F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Perfect, whatever that is to you


SSH x 15 IC

Phelps OYO

T Merkin x 10 IC

T Squat x 10 IC

Cherry Pickers x 8 IC

Burpees OYO x 5


  • Mosey to Jucomanjaro
  • At the bottom of the hill
  • Merkins + Flutters IC followed by 5 burpees OYO
  • Started a mosey up to the circle 1/3 of the way up


At circle

Merkins, flutters, squats IC

Lunges OYO

Superman swims 1 min

Run to the top

More merkins, flutters IC


Indian Run down to the bottom

At the bottom

Merkins x 15 IC

30 Monkey Humpers OYO

Mosey to lot for 7s (Hand release and squats)


This workout had a lot of things IC and many other exercises were thrown in there based on how I thought the group was doing (turned it up and down on Q!)

Mary was mixed into the workout

A friend of mine recently spoke of moments of grace in his life. He mentioned that these moments of grace give him faith.

I reflected on this for a week or so, as he is a good friend and mentor. A week or so later, I was at dog pound running my mouth as usual 🙂   I mentioned something about being a dad. Junk turned to me and said, “You know Shooter, I know your father. You should know that he is VERY proud of you.”


This struck me as interesting. Here was a moment of grace in my life. Trying to get better with men who want the best for me, but something more was provided. It was a graceful moment that offered utility. It again illustrated the need to say what needs to be said in the manner that conveys the proper meaning. I like to reduce this to something like pay attention and act on what you perceive to be true.


So, I made sure to go home and talk to my father. I tried to tell him all the things that needed to be said. That was great, but another thing happened a week or so later again.


I was visiting with a friend from out of town who is an artist as a hobby. He gave me a piece of his art and subtly mentioned that he would like some photos of it.

I took a note of it in my head and made sure to send him photos the next day. I perceived that he wanted the photos because he mentioned it but also I knew he found the work meaningful and valuable, which is why he gave it to me in the first place. I acted on that and made sure to send him photos. The next day he saw the photos and REALLY appreciated it.


Graceful moments have utility

Pay attention and act on what you perceive to be true
Glad to be out here with you guys!
F3 Olympics—- Nov 3rd + 4th

Leg day at the ball

THE SCENE: 73 or so (I think) and not too muggy

Tempo squat x10 IC
Tempo merkin x10 IC
Michael Phelps
SSH x21 IC
Take a hot lap around the WFP infield.  Upon getting back to the fountains, line up along the edge of the sidewalk.  Lt. Dan (4 lunges, 2 squats) to the cones about halfway across the infield.  Hold Al Gore waiting for everyone else to make it to the cones.  Then all PAX Devin Hester to the far side of the infield and then jail break all the way across.  Recover and 10 count.

Mosey out of the fountains and toward the lots where we park, across the railroad tracks, and to Preacher’s parking lot (at The International).  Five cones set up, routine is the reverse suicide ladder.  PAX line up across the parking lot, run to the furthest cone and perform exercise at the cone.  Run back to the start line.  Run to the furthest cone, again performing exercise and pick up the exercise at the next cone, then return to the starting line.  PAX continue routine, picking up one more exercise set each iteration until they’ve done all five exercises on the way back.  Exercises as follows:

  • Hand release merkins x10
  • Jump squats x10
  • Burpees x10
  • Air squats x20
  • SSH x30

Jack rabbits perform Mary and then instructed to start the regular suicide ladder (going to first cone, perform exercise, run back.  Then pick up an exercise each time going a cone further, but performing half the number of reps at each cone).  Once the six has completed the routine, recover and 10 count.

Mosey back to the fountains and find a bench.

  • Left leg step ups x15
  • Right leg step ups x15
  • Calf raises x15 (on the ground)

Rinse and repeat through again.

Flutter kicks x25 IC
Hello Dolly x25 IC
Pickle pounders x20 IC
Boat/canoe and variations (flutter canoes, OH clap canoes) until PAX hates me
18 STRONG: Red Writer, G6, Amazon, Passport, Filter, The Voice, Frank, Duggar (Lexington Duggar), Half Caff, Swanson, Wilson, Steam, Petey, Sneaky Pete, Quarantine, Singlet, Purple Rain (FNG), Abort
If you believe in Santa Clause for 8 years of your life, you can believe in yourself for 45 minutes.  Or longer.  We’ve all been new guys and we’ve all had to grind through things we didn’t think we could.  Believe in yourselves and see what you can accomplish.

AO challenge workout of the month is the HR merkin.  F3 anniversary party and F3 Olympics will be November 3-4.  Big Ball needs Q’s to sign up for next week, encourage all to sign up and ask for Co-Q if they haven’t led before.


THE SCENE: 71 Degrees – muggy and dark

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10


  • The De-Escalator -(borrowed from Bartman) A list of 10 exercises. Complete round and run to end of the parking lot, complete round again but this time taking off the last exercise. Rinse and Repeat until there are no more exercises remaining.
  • 10 Clean & Press
  • 9 Weighted Squat
  • 8 Curls
  • 7 T-Merkins (Steamers for Tweet-E)
  • 6 Weighted Lunges ea leg
  • 5 Flutter Kicks w/ CMU above head
  • 4 Burpees
  • 3 Burpees
  • 2 Burpees
  • 1 Burpee


  • Tank – Flutter Kick IC x 30
  • WaxJob – with a beautiful rendition of Row, row, row your boat
  • LBC IC x 25


When leading, if we put others ahead of ourselves and our own needs, the process is natural and fulfilling. If we are worried about how we will look, or how we will be perceived, we will be riddled with anxiety and our ability to lead effectively may be hindered.

Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

See Weekly E-Mail!!!

Super Mario & Luigi Dora

THE SCENE: 8 Levels of the Mushroom Kingdom

Side straddle hops, Cherry Pickers, Little Baby Arm Circle Planks ( 1 arm at a time), Lite 2 min jog

Bowser has taken Princess Peach so Mario & Luigi must work together to get through the 8 levels of the Mushroom Kingdom.

  • Level 1 – 1UP and Over (Thrusters with CMU) 100 / Bowser Crawls (Bear Crawl) 100ft, run back
  • Level 2 – Ground Pounds (Dips) 100 / Goomba Walk (Stay low like a squat and walk) 100ft, run back
  • Level 3 – Power UPs (Merkins) 200 / Long Jump (Broad Jump) 100ft, run back
  • Level 4 – Pulling Turnips ( 1 arm rows with CMU) / Star Run, 200ft run and back
  • Level 5 – Power UP Twist (American Hammers with CMU, 2ct ) / Bowser Crawls (Bear Crawl) 100ft, run back
  • Level 6 – Shell Throw (Kettlebells with CMU) / Goomba Walk (Stay low like a squat and walk) 100ft, run back
  • Level 7 – Block Buster ( 1 arm Bobby Hurly’s, alternate arms) / Star Run, 200ft run and back
  • Level 8 – Cheep Cheep Swim (Lay stomach down, alternate left leg and right arm up, then switch) 2ct 100 / Star Run 200ft run and back

MARY (done by Snorkel):
15 Hello Dollys, 15 Slutter Kicks, 15 Box Cutters, 1 min Lazyboy
All Tagged.
Don’t grow up.  Remember to have fun in life, play games, laugh, and enjoy our time here on Earth.

Keep that Winter Coat Off

THE SCENE: Clear 70 degrees

Tempo Squat x 10 IC

Baby arm circles x 10 IC ED

Tempo Merkin x 10 IC

8 Count Body Builders x 10 IC

Kraken Accumulator After completing each station run counter clockwise around loop and then begin at next station.

  1. Dry Dock x 5
  2. Jump squat x 10
  3. Hand release x 15
  4. Star Jumps x 20
  5. Flutter kicks x 25 (4 ct)
  6. Jump lunge x 30
  7. BBS x 35
  8. SSH x 40

Indian Run around lot.

Bear crawl Indian shuffle length of lot.

Indian lunge around lot.


  • 10 Burpee box jump
  • 10 dips
  • 10 incline merkin
  • 10 decline merkin
  • 10 box jumps

8 Count Body Builders x 30 IC

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

Capn Thor

Remember that you are more than humans. You are created in the image of God. You are heirs. Reflect your pedigree as you go into this day that you are sons of the Living God.