F3 Knoxville

Fear the Lord


68 and clear


Quick mosie around the outhouse

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Some o’ this, Some o’ that

Tre UP! Get a CMU and a pair of rocks

FEAR THE LORD (Dora Exercise)

Partner 1: rock/CMU exercise

Partner 2: run to the hill

Partner 3: Hill exercise

Rock exercises: 200 total each

Flys (2 rocks)
External rotation curls (2 rocks)
ABCs (Alphabet x6)
Rows (big rock)

Tricep extensions
Hello Dolly
Elf on the shelf (lift, reach across overhead)

Lazy Boy Curls (palm up grip)
Overhead Press
Reverse crunches
Dry docks

Hill exercises: 20 each
Wide Merkins
Imperial Walkers
OPP (one armed pickle pounder)
Mountie Squats (toes out)

Didn’t we do enough during the beatdown?
Tank,  shooter, Tweety, Bowflex, Butters, Frosty, Bartman, Farva, Fluteloop, I-beam, Respect, Snitch, Wagon Wheel, Booger, Laettner,  Abacus, Detention, Woodshack, Deadhead, Ribbed, Podium, LA-Z-Boy, Waxjob, Smoker

I have a colleague w/ wisdom and maturity issues. Started praying about him, and then for him to develop more maturity and wisdom. God chuckled at me. “It takes one to know one, my boy! Don’t you remember when this was you?”

Immediately I had the words of Proverbs 9 in my head. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

I do remember, because it wasn’t too long ago and I consistently fail in these same things. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

I don’t know where the end is, but the beginning of wisdom is fearing the Lord. This isn’t about being terrified or feeling guilt and shame for our wrong doing. This is about recognizing the natural order of things and in whose world we are living. Recognizing whose children we interact with every day and just how much He loves us…AND them! We are loved as sons, but we bear the responsibility to carry that name!

We all think we’re football experts. We’ll talk for hours about what needs to change. We’ll tweet endlessly, and even call into radio shows to second guess decisions. But none of us would walk into Jeremy Pruitt’s office and presume to tell him what he needs to do or how he could do it better. Why? ‘cuz that’s his world and we KNOW we don’t belong in charge of it.

Apply the same to God. You are not in control of half of what you think you are, and you mismanage most of what you are in control when you do it under your own steam. Recognize whose you are and in whose land you live…change that perspective and you’ll see some new wisdom come your way.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone will bear it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:10-12‬ ‭ESV‬‬
http://bible.com/59/pro.9.10-12.esv MOLESKIN:
This was a tough workout, but a pretty fun one. Lots of mumble chatter and sore muscles. I was proud of the men.

Hardship Hill registration is full!

A little training for Hardship Hill

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and humid



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10


Set up a miniature obstacle course around the new path. Not sure the exact distance, but each lap was probably somewhere between 1/2 – 3/4 mile long. The objective was to put in some miles, so there were only 4 “obstacles” along the way.

  • 5 Dive Bombers
  • 10 Hand-release Merkins
  • 10 yard Crab Walk
  • 20 yard Bear Crawl up the hill

Ended up doing 4 laps.


  • Sweat Angels IC x 15
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 20
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Finished off with some plank work


21 strong – 1 FNG (Contact)


Nothing groundbreaking – just have been reflecting on how F3 has impacted my life, how much each of these brothers means to me, and how God has used them in my life. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be around so many HIMs.

Also, a big shift for me in how I viewed F3 happened when I started Q’ing. By leading the group, I felt a sense of ownership and accountability that wasn’t present before. I cared more deeply about the other men, about the mission of F3, and it gave me confidence to push past my own comfort level. If it’s been a while since you’ve Q’d or if you’ve never Q’d before, there are so many guys that would love to help you to plan/execute a workout. It’s not only a great way to serve others, but it’s also a great way to grow as an individual and as a leader.

Suburban Assault

63 and Clear


Ruck the loop


Perform the following exercises for 3 minutes, AMRAP AFAP while maintaining form.  1 minute rest between sets:

  • 3x Ruck Thruster
  • 6x Merkins
  • 9x Squats
  • Rinse and repeat 3x

Ruck to Trade Joe’s and back.

Partner up and head to the hill next to the tennis court.


Ruck Crawls
Battle Buddy 1: Bear Crawl Alternating Ruck Pulls (Ruck underneath you. Bear crawl forward and pull ruck forward with right, then left arm, repeat) up the hill.  Then ruck sandbag around to parking lot and back up the trial to Battle Buddy 2.

Battle Buddy 2 perform the following until Battle Buddy 1 returns

  • Ruck Curls x15
  • Front-Loaded Squats x20
  • Upright Rows x20
  • Burpees (ruck off) x10

Each Battle Buddy takes 3 trips up the hill based on time.


Coupon Train
Battle Buddies ruck up and carry sandbags for one more trip around the loop.


4ct Flutter Kicks x30
Rinse and Repeat



We live in a culture that seems to be saturated with anger.  Lately, I’ve found myself falling victim to anger.  I did a quick search on what God has to say about it…it’s pretty convicting:

  • Proverbs 14:29
    He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered exalts folly.
  • Proverbs 16:32
    He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.
  • Proverbs 17:27
    He who restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
  • Proverbs 19:19
    A man of great anger will bear the penalty, for if you rescue him, you will only have to do it again.
  • Proverbs 19:11
    A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression.
  • Proverbs 22:24
    Do not associate with a man given to anger; Or go with a hot-tempered man,
  • Proverbs 29:11
    A fool always loses his temper, but a wise man holds it back.
  • Proverbs 29:22
    An angry man stirs up strife, and a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.
  • Ecclesiastes 7:9
    Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools.
  • James 1:19-20
    This you know, my beloved brethren but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

Anger is different from zeal.

  • Zeal is associated with the righting of an injustice or passion for a righteous call.
  • Anger is a secondary emotion usually triggered by hurt, fear, shame or unmet expectation.

Anger can be openly aggressive, or simmer internally and leak out in passive aggressive behaviors.  Both are toxic to relationships, derail our efforts and cloud our mission.  Anger has no place in the life of HIMs.  Anger is disruptive and disconnects us from reason and vision.

I feel like the answer is to see anger for what it is, a symptom of something deeper.  Use your anger like a Check Engine light for your soul.  Ken Sande says, “Anger is most often a sign that one of your idols is being poked!”  That makes anger a helpful tool in personal growth and maturity.  When you find yourself stirred, take a moment and reflect on what it is that is upsetting you.  A question I ask myself is, “Why is ________________ a problem?” inserting whatever is bothering me in the blank.  More often than not my blank is filled with ego, pride and selfishness.  So I’m learning to use anger as tool to root those out and replace them with grace, humility and selflessness.  It’s not easy, but not much in life worth pursuing is.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Block Party

THE SCENE: About 61 degrees with clear skies

SSH x20; Arm Circles forward/reverse x15, windmills x15; Jog parking lot; 50% faster job parking lot; skip parking lot; bear crawl to CMU pile.
Mosey with CMU on the Block Party circuit while stopping at the following 20 stations:

  • Bent rows x24
  • On the shelf x6 each side
  • CMU toe tap x66
  • Squats x24

Interlude:  Road Block merkins, x18

  • Clean and press x12
  • Roll over merkins x6 each of 4 CMU ends

Interlude:  Run to Springbrook fountain and back to give the CMU’s a break.  They only get a workout 4 or 5 times a month.

  • Dead lift x6 per arm
  • Overhead elbow extensions x12
  • Dips x24
  • Straight arm overhead lift x12
  • Upright rows x24
  • Burpee press x12

Interlude: At the base of Mt Crumpet count off by 2’s.  #1’s run up while #2’s farmer hold two CMU’s then switch. Next #1’s Bernie up while #2’s farmer hold two CMU’s then switch. Finally #1’s bear crawl up while #2’s farmer hold then switch.

  • Curls x24
  • CMU swing x12
  • Overhead press x12
  • Single arm row from lunge position x12 per side
  • Overhead squat press x12
  • Lunge to grinder with CMU

Box cutters x20; Floor wipers x20: flutter kicks x15; BBS to cash out.

11 total PAX, no FNG’s

I have two friend that each contracted melanoma in their late 30’s.  24 years later cancer had returned.  In the case of Judy, it was lung cancer on her left side.  She has been battling it and other issues for the past 6 years.  Last November, Judy and her husband hosted a large gathering at their house to play Shanghai Rummy.  It lasted longer than perhaps it should and the next day found Judy in the hospital for several day with pneumonitis in her healthy right lung and that issue continues to persist.  One of the things that impressed me the most about her hospital stay was that she prayed more about who God would place in her path so she could be His vessel for the Gospel.  Judy is a fighter – she has to be – and the following are excepts from a letter she wrote a few weeks ago.
Happy Spring, family and friends! My winter quarantine, cold and gray, is just making the beauty of Spring an even greater joy to me. Walking around seeing little green leaves push up through barren mulch and flowers appear out of lifeless looking limbs just thrills me – creation (and Spring in particular) truly does reflect our Creator who is at His core the Redeemer and Restorer!
I will never look at nor take springtime for granted again.  Judy paints a beautiful picture of how God can renew even me just as all of His creation
And good news!… He continues to choose to restore my little body – scans a couple weeks ago showed no evidence of cancer and my lungs are slowly healing! We are so grateful. I do not need any oxygen support when sitting or piddling around, but need a little for activity and definitely need when exercising. Hopefully that need will continue to diminish, however I am thankful that my “jet pack” oxygen frees me to live life normally. 
My quarantine will end Easter weekend – so excited! However, I will continue to somewhat minimize health risks, as there is still inflammation in my compromised lungs (unfortunately, the pneumonitis scarred my healthy lung that had not been impaired by the three thoracotomies). But all that has come through a sovereign and good God’s hands – so I will rest in that reality. As C.S. Lewis says, “Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even agony into glory.” My little trials are all being redeemed – as are yours.
Her “little trial”!!! And I get upset if I get stuck in traffic for a few minutes!  Really dwell a few minutes on that C.S. Lewis quote.
Our children and grandchildren are coming for Easter weekend, so it will be a most joyful coming out party!!! 
You are at the heart of my story with your prayers, love, and encouragement! I have been so richly blessed in every way!
I want to have the faith and peace that God has given Judy so I end with Phil 4:6-7.  In it Paul does not pray that we experience a life of ease, prosperity, wellness, or comfort.  His prayer is that we experience God’s peace on this temporary earthly journey.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Route 66 with free wash

THE SCENE: Clear 60 degrees

Baby Arm Circles x 10 ED EA IC

Tempo merkin x 20 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 20 IC

SSH x 20 IC
Route 66: At each power pole add one repetition of exercise. Follow poles from AO to back lot while performing 8 count bodybuilders. Total of in 11 power poles. Insert downpour at 1/2 way point.

Lunge/Squat: From exit of back lot along side of school lunge between light poles and perform 10 squat at each pole.

Mosey to SP

Aiken Legs:

  • 20 Squat
  • 20 Box jumps
  • 20 lunge
  • 20 split jack

Legs up on planters. Perform 20 BBS OYO

One minute of calf raises on curb

Changes to GroupMe for AO, upcoming events, AO challenges