F3 Knoxville

Everest Circuit

THE SCENE: Extra Gloomy

Warm up with……..SSH, Cherry Pickers, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Quick stretch
Jogged to the base of Everest, stopping at every stop sign to do 5 Burpees.

  • Summit Everest and make way to Rock Pile
  • Grab a rock and do:
    • 15 Bicep curls, 15 shoulder press, 15 Tricep ext, 15 squats
  • Mosey to first intersection on way back to base camp and do 20 LBCs and 10 Tempo Merkins
  • Repeat the Everest Circuit (x3 total) performing 12 reps then 10 Reps
  • Mosey back to AO stopping at stop signs for burpees and squats
  • Circle up a do a couple minutes of Boat/Canoe

Music City, Rainbow, Charmin, Brick, Waffle House, Mogul, Kentucky, Full House, Crablegs, Mr Jinxy, Assfault
“Keep Moving!” Many sharks have to keep swimming or they’ll drown. Encouraged PAX to keep moving. Don’t stagnate. Don’t become complacent. Keep pursuing the Lord, keep pursing and romancing your wives, keep talking to your kids. Keep working hard at your jobs etc. Don’t drown!
Kickball Tourney

Truckin to the Pound Round 2

Men of Knoxville, August 25, 2018 you are invited to attend a Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless (CSAUP) event.  Truckin To The Pound Round 2,  #TruckinToThePound #TTTP2

This event was created by the TruckStop/DogPound crews as a way to have a longer event such as a Ragnar Relay, Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc. without the added expenses of entry fees, travel expenses, and most importantly the time away from family and friends.

As busy men, just like you we wanted to do something bigger but not have the logistics of travelling to another city/state/province to complete the event.

So August 25, 2018, instead of wishing you could get out there and do a crazy event come do one with us!  At 0600 we will gather at the TruckStop aka Bob Leonard Park and we will mosey to the DogPound located at Concord Park.  The course is 9-ish miles, with 4 stops for mini-Qs or workouts along the way.  Consider the Qs added bonus features, if you wish to think of them that way.


This event is free!


This event is for the High Impact Men (HIM)s of Knoxville to challenge themselves and each other, and help one another get better.

It is a CSAUP event, there are no trophies, medals, prizes or awards. We are all going to go out and get better together. #IronSharpensIron  Start together finish together.

For more information contact Mayberry via DM


Darkness shines on the mosey

THE SCENE: 70’s and clear

Stretch OYO
We ran 4.5 or 5 miles depending on which group you were in.

She was busy running

We don’t always have time for a sharing but today we did.  What I found interesting is today when we ran up the biggest hill, or when the street lights were out and we could barely see, or when we ran back up the grinder, those were the times when the most jokes and comraderie happened.  It strikes me every time that when the going gets rough, and the struggles are real, that going through things in the gloom with brothers beside you makes it easier.  It doesn’t make the challenge any less, but it sure makes finishing easier.

15×30 Doormen + 7×20 Tabata

THE SCENE: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
5x 30sec warmup sets of Windmills, Side Straddle Hops, Calf raises, Lunges, Cherry pickers,


30 Doormen

For 15 minutes, while running around the Performing arts building, do 30 exercises per door on the building.  If you run into stairs anywhere along the way do five burpees with a stair ascent in between each burpee.  If you find that you are the first one in the group, after your current set to 30 go-to the back of the pack.
The 30 exercises are:

  • 10 V-Ups
  • 10 Crunches
  • 10 Cross Toe Touches

720 Tabatas:

Do 20 minutes of Tabata exercises rotating between the following seven exercises:

  • CMU Pull Over
  • Calf Raises
  • Derkins
  • Step Ups
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Dips
  • Box Jumps

Jailbreak back from CMU drop off.


1 Corinth 9:24 Run in such a way as to get the prize..

2 Tim 2:4 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.

Phil 3:14 press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Prayer:  Pray for Christian that his visa renewal goes well!


The Weight

THE SCENE: Overcast skies, 71 degrees F, 97% humidity

SSH x12, Little baby arm circles forward and backward x10, Cherry Pickers x10, Imperial squat walkers x10, jog length of courts, job back, jog length of court, skip and karaoke back.
Pick up a CMU and head out on Route 66 through Illinois to the Missouri state line.

Route 66 was a 0..25 mile loop.  A total of six state line stops in the loop at Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  The workout consisted of six laps on Route 66.  New Mexico was at the top of a yet to be named hill.  The listing of the workouts at each station is below:

  • Missouri State LineLap 1: CMU Squats x11

    Lap 2: Dips with CMU x11  Carry CMU to Kansas

    Lap 3: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 4: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 5: BBS x11

    Lap 6: SSH (4 count) x11

  • Kansas State LineLap 1: Merkins x11

    Lap 2: CMU Upright Rows x11

    Lap 3: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Oklahoma

    Lap 4: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 5: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 6: BBS x11

  • Oklahoma State LineLap 1: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 2: Merkins x11

    Lap 3: CMU Swings x11

    Lap 4: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Texas

    Lap 5: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 6: Dry Docks x11

  • Texas State LineLap 1: BBS x11

    Lap 2: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 3: Merkins x11

    Lap 4: CMU O.H. Press x11

    Lap 5: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to New Mexico

    Lap 6: Squat Jumps x11

  • New Mexico State Line (Top of Mt. Crumpet)Lap 1: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 2: BBS x11

    Lap 3: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 4: Merkins x11

    Lap 5: Lunge Dead Lift x11/arm

    Lap 6: CMU Dips x11  Carry CMU to Arizona

  • Arizona State LineLap 1: Squat Jumps x11

    Lap 2: Dry Docks x11

    Lap 3: BBS x11

    Lap 4: SSH (4 count) x11

    Lap 5: Merkins x11

    Lap 6: CMU Curls x11  Carry CMU to California (Back to the AO)

  • California State LineSquat Jumps x11

    Dry Docks x11

    BBS x11

    SSH (4 count) x11

    Merkins x11

Two trips up to New Mexico were bear crawls.  First five laps involved bear crawl from Arizona back to Missouri.  Note that there were 66 reps of each exercise without CMUs and a total of 66 exercise reps with a CMU.

Finished with runs across the court doing pull ups, burpees, and little baby crunches.


Box cutters, Superman-bananas, LBCs, Protractors to finish off the 60 minutes.
Total of 9 PAX with one being an honored guest from the Knoxville crowd.
The theme song for today was The Weight performed by The Band.  Comments about the group and the song were sprinkled out during the beat down but never was the answer given or announced about what the weight referred to.  The song was sung by Levon Helm, the only American and the only deceased member of the group.  The other four are Canadian including the songwriter, Robbie Robertson.  Anyway, the weight was put on the story teller by Miss Fanny.  “You know she’s the only one who sent me here, with her regards for everyone.”  That was it.  The burden, the weight was to go throughout town and to say hello and wish all well for Miss Fanny.  How often is that a hardship, an uncomfortable thing for many of us to do?  Too often men want to withdraw and not open up to others.  Too often we internalize ourselves to avoid exposure.  Too often we do want to connect and be interested in someone else.  How much more could we all put ourselves out in a true servant role to be of help for all we encounter?  The challenge today and everyday is to not look upon that as a weight, but as something that can be a blessing to the giver and the receiver.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Kickball tournament for Garrett, 3rd F, CSAUP.