THE SCENE: Partly cloudy with nice breeze, low eighties.
20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Bottle Caps, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and Little of That
Mosey down Roadshow Run and go to trail near Lyons Bend Entrance. 20 Hello Dollies. After that we will do 14’s on trail as it goes east and then south. We will stop when it curves by parking lot. We will bear crawl to first light and sprint next four all the way on the trail, bear crawl one light, sprint four lights.
Mosey on roadway until we get to playground. We will do elevens starting with one bench lift and ten bench jumps. 20 American Hammers in Cadence afterward.
Mosey to grassy area close to Pickett’s Charge. There will be cones on he grassy area. We will do suicides running to each cone and back to start. Rest to do 40 Baby Crunches. Do suicides one more time but this time do 10 Merkins each time we get back to start. Those who finish first do Big Boy Sit-ups.
Mosey to front of Admin Bldg. Stop to do 20 Box Cutters in Cadence.
Mosey to rock pile near Admin Bldg Parking Lot. 20 Bench Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Rows, 20 Squats.
Mosey to AO.
Plank with lifts of each hand and each leg. Leg stretches from plank position.
Nine men including a Flying EH who was our FNG. His hospital name is Tony Guidera and we dubbed him “Bojangles.”
But many who are first will be last, and the last first.
One of the reasons that I have loved the F3 Brotherhood and F3 Philosophy so much is that I feel we follow this philosophy that Jesus speaks of. When I came to F3, I heard that military men had started it and I was worried that it was going to be a “get your A _ _ in gear boy” type of mentality where guys are pushed and made fun of when they failed. Instead, I found a group of men who do push THEMSELVES but who encourage the newcomers and circle back for them when they cannot keep up with those ahead of them. I found a group who gives RESPECT to the older, slower guys. The philosophy of F3 is to encourage EVERY MAN. We respect each man for what he offers, for his unique set of gifts. We admire the fastest and we admire the strongest. We admire the slowest who is giving it all to get better. We admire those who are great speakers, who know about our community, who are good teachers, who are awesome mumble-chatterers, who are willing to do something that they are uncomfortable with doing, who are willing to wake up early morning to get better, who are willing to come out on an afternoon of excessive heat and humidity to get better. Who is first and who is last in F3? Who knows? I guess we are all first and all last. And I get the feeling that God smiles on F3 Knoxville because we do live out the philosophy that God has asked us to live by.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Hike this weekend on Andrews Bald. Those going will meet at Food City at 8:30 am and head out together. Mud run in Atlanta following weekend.