F3 Knoxville

Dark Muddy Hills

THE SCENE: Cold, dark, muddy.

i am not, but I know I AM.

No cadence, no transition, silent, continuous as called out.

  • SSH
  • merkins
  • LBC
  • Burpees
  • High Knees
  • merkins
  • ssh
  • Windmills
  • Leg lifts

Mosey to Stadium (via parking lot sprints)

Dark Muddy Hills:
Four rounds of

  • 50 Merkins on cement before tree
  • Do this to the tree up the muddy hill. (Round 1 -Lunge | Round 2, Broad Jump | 3 – Bear Crawl | 4 -Frog Jump )
  • Do this at the tree ( Round 1 – 50 LBC | Round 2 – 50 Hello Dolly | Round 3 – 50 Leg Extension Crunches | Round 4 – 50 Freddy Mercury
  • Run back down to cement and advance to in between the tree (lane, slot, place, location)
  • 10 second break, then sprint up the hill to the tree line (beyond the first row of trees) (sprinting two hills basically)


  • 10 LBC
  • 10 Hello Dolly
  • 10 Leg Extension Crunches
  • 10 Freddy Mercurys’
  • 10 Burpees

9 Hims braved the cold dark muddy hills today.
Life is often filled with cold dark muddy hills that we don’t understand. Luckily we know the Creator who does understand it all. The most brutal of these cold dark hills can be our marriages – the closest most vulnerable and possibly most damaging relationships we have. Luckily again, our Good God is in control. I don’t know how it all works but when I invite him into the cold dark mud, he shines a warm light. I don’t know if I’ve ever “escaped” a cold muddy hill by calling on the Lord, but I do know that when I have called on him he has somehow leveled the hill, or allowed me to walk when I had nothing left to give. The mud this morning was 32 degrees and dark and very wet and slippery. We ran up it, in it, and down it. We did merkins in the valleys, we touched the trees at the top. I pray the Good Lord Jesus gives you strength to frog jump, bear crawl, lunge, or however possible, get up the cold slippery hill that you are climbing today. Whether it’s a tough boss, job, cousin, kid, wife, or struggle with the enemy against temptation. Fight the good fight, call upon Jesus, I believe you’ll find that he’ll jump right into the neck high mud with you. He’ll warm it up a little, he’ll lift your head, he’ll light the way, and get you going!

Hardship hill comin.

10 Years After

  1. THE SCENE:   34 degrees with calm winds

    Windmills x20, Overhead hand claps x20; Side scissor jumps x20; Cherry pickers x12.

Jog, karaoke, jog, skip across parking lot.

Indian run to Mt. Crumpit.

Phase 1.

7’s on Mt. Crumpit starting with 1 BBS at the bottom and 6 burpees at top.

Ascents were run, Bernie, run, run, Bernie, run.

Indian run back to AO

Phase 2.

Consisted of 4 Cell Blocks in a square pattern – each corner is 50 feet apart.

Starting at Alpha Block perform the first exercise.  Move to Bravo Block as directed and perform first exercise.  Continue to Charlie Block and Delta Block before returning to Alpha Block to perform exercise #2.  Continue until time is exhausted.


  1. CMU Swings                   OH Carry
  2. Merkins                         Lunge
  3. SSH (4 ct)                       Inch worm
  4. Release merkins              Crab crawl


  1. Mtn Climbers (4 ct)           Bear Crawl
  2. CMU goblet squat             OH carry
  3. Dry docks                       Lunge
  4. Flutter kicks (4 ct)             Inch worm


  1. Plank Jacks (4 ct)             Crab Crawl
  2. Box Cutters                    Bear Crawl
  3. CMU clean/press             OH Carry
  4. Squat Jumps                  Lunge


  1. WWII Sit-ups                    Inch worm
  2. Shoulder taps (4 ct)          Crab Crawl
  3. Dips w/CMU                   Bear Crawl
  4. CMU Curls                      OH Carry


Box cutters x20, Flutter kicks x20, ABC’s to cash out.

15 HIM’s, no FNG’s
I heard a song a few days ago by the band, Ten Years After.  The song didn’t get me to thinking.  It was the groups name.  I thought back to ten years ago (2009) – give or take a few months.  Memorable in many ways.  I remembered finding my wife, Julie, on the floor, blue in color. I remembered my stroke and heart surgery and the few warning signs I had a few weeks earlier.  I remembered Staff Sgt Jason Dalhke, 1st Battalion Ranger Regiment.  He was Emily’s and Travis’ (daughter and son-in-law) best friend.  Julie and I made full recoveries.  Jason was killed in action at the age of 29 in the mountains of Afghanistan.

I have been given the gift of the last ten years, as have Julie.  Jason, for whatever reasons God has, didn’t get to experience them.

So here I was a few days ago, not thinking “why” but thinking “what.”  Not why me.  Rather, what have I done with the last 10 years.  Sure, I can remember successes, failures, mistakes, joy, … all kinds of things.  Did I earn those 10 years?  No way.  I don’t believe that’s how it works.  Rather it made me think about the things I need to learn from the past 10 or whatever number of years.  I need to take what I have learned and build on it for the future.  I challenge each of you to think about the last 10 years and to think of the personal progress made – and the personal miscues experienced.  Then think about the way you have been able to build upon the past – hopefully in a positive way.

I intend to get into some follow up BOM talks in my upcoming Q’s.  We’ll see how that goes.  Until then, remember that in many ways our future is built upon our past.  First, though, we have to learn from it.

Sake asked for prayer in an upcoming interview.
Habitat for Humanity work day for the Bomb Shelter is Saturday, March 9th.

Slip n Bleed

THE SCENE: 40s n cloudy


SSH x 20

squats x 10 ic

merkis x10 IC

hill billies x10 IC

goofballs x10 IC(never again, its lame)

run to the tennis court. Side shuffle all base lines and run side lines


  • Partner up. P1 pushes 45lb steel plate(hairburner) while P2 does 10 merkins
  • Once P2 finishes, he runs to catch P1 and P2 pushes the plate. P1 one does 10 merkins
  • Every other time its your turn to do exercise, do 10 squats to mix it up.
  • we took turns pushing the plate around the park trail
  • Between partners, we pushed the plate half mile! It was a lot harder than I thought and I lot better than I thought! It was pretty brutal.
  • FINS slipped and his knee scraped the ground and was bleeding. Hence SLIP N BLEED!
  • once we completed the loop, we did BLACK JACK on the grinder
  • start with 1 Lunge(each leg) run to the end and 20 merkins.Go until you get 20 lunges each leg and 1 merkin, always equal to 21 aka black jack.

James Bond

Hello Dolly(FIA version Bruce Jenner)


Side tri rises

Pickle pounders in honor of pinnochio spending time with his wife.
11 pax
Chase the Lion!
Love reading Chase the Lion ! Keep living men!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

BURBS with the Twins

THE SCENE: 51 and chances of rain but not really until the last 5 minutes but just for a few seconds…….:)

Standard Warm up loop to the school and back stopping once for 20 merkins/ 20 squats

  • DORA inspired workout called BURBS. partner up, Pax 1 does exercise while P2 is running a lap, switch…cumulative total for reps between partners
  • 100 B.odybuilders
  • 125 U.pright rows
  • 150 R.uck rows. Bend over with back as parrell to ground as possible and for rows with the ruck/ RUCK ROWS
  • 175 B.ig boy sits up with ruck on front as high as possible on chest
  • 200 S.quats with ruck on back

Once completed above, stayed as partners for heavy ruck carry. P1 carries sand bag while P2 carries the twins (2-50lb buckets). Switch when partner can not carry the twins any longer. Do this for just under a mile/ main loop. Once we got back, we had 4 minutes. We ran to Lovers lane, bernied up lovers lane and back to AO.

TOTAL work out included 4.5 miles of distance covered with LOTS of reps and a dash of good livin at the end!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
7 Mother ruckers
Insert the WORD here.
Today was a good mix of mumblechatter, cardio, and suck!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Low 50s and damp.

(IC) – SSHs, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Cherry Pickers, Windmill
Mosey to CMU pile by loading dock, stopping halfway for some Burpee Broad-Jumps.

Perform the following exercises using CMU (except Monkey Humpers):

  • Monkey Humpers x30
  • CMU Squats x30
  • CMU Swings x30
  • CMU Curls x30
  • CMU Overhead Press x30
  • CMU Calve Raises x30
  • CMU Bent Over Rows x30
  • 10 Burpees (cash out)
  • Short Distance Run and back

Repeat rounds with amounts descending to x25, x20, 15, x10, x5 for each main exercise. Burpees and Run remain same.

Mosey to Large Parking Lot.  Partner up at line.  One partner runs length of parking lot while other is on six doing Freddy Mercuries at line.  When Partner returns from run, he locks arms underneath sitting partner, performs rescue carry/drag approx. 15 yards to next parking line, roles  repeatedly switch until teams make the length of parking lot.
9 strong
QIC shared a story of being at Salsarita’s with his daughters and noticing all of the soda selections.  Point was made that only water truly quenches someone’s thirst.  Similarly, there are many options out there when it comes to “religion” but only one person can quench the thirst that is inside all of us for “something more”:  Jesus Christ who provides living water.

QIC shared an excerpt from a 60 minutes interview of Tom Brady back in 2005 where Brady stated his concern and exhaustion of constantly struggling with the thought that something more has to be out there for him but he doesn’t know what the answer is (even though he has everything: super bowl rings, married to a super-model, etc.).  The answer is Jesus.  We all have something inside of us that seeks and needs Him and are condemned, un-reconciled to God without him. Those of us that are in Christ know the peace and assurance that we have.  There is no struggle to find something more, His “yoke is easy and His burden is light.”  He is everything, the only essential in life, the only thing that will quench our soul’s thirst.
Special thanks to Spotter for being present for the Pre-Ruck.