F3 Knoxville

eight counts with a rock

Big Ball

THE SCENE: 41* – a little cooler than lately but clear and no wind.  Perfect weather.  Amazon and Abort Co-Q shooting from the hip.

BAC Forward x10 IC
BAC Reverse x10 IC
Moroccan night club x15 IC
Tempo squats x10 IC
8-ct bodybuilder x5 IC
SSH x15 IC
Mosey out of start point in the direction of the amphitheater, running through it (not uphill and around for some reason…) and across Cumberland Ave, stopping on the bridge.  Everyone down for some early ab work, flutter kicks x25 IC and American hammers x20 IC.  Back up and continue mosey to parking lot of Church Street United Methodist Church.  Everyone grab a rock and get ready to roll.

  • 8 count body builders (OH press rock going up) x10
  • Curls (for the girls) x10
  • Squat thrusters x10
  • Sit ups with rock pressed x10

After each round of PT, place rock on ground and run up the hill to the Church, high five the church, and return to rocks.  Repeat for 3 rounds total.  Quick 10 count and change up exercises, same routine.  Go through 4 exercises of PT, drop rock and run to the church and return.  Three rounds of second set as well.

  • Rock overhead squats x10
  • OH tricep extension x10
  • American hammers (left right 1) x10
  • Front lateral shoulder lift x10

Recover, replace rocks in pile and mosey in the direction of the Big Ball. Quick repeat of Dead Hang Dora.  Pair up, one man dead hangs from the beams of the Big Ball, while the other man knocks out merkins.  When the partner drops, they swap and cumulatively knock out 150 merkins.  This sucks BTW.  Recover and mosey back to start point.

All done in succession with no rest, because Abort is a jerk:
Box cutters x10
Edward scissor legs x15
Flutter kicks x20
13 Strong, including some faces that haven’t been seen in a bit: Operation, The Voice, Cowbell, Swanson, 2×2, G6, Duggar, Petey, Rousey, Quarantine, Misfire, Amazon, Abort
Operation and Misfire spoke about consistency.  One quote Operation shared was “Don’t choose what you do well, choose what you do consistently.”  He may correct me on that, but it was the idea.  Great word to think about.  We were also fortunate to have Misfire, Soot’s father, speak about Soot’s recent deployment and how F3 was a positive thing to give consistency outside of the military and how we as men NEED that.

Also big thanks to Petey who picked up a card for us all to sign to send to Soot, great stuff there.