F3 Knoxville

Riskit For the Seabiscuit

THE SCENE: 70 and humid

  • SSH x15 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Side lungey things x10 IC (4 count)


  • 10 Pullups, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats
  • Run 1 lap (~0.25miles), repeat exercises, run 2 laps, repeat exercises, run 3 laps, repeat exercises, run 4 laps, repeat exercises, and start working your way back down.


  • Captain Thor
  • 30 BBS
  • 20 Flutter kicks

10 Strong!
Too many times do we ask God to solve our problems for us rather than asking for the strength to battle it on our own. Sometimes the trials we are put through are to make us better men and leaders for our community, and it is our duty to make our way through what is put in front of us. God will always lend us his strength.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand.


It was Memorial Day, that is all I can say?

THE SCENE: Humid damp morning.


Butt-to-heel walk, knee-to-chest walk, side straddle hop

  • Inchworm, side crawl, bear crawl, crab walk, salamander across parking lot.  20X knee to side in plank position between crawls.
  • Rock Workout: partner up rotate rock in both directions, over and under with rock
  • 11s doing inchworm and merkins then rock overhead presses
  • Run full length of Powell High School parking lot with rocks then performing 30X: rocking lunges hold rock up high, leg raises, rock swings, and rock hammers.

In the book, We Were Soldiers Once and Young, grace was extended to the enemy NVA killed by US forces.   They too extended hope that there bones were recovered from the battlefield and taken home to an honorable burial.  Only grace can have this kind of affect on people who gunned down your brethren.

BOM endorsed by Philippians 2:3-4.

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each other esteem others better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but for the interests of others.”

Bearway to Heaven?

THE SCENE:  Lots of gloom to be had.

5:30 COP

  • Side Straddle Hop X 30
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 20
  • Little baby arm circles Front x 10 and back x 10
  • 4 x 4 Merkins x 5

Mosey to Pad 11’s

  • Catalina wine mixer
  • Box Jump’s

Forties   High rep version of 11’s. Always add up to 40 subtracting 5 each time:

Merkins and Big Boys

       –     30 Squat Jacks , Devin Hester 10 BBS

  • 25 Squat Jacks Devin Hester 25 BBS
  • 20 Squat Jacks, Devin Hester 20 BBS
  • 15 Squat Jacks, Devin Hester, 25 BBS
  • 10 Squat Jacks ,Devin Hester, 30 BBS

 Bearway to Heaven

  • A Bear Crawl suicide of seven increasing lengths with decreasing burpees at the end of each length. Ideally the lengths and number of burpees should be such that the entire exercise takes the full 8:01 time of “Stairway to Heaven

 Jacobs Ladder

  • 3 times up the will with increasing 2 burpees each time.


  • Proton Parkers x 20


One of the things I love about F3 is that when we come out here we are not here to compete with one another. We are not here to prove ourselves but to encourage one another.

There is a book by Keller I have listed to a few times called the freedom of self forgetfulness based on the 1 Corinthians 3. “So let no boast in, for all things are yours”

Often I find myself comparing my performance in all areas of life. My ego wants me to be seen as something great

It is not about what others think and not even about what I think but what the lord thinks.

Re-live the gospel ever day.

Christ’s perfect performance on the cross is the one that matters.

He died on the cross so that we don’t have to meet some standard set by others or even ourselves.

I don’t care what you think,I don’t care what I think, only with the Lord thinks


Moses Screams Like a Girl


2 mile ruck to Northshore and Back

COUPONS: 2 Sand bags, 60# and Old Hag

After 2 mile ruck, Fins and Pup attended Tank’s Bootcamp Q.  Moses, Little Foot and I continued ruck

Ruck Old Hag to the Boats

Bear crawl 3 parking spaces, 20 merkins

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 squats

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 ruck curls

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 lion kings

Bear crawl 3 spaces, 20 ruck swings

Ruck old hag to other end of loop

Repeat Bear Crawl workout

Ruck Old Hag to backside of Matterhorn

Overhead Ruck Carry from Light Pole to Northshore

Ruck Back to AO



Insert the WORD here.
Moses was carrying the Old Hag when a sprinkler head started to activate right beside him.  His 5′ vertical leap with Old Hag and ruck was extremely impressive but not nearly as impressive as his little girly squeal of terror!!!!
Half marathon ruck at Ijams this saturday.  See moses for more information

Prayers for Little Foot wisdom teeth surgery tomorrow morning.

Do…don’t offer

THE SCENE: Not raining but soggy like a cheap wet towel on the floor of hotel hot tub area

SSH X15, SSIM x15 (side straddle- Iron Mikes), cherry pickers x5, 10 merkins

11s to warm up- merkins and CMU Curl-press-tris. 25yd run between

8 stations inside the tennis courts

  • CMU American Swings x20
  • Bear crawl to center and back
  • CMU Curls x20
  • CMU overhead presses x20
  • CMU Tippy Toe walks to center & back
  • CMU Curls x20
  • CMU Tricep presses x20

After completing each exercise, run around perimeter of courts then grab CMU and move to next station. Repeat x3

Clean up with some balance planks and one lap with CMU above head, two laps without. As well as CMU LBCs x20, CMU Am Hammers x20, CMU Am Swings x25

High and low flutter kicks x40
9 attending plus 3 Ruckers (Frosty, Moses and Littlefoot) gettin it done in the Park
A lot of times we tell ourselves that we don’t want to do something. Sometimes we just have to do it and not think about it. I did not want to get up this morning and work out, because my legs were so sore from the last few days. I force myself to take the Q so I would get up. I’m much happier because I did.

More importantly than that, there are several times in life when we feel like we should do something but we stop ourselves from doing it. When someone needs help we think to ourselves, I’m not qualified to do that, or I don’t know them that well to help them, that’s not my skill set etc. When people need help they don’t need people saying to them…call me if you need anything, or I’m here if you need me. Step in. Tell them, I’m coming by to help you on Tuesday….is that a good day? Or I’m bringing you a meal, what day is best. Or, let’s go have coffe and talk, how is Mon morning? No one wants to ask for help.

Hard work was achieved by the PAX this morning. Not much chatter but we got it done
Prayers for scooters mother-in-law, Detention’s friend who suffered a stroke and a coworker who passed away. Prayers for those struggling with addiction and for Tweet-E to be a light for them. Praise for Tank’s coworker Trina, seeing some recovery from life threatening illness.