F3 Knoxville

The Old Hag

THE SCENE: 50’s, a little gloomy

20 Ruck Merkin buy-in
Coupons were 1 – 65ish pound sand bag and 1 – 60 pound sandbag

Ruck with coupons and PT stations

PT Station 1

20 sandbag and ruck Squat

20 sandbag and ruck bent over row

20 ruck merkins

20 ruck presses

PT Station 2

20 Incline Ruck Merkins

10 Sandbag cleans

PT Station 3

15 Diamond Ruck Merkins

20 Sandbag Ruck Squats

15 Ruck Swings

20 Ruck Presses

No time


Insert the WORD here.
My sandbag is a 80 pound bag but I only have about 65 pounds in it right now.  It hangs over your shoulders when carrying it.  I-Beam thought it looked like a saggy old hag (use your imagination).  So, that is how the sandbag got the name Old Hag.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Mary Ate a Big Burger

THE SCENE: 50° clear

Mosey to Bearden Middle track
Mary’s Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese:
5 Ruck burpees at start and between each set run back to start for ruck burpees before next stop. Stay together.
Plank w/ ruck till everyone done with exercise
25 yd – Coffin Situp (ruck OH, legs out straight)
50 yd – Hammers
75 yd – single count flutter (ruck over head)
100 yd – heels to the heavens (holding ruck behind head)
Mosey back to AO.
Bear crawl up lovers each time at top do:
Upright rows x 20, OH presses x 20, Merkins x 20. Mosey down to next level, repeat bear crawl up lovers moseying down to next level down each time. (s/b 5)

4 great men
Have a good day!
Great conversation. Flutters should be 4-count next time to truly suck. We only had time for 4 rounds of the lovers lane circuit but it sucked none the less.

Six Pack

THE SCENE: In fifties, the rain was nice to us and held off for the 45 minute work out.  Plenty of rain both before and after the beat down.

20 Side-straddle hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Swings, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Asylum.  20 American Hammers.  20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to bottom area of Dragon Fly.  We will do Route 66 up the Dragon Fly until reaching the cone at top.  The first person to reach the top sweeps everyone back.  These are the exercises we will do at each light along route:

  • Squat Jumps
  • Squats
  • Star Jumps
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey to roadway, then to top of hill where it meets perimeter trail.  20 American Hammers.  20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac Hill.  We will run up Cardiac Hill doing the following exercises along the way:

  • Start of cardiac hill:  Big Boys
  • First Turn:  20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Second Turn:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Benches:  20 Bench Lifts

Mosey on perimeter trail until it hits trail coming from Lyons Bend Entrance.  20 American Hammers.  20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey up Roadshow Run and to roadway.  Ring of fire starting with 5 merkins by each man and going down to one by each man.

20 American Hammers.  20 Hello Dollies.  20 Bicycle Kicks.  ATMs.


10th commandment:  Thou shall not covet.

Spend less time coveting and more time appreciating.

Ways that I covet:  Wishing for better home, wishing for all those things in magazines, wishing for the incredible vacation, wishing for the easy high paying job. Wishing for more time to be lazy.

12. 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world–the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life–comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

When we covet we waste our time wrapped up in things of this world.  Our world is oriented toward coveting.  We see this in commercials on television, in magazines, on billboards, in the plain way that we are.  There is the worldly allure of something always being better, no matter how much money we have.  But these things come from the world, not from God.  They are a trap, leading us to ruin.  They do not lead to life.  What leads to life is connection to God, the joy of knowing Him, the satisfaction of having Peace in the Loving hands of God.


Fellowship afterward at Union Jacks.

Burpees, 11s, and round-house kicks in the throat

Asylum 4/25
THE SCENE: Finally dried out. 50s. Couldn’t be better.

SSH x 25 IC 4 CT
This and That
2 Burpees OYO
Tempo Squats x 20 IC 4 CT
Michael Phelps
4 Burpees OYO
Merkins x 10 IC 4 CT
1 lap around the parking lot
6 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the playground, find a bench
11s: Dips and BBS
11s: Box Jumps and Derkins
Mosey to the open air chapel, plank
Mini Grinder, 4 stations per loop
Chapel: American Hammers 4CT
Cloud: BBS
AO: Burpees
Top of Baby Hill: Merkins
Lap 1: 20 reps/station (then laps of 15, 10, 5)

Called it just in time for 1 more thing, the hill
Sprint to the top, 2 burpees OYO, back to the AO

25 got better today.

Don’t take your days for granted. If you love your family, if you love your friends, TELL them. Words have power. I love the men of F3, and it’s an honor to lead as we push ourselves to be better in all areas of life.

Credit to Creeper for the title.

Hills & Pyramids

THE SCENE: Low 50s….perfect F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Standard welcome….no FNGs today WARM-O-RAMA:

  • Run in place 20-30 secs
  • Butt kickers 20-30 secs
  • High knees 20-30 secs
  • SSH (4 ct) x 10 IC
  • Merkins (4 ct) x 10 IC


  • Indian run to baby everest
    • Battle buddy up.  DORA each of the following exercises while partner runs to top of baby everest and does 5 squats.  Move to other side of parking lot perform ab work while waiting on the 6.
      • 100 Thrust Merkins
      • 100 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey to the long island
    • 8 cones set up around the island.  Run a lap around performing the following exercises x 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 at each cone.
      • Lap 1:  Burpees
      • Lap 2:  Iron Mikes
  • Mosey back to baby everest for some pyramids
    1. 20 tempo squats, run hill
    2. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, run hill
    3. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, 20 ranger merkins, run hill
  • Indian run back to AO


  • LBC (4ct) x 50
  • Hello Dolly (4ct) x 20
  • Box Cutters x 15


12 strong:  Junk, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Tweet-E, Frosty, Sparky, Wagon Wheel, Crossbar, Butters, Smoker, I-Beam, Bartman

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:  My heart has been focused on my relationship to Jesus and whether or not I’m all in or not.   As Americans we tend to mold Jesus to fit our lifestyle and our comforts, when actually it should be the other way around.  Take a moment and ask yourself….are you living 100% for Christ or are you fitting him into your routine?   In Matthew 13 Jesus tells a parable which compares Heaven to a treasure that is found in a field.   The man who finds the treasure covers it up and then sells all he has to buy the field.  I’m sure the man in the parable faced ridicule from others who thought he was crazy to sell all of his possessions to buy the field, however he knew the value contained within the ground therefore he gladly accepted the ridicule.  That’s the perspective we should have…our faith in Christ should be such a treasure to us that we willingly accept ridicule, punishment, even death because we know that the prize is of so much greater value than anything this world can offer.


MOLESKIN: Prayer request made for anonymous PAX members struggling with their marriages

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill 5/19