F3 Knoxville

Stand on the Rock!

THE SCENE: 65 Degrees cool

-Side Straddle Hop (15 in cadence -4 count)

-Feet Together Leg Stretch (20 Seconds)

-Cherry Pickers (15 in cadence – 4 count)

-Michael Phelps (30 seconds)

-Arm Circles


-Indian run with CMU to the Educator

-Partner Workout – 300 curls with CMU/Run/Bear Crawl Hill/ 10 air squats

-Partner Workout – 200 overhead press with CMU/Run/Bear Crawl Hill/10 air squats

-Mosey back to grinder

Led by Snorkel

-Armstrong’s, heel touches, hello dolly, scissors, and superman/banana

  •  Spartan
  •  Snorkel
  •  Drifter
  •  Fins
  •  Emeril
  •  Napster
  •  Bumblebee
  •  Neighbor
  •  Chief
  •  Hammy
  •  Tin Man
  •  Butterfingers
  •  Squiggly
  •  Gecko
  •  Happy
  •  Flash

Psalms 18:2 – The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The last shall be first

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy with nice breeze, low eighties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Bottle Caps, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and Little of That

Mosey down Roadshow Run and go to trail near Lyons Bend Entrance.  20 Hello Dollies.  After that we will do 14’s on trail as it goes east and then south.  We will stop when it curves by parking lot.  We will bear crawl to first light and sprint next four all the way on the trail, bear crawl one light, sprint four lights.

Mosey on roadway until we get to playground.  We will do elevens starting with one bench lift and ten bench jumps.  20 American Hammers in Cadence afterward.

Mosey to grassy area close to Pickett’s Charge.  There will be cones on he grassy area.  We will do suicides running to each cone and back to start.  Rest to do 40 Baby Crunches.  Do suicides one more time but this time do 10 Merkins each time we get back to start.  Those who finish first do Big Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to front of Admin Bldg.  Stop to do 20 Box Cutters in Cadence.

Mosey to rock pile near Admin Bldg Parking Lot.  20 Bench Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Rows, 20 Squats.

Mosey to AO.
Plank with lifts of each hand and each leg.  Leg stretches from plank position.
Nine men including a Flying EH who was our FNG.  His hospital name is Tony Guidera and we dubbed him “Bojangles.”

But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

So the last will be first, and the first last.”
And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
In all these sayings, Jesus is indicating that God does not give great importance to ability, success, wealth or fame in His Kingdom.  Jesus also indicates that God places importance on us serving others.  As leaders we should think of ourselves as servants, not head of the pack.
One of the reasons that I have loved the F3 Brotherhood and F3 Philosophy so much is that I feel we follow this philosophy that Jesus speaks of.  When I came to F3, I heard that military men had started it and I was worried that it was going to be a “get your A _ _ in gear boy” type of mentality where guys are pushed and made fun of when they failed.  Instead, I found a group of men who do push THEMSELVES but who encourage the newcomers and circle back for them when they cannot keep up with those ahead of them.  I found a group who gives RESPECT to the older, slower guys.  The philosophy of F3 is to encourage EVERY MAN.  We respect each man for what he offers, for his unique set of gifts.  We admire the fastest and we admire the strongest.  We admire the slowest who is giving it all to get better.  We admire those who are great speakers, who know about our community, who are good teachers, who are awesome mumble-chatterers, who are willing to do something that they are uncomfortable with doing, who are willing to wake up early morning to get better, who are willing to come out on an afternoon of excessive heat and humidity to get better.  Who is first and who is last in F3?  Who knows?  I guess we are all first and all last.  And I get the feeling that God smiles on F3 Knoxville because we do live out the philosophy that God has asked us to live by.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Hike this weekend on Andrews Bald.  Those going will meet at Food City at 8:30 am and head out together.  Mud run in Atlanta following weekend.

The Dora Circuit

THE SCENE: Dog Pound 10/2/18, perfect weather

Warm UP:
Funky yoga stretches
10 Merkins
Partner up
The Dora Circuit
Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs to cones. (50+- yards apart)
Dora #1
100 Merkins
200 squats
Move to next cone
Dora #2
50 inch worms
100 imperial walkers 3count
Dora #3
250 LBCs
100 Shoulder tap merkins
100 Squat jumps
100 curb dips
100 calf raises
100 merkins
Mosey back to AO
Mary: box cutters, hello Dolly’s and Peter Parkers


Sticking your neck out for what’s right.

I used an example of my wife stepping up and taking on several people that were not doing what was right. She was willing to put her neck out there and take on a lot of work, lose relationships and even have people talk bad about her even though she did nothing wrong.

Its tough to stand up sometimes when you know if you do it could cause heartache. But, we need to stand up for what’s right and not let bad things happen as we turn the other way. I was very proud of my wife and I learned that she is not afraid to put herself on the line for what’s right.
Great to see all the still sore GoRuckers out there loosening up those muscles. Awesome job fellas!
F3 olympics coming up soon

Start Today

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and clear

-SSH x 30 (IC)
-Burpees x 5 (OYO)
-Windmills x 15 (IC)
-Burpees x 5 (OYO)
-Cherry Pickers x 5 (OYO)
-Burpees x 5 (OYO0

    Mosey to Jucomanjaro stopping for some burpees along the way. More burpees at the bottom of the mountain. Mosey up a bit, stop for some Thrust-Merkins x 20 (IC), bear crawl up a bit more, 5 burpees, squats x 20 (IC), Bernie Sanders up a bit more, 5 burpees, mosey to the top for 5 more burpees, a quick breather and a little ab work. Mosey back to the bottom. Turn around and look back to the top. 5 double burpees, mosey up a bit, 5 double burpees, Mosey all the way to the top. Rest. Mosey back down and then to the AO start.  5 Double Burpees.

-Hello Dollies x 20 (IC)
-Russian Twist x 20 (IC) called by Onesie
13 Pax
The very best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.  Take a moment today and reflect on something that you should have started already, big or small.  Saving for kid’s college, fixing a broken relationship, cleaning out the garage, developing a prayer life, etc.  Take the first step today.
Two times up Jucomanjaro!!!!!!  Well done gentlemen.   Well done.

A Little Bit of Everything

THE SCENE:  upper 60’s & clear



  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • Side Straddle Hops x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • This/That stretch


  1. Mosey to the walking track
    • Run the track Route 66 style.  Start with 1 Squat and 1 Big Boy at the first light pole.  Increase by one rep at each light pole.  Total of 15 poles….I think.
  2. Pick a battle buddy and wheelbarrow across the parking lot.  5 Merkins at each parking space line.  Switch at the end of the lot and come back the same way.
  3. Mosey to the end of the parking lot by the playground.  Descending ladder.  Run to the top of the hill by the bathrooms after each time down the ladder.
    • 10 Spread Eagle Merkins
    • 9 Squat Jumps
    • 8 Big Boys
    • 7 Plankjacks
    • 6 Iron Mikes
    • 5 Box Cutters
    • 4 Shoulder Taps
    • 3 Lunges
    • 2 Superman Swims
    • 1 Burpee
  4. Mosey back to the AO parking lot for some Pyramids
    • 25 Merkins, run to top of hill
    • 25 Merkins, 25 Big Boys, run to top of hill
    • 25 Merkins, 25 Big Boys, 25 Squats, run to top of hill

No official Mary, but plenty of abs/core today.


Swirlie, Judge Judy, La-Z-Boy, Ratchet, Shameless (FNG), Shooter, Mayberry, Bartman


John chapter talks about sin – specifically about the ramifications of having sin in your life and how it affects your walk with Christ.  the Bible says that all sin committed in darkness will be brought into the light.  I shared about how my oldest son is struggling with adult sized sin for the first time as a 15 year old and how I am dealing with that.

For the record, Frosty and Butters were there today too – but they walked around with backpacks on the whole time.   Something about getting ready for a 12 hour Go-Ruck tonight???

F3 Olympics coming up 11/3