F3 Knoxville

Yule, as in log. Not that I have a Log . . .

THE SCENE: 40s and trying real hard not to rain.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Nope, still not a professional

SSH x 30; BAC; Squats x 25ish.

High knees from one side of parking lot to other, mosey back.  Then butt kickers, then karaoke.

Introductions are made with the Asylum Yule Log aka Santa’s Sleigh.

4 reindeer pull the sleigh from one end of narrow parking lot to other and back while the elves work in the shop doing Manmakers, LBCs, Narrow Squats and flutter kicks  Trade off until everybody has done one round of each exercise and pulled the sleigh at once.

Mosey around back with yule log in tow.  Volunteers switch out.  Start with 4 pulling the sleigh.  Switch to 3 after one harness breaks.  During switches, do some form of exercise.  Wait a bit while the Q hits the ground after getting tangled with the sleigh.

At the back parking lot, do the following exercises, followed by full out sprint across parking lot, followed by 10 second rest and slow mosey back to start.  Repeat with different exercise.  Each round consists of:

  • Burpees x 10- sprint- slow mosey back
  • Merkins x 20 – sprint – slow mosey back
  • Smurfjacks x 30 – sprint – slow mosey back
  • Lunges x 40 – sprint – slow mosey back
  • Reverse back down to Burpees
  • Modified Dora:  4 teams of 3.  Each team provides one reindeer to pull sleigh across the parking lot while the other two on the team are doing exercises.  Keep switching out until done with:
    • 300 Merkins
    • 200 BBS
    • 100 Burpees
  • Mosey with sleigh back to AO for 100 count shoulder shredder

A little Capt. Thor and Boat/Canoe.

Happiness does not come from the absence of struggle.  It comes from the ability to deal with struggle.  We all struggle.  It is easier to overcome if you have help.  Who can we help overcome their struggles?  Who can we help find happiness?
Coffeeteria and fellowship followed

Barkley Redux (or Ode to Zygote)

THE SCENE: A bit nippy (21 F) but lots of stars

I’m still not a professional.  Took note of all the faces to brave the cold

SSH x 25

BAC x10, then reverse it

Cherry Pickers x 12

Mosey up the hill toward the upper loop around the Asylum building

  • Four checkpoints per lap, different exercise each checkpoint and each lap
  • First lap:  CP1: Am Hammers x 40; CP2 at rock pile: Curls x 25; CP3: Merkins x 20; CP4 Iron Mikes x 30 (15 per leg);
  • Lap 2:  CCD x 20; Triceps overhead press x 25; Smurfjacks x 30; Flutters (4 ct) x 25
  • Lap 3:  Squats x 40; Rows x 25; LBCs x 40; Diamond Merkins x 20
  • Lap 4: repeat exercises from first lap
  • Ran out of time, head back to AO

No time.
Chaco, Waffle House, Charmin
Be available to others, even if you don’t know what that means.  God will point the way.


Run, Run Rudolph

THE SCENE: cool and damp
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER no professionals here
20 – side straddle hop

10 – baby arm circles

some light stretching of the arms and legs


  • Catch me if you can mosey to the amphitheater (Indian Run with last person dropping to do 5 burpees and then catching back up with the group
  • big boy sit-up-ups – 25 on the amphitheater stage
  • catch me if you can mosey to parking lot below the painted steps
  • beep test – cones separated by 20m (65 ft) on a timer that beeps at decreasing interval. those who dont make the cone by the beep drops out and does burpees until the last PAX cannot complete
  • catch me if you can mosey to rock pile on Neyland
  • squats to Moby’s flower
  • Catch me if you can mosey back to painted steps parking
  • Beep test (round 2)
  • catch me if you can mosey back to amphitheater
  • big boy sit-up-ups – 25 on the amphitheater stage
  • catch me if you can mosey back to AO

we had 15 seconds left and we were toast

Advent – prepare yourself for the Christmas Season

Modified “Murph” Q-nniversay

THE SCENE: 39 and awesome!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hop (IC)
  • Sprints back and forth the parking lot
  • Arm & Tricep Stretches
  • Calf stretches on curb
  • Mosey


Lieutenant Michael Patrick “Murph” Murphy served our country in the Navy Seals.  He was awarded the Medal of Honor, Silver Star and Purple Heart.  He was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 205 at the age of 29.  We did a modified version of the “Murph” workout in honor of him and so many other men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

  • 9/10 of a mile run
  • 1/3 of group did pull-ups, 1/3 did merkins, 1/3 did squats “Tabata-Style” for 20 seconds then 10 seconds to shift to next exercise
  • PAX switch from pull-ups, merkins & squats continuously for 15 minutes
  • 4/10 of a mile run back to AO
  • 6 sprints across the parking lot


We did tons of Mary’s for 5 minutes during the song “Thrive” by the Casting Crowns

  • Big Boy Sit-ups (OYO)
  • Flutter Kicks (OYO)
  • Superman (OYO)
  • Little Baby Crunches (OYO)
  • Big Boy Sit-ups (OYO)


15 HIMS & 1 FNG, Bypass, were in the gloom:  Bagger, Bartman, Bypass, Cheatsheet, Detention, Doubtfire, Erector, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Stye, Teller, Vagabond, Waxjob, and Booster


I want to thrive in everything I do…being a Dad and husband, friend, etc.  I want to help families battling cancer through my charity.  I want to know and share the Bible.  However, I feel like I’m barely staying above water in my life…I’m good but not great and I’m frustrated as a result!

Yesterday, I heard Thrive by the Casting Crowns TWICE.  After I heard it the first time, my mind kept racing and I didn’t know why.  After I heard it on the way back from the zoo, I realized what it was…I’m just surviving, not thriving!  I hope and pray you and your loved ones thrive in everything you do so we can make this world a better place for everyone!

Read these words and listen to this great song!  Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and always!

Just to know You and to make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun made darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive


It’s so awesome to see so many HIMs at JUCO! Let’s keep encouraging others to join us in the gloom to get better and support one another!


  • Remember the monthly challenge – 45 minutes of exercise outside of F3 equals 1 point for JUCO (or whatever AO is home for you)
  • 2nd F at Prinshop Beer Com this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. (F3’s own Amazon is involved in this business located at 1532 Island Home Avenue)
  • Possible Wesley House F3 workout this Saturday – Check GroupMe or reach out to Doubtfire for updates

I Heard the Bells…..

THE SCENE: gloomy and 40 degrees.  perfect weather for a workout

Tie Fighter w/baby arm circles and tempo merkins and tempo squats and SSH

  • Mosey to rock pile w/2 rounds of exercies
    • squats w/overhead press
    • woodchoppers
    • curls
    • merkins w/rocks
    • flutter kicks
  • mosey to parking lot by playground (drop the lowest exercise after each lap
    • 10 squats
    • 9 plank jacks
    • 8 merkins
    • 7 box cutters
    • 6 monkey humpers
    • 5 burpees
    • 4 jump squats
    • 3 CDD
    • 2 diamond merkins
    • 1 burpee

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“I heard the Bells on Christmas Day” poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  written out of grief for wife and son.  Christmas is about hope through Jesus.  Reach out to your brothers who are suffering and Christmas is a tough time of the year.