever you can to graduate.


In the spirit a of leave no man behind, we helped two HIM’s push through the last 20~30 burpess and made sure that everyone graduated.


As you drop balls today whilst you try to do everything that is on your plate, think about how it’s ok.  Lay that todo list at the feet of Jesus and plead that he helps you prioritize them. You can not do everything, and it’s ok.  There are not enough hours in the day and it’s impossible to please everyone.  Step by step is how you do it.  No matter if it’s a 100 burpees, progressing through the tough college years, or a mount Everest of todo items.

Congratulations to all HIMS who graduated today!

Ouch, I can’t move my arms.

Iron Meets The Hulk

THE SCENE: Beautiful Morning with a Little Gloom

  • Grinder Work
    • Mosey to 5 Merkins
    • Mosey to 10 Tempo Squats
    • Millennial Run to 5 Burpees
    • Millennial Run to 10 Froggie Hops
    • Bernie Sanders to 15 CrossFit Big Boys
    • Bernie Sanders to 10 Bobby Hurley’s


  • Mosey the Greenway & Battle Buddy with Someone of Similar Speed
    • 10 Hill Sprints with Decreasing Burpees at the top.
    • 1st Hill Sprint – 10 Burpees
    • 2nd Hill Sprint – 9 Burpees
    • 3rd Hill Sprint – 8 Burpees
    • Complete 10th Sprint – 1 Burpee and Continue Mosey to Rock Pile
  • At the Rock Pile – Find a Rock for Each Hand:
    • Iron Hulks (1:4 Merkins and Push Press) Worked up to 5 Merkins and 20 Push Press (IC!!!)
    • V-Ups (OYOx10)
    • Overhead Squats (OYOx15)
    • CrossFit Big Boys (OYOx20)
    • Side Straddle ROCK Hops (ICx20)
    • Iron Hulks (1:4 Merkins and Push Press) Worked down from 5 Merkins and 20 Push Press (Single Count!)
  • Mosey Greenway Back to Grinder for Lazy Dora:
    • 100 Merkins (P1 does 10 While P2 Holds Plank; 100 total for group)
    • 100 Ankle Touches (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6″; 200 total for group)
    • 100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 for total group)


10 Pax!
You don’t know what you have; until it’s gone!  Shared a little about a few things that I have gone through in the past month.  My GR1 was stolen and recovered, but the feelings attached to that bag were unknown until this occurred. The loss of our dog, and all the difficult and frustrating times in his last couple years or life and how all that looks on the other side…I would do it all over again!


Does your Abacus go to 50?

THE SCENE: Warmish cool. Or coolish warm. Like 50 or something.

SSH x50 IC (4ct)
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Squats x50 (single count)
Mountain Parkers x15 IC
Crabettes x15 IC (I think it was 15… Lost count watching everyone flail about like a pack of drunken baby giraffes…

Mosey to the upper soccer field. Man, it looks too dark. Keep going to Watt Rd field.
50yd forward roll burpees
50yd crawl bear back

Mosey to concrete bleachers
20x Giant Step-ups (3 steps up, 3 steps down = 1 rep)

Charge up the hill to the upper field. Guess it’s not that dark after all.
50yd Broken Wheelbarrow (switch w/ partner as needed)
Burpee Backward Broad Jump back (shortened it up a little on audible)
50yd regular wheelbarrow – Each partner completes 50yd before switch

Mosey around to the base of the hill
5 rounds:
Sprint up to the top
Mosey back down
10 merkins
Flutter kicks 4 the six

Mosey back toward where it looks like Frosty and Tank are unloading.
Oops, NVM they’re leaving.
Well, we made it to the bleachers so knock out six more Giant Step-ups

Mosey back to the AO. Grab tents and tables from Frosty and Tank, scatter distribute to the fields.

Ring of Fire – Leg pushdown style
LBCs x20 IC
Row your Boat
Side Crunch x15 IC each side
Flutter Kicks x20 IC

10 HIMs for the full beatdown. Special guest appearances by Tank and Frosty
Talking to my daughter the other day… I forget what it was we were even referring to, but I playfully told her she was being lazy. She said, “No, I was being tired!” I told her, “Tired is a feeling, lazy is a choice.” There’s often a poor choice that goes along easily with what we’re feeling at any time. As guys, we have a tendency to suppress feelings and try to ignore them as we make choices. However, some time ago I took a class on “Emotional Intelligence”. At the time, I thought it was kind of stupid because we took a lot of time looking at emotions, then at the end we went into how making decisions based on emotions was a bad thing. I thought, “Hey, of course. Why did we spend all that time on emotions when we’re supposed to just ignore them like I was already trying to do.” It wasn’t until later that I realized the subtle difference between trying to ignore emotions and recognizing those emotions and realizing in the moment how they are trying to affect your decision making. As Eph. 4:26 puts it, you can be angry (and recognize that you are), but choose to sin not.
Happy birthday to Abacus – Thanks for sharing part of your 50th birthday with us!
Prayers for Cornhole as he defends his thesis choice this week! (He wouldn’t tell us where this was going to be happening for some reason…)

5 Guys

THE SCENE: 53 w/ Smoke on the Water

SSH x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

cherry pickers x 10 IC
Tour de AO w/

  • 8-Count Body Builders
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • BBSU
  • Squats

Trail Run- DORAs: 200 Merkins/200 Squats

Tour de Disc Golf Course w/ 8-Count Body Builders, Merkins, LBCs, BBSU, and Squats

Trail Run back to Basketball Court. Suicides and 8-Count Body Builders.


LBCs, Toe Touches and finished it off with AMRAP of Merkins

Participating vs Leading. We miss out when we choose participation over leadership. This is a core principle of F3- Freed to Lead. Lead with your family, at work, with friends, within F3. Leadership involves love, sacrifice, service, obedience, grace, courage, and confidence.
Prayed for Rick, a co-worker of mine, and for Wagon Wheel’s sister. We had 2 FNGs this morning- Turf Toe and Full Tank. Great to have some fresh faces out in the gloom and they killed it! I’ve known Turf Toe since he was about 10 years old. It was great to see him out this morning. Made me think I’m getting old but also realized I’m trying hard to kick life in the ass. Encouraging and humbling morning.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

God Has Our Six

THE SCENE: Cloudy with temps in 60’s.

20 Plank Jacks, 15 Squat Jumps, 10 Rockettes, Plank Stretches, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey northeast to perimeter trail near intersection of primary park roadway and roadway going to admin bldg.  We will be doing nickel, dime, quarters (running one light to stop and do 5 of exercise, running two lights to do 10 of exercise and running five more lights to do 25 of the exercise.  We will initially head west on perimeter trail, following it all the way to southern ball field area.  Here are the exercises we will be doing

  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Merkins
  • Star Jumps
  • Hello Dollies
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Smurf Jacks
  • American Hammers
  • Carolina Drydocks
  • Iron Mikes
  • Flutter Kicks (four count)
  • Dive Bombers
  • Plank Jacks

Mosey to Outdoor Chapel.  We will do sevens starting with one Decline Merkin at stage area and six Mountain Climbers at other end of chapel.

Mosey to AO.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
One psychological definition of anxiety states that it is 1. the overestimation of threat and 2. the underestimation of competency to handle the threat.  It is not uncommon for us to experience anxiety, particularly when we take on new things.  For example, when taking on a new challenge (such as starting a new job) we tend to worry about the many things that could go wrong – in so doing we exaggerate the likelihood of bad things occurring.  Those of you who have never taken the Q at an F3 workout may worry that the guys would not like what you have put together, that what you planned will not be hard enough or that it would be too hard, that you will plan too much or too little, or that you will screw up when leading the exercises. You may not think about it being common to make mistakes when you do your first Q and that the other guys will understand that and accept you.  When taking on new challenges we also tend to underestimate our competency.  When taking on a new job you may forget that you were hired because of abilities and skills that the employer saw in you and that you can learn and adapt to new situations.  When thinking of leading a Q you may underestimate how much you have learned from being involved in F3 workouts, how even though you have never led a Q your ability to do so will be just as good as other guys who have never led a Q, how you can write out a good outline for a workout, how you can adapt your workout as you move along, how you can be inventive and come up with new ways of doing things, how when delivering the message guys will be interested in your experiences and what you have learned in life.

Take on new challenges.  Remember it is common to feel some anxiety when you do so.  But remember that you are probably overestimating the threats of the new challenge as well as the negative reactions to your making mistakes.  Remember your abilities, your ability to adapt, your ability to get up when you have been knocked down, and that God and friends are there to turn to when mistakes are made because in taking on new challenges you are supposed to make mistakes.

Remembering these words from Christ in Matthew, Chapter 6, may also help:

25 eTherefore I tell you, fdo not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 gLook at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. hAre you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his ispan of life?7 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, jeven Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.