F3 Knoxville

Morning Mosey

THE SCENE: Humid, about 70

Baby arm circles forward/back (4ct) x 15 each way

Overhead claps (4ct) x 15

Overhead air press (4ct) x 15

A little this/that and Michael Phelps

Hamstring stretch
About a 3.6 mile mosey along the riverfront and through downtown.  Various stops along the way for rest/exercise: 1 cliff hanger Merkins x 15. 2 cliff hanger Merkins x15 then hold plank while partner does 10 squats while holding other partners legs.  3 Squats (4ct) x 15.  4 flutter kicks 4(ct) x 15 and American hammers (4ct) x 10.  5 lunge bridge yellow line to yellow line.  6 5 big ball pull-ups.  Finish at AO.

No time.
25 HIMs.  No FNGs.  Moana, Thread Count, Bob Ross, Guano were also present and I could not find their tag.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Prayers for Preacher and his new job/upcoming move to Arizona, Sliderule’s family with the loss of his mother, Butterfly’s wedding this weekend.

A mosey we will go

THE SCENE: 70 and clear


Imperial Walkers
We ran some loops and did some sprint work on one of the fields

We didn’t have time for her today.


“we are what they grow beyond, that is the true version of all masters”  – yoda

I not only spent some time with my 2.0 prepping for the 2.0 workout this weekend, but I also spent time watching Star Wars on Netflix.  This quote from Yoda really hit me because if we replace “masters” with “fathers” then that should be our goal.  That our 2.0s grow to be better people than we are.  That they grow to love one another, love God, and do more to make this rock a better place to live.  Our goal as fathers is to teach them the ways to do that and to eventually equip them to be strong enough to go out into this world and make it a better place.  I encourage you to go home, teach your kids how to be strong, how to love God, how to love others, and how to prep them for taking over the world.

Welcome to FNG Origami.

Some of us are trying for the Super Ocho this week.

Reminder to get your mileage in

Tank’s Kickball tournament in August.

Bees, tics, snakes and varmints.

THE SCENE: Cloudy, temp in 70’s.

20 Side-straddle hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Rockettes, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and Little of That, 10 Michael Phelps

Mosey to Trail by Northernmost Parking Lot that leads to road by northern gate.  We will do 14’s to the road where we will bear crawl one light then run four lights all the way to the roadway.

Mosey to bottom of Mt. Everest.  20 Hello Dollies.  20 Carolina Dry Docks.  Next, run up Mt. Everest .  Stop at roadway below Admin Bldg.

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Pick up appropriate boulder.  We will do the following exercises:

  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Rows

Next, put down boulders and run to top of space needle and back to boulder pile.  Repeat the exercises with boulders.  Then put boulders back in pile.

Mosey to stop sign at southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers

Mosey to outdoor pavilion close to outdoor chapel.  We will break into three groups with one group running to island at nearby parking lot, second group doing decline merkins off of chairs or benches and third man doing jump squats at other end of chapel.  Groups then switch exercises so that all three groups will do all three exercises.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey north on roadway to parking lot west of roadway where new restrooms are located.  Go to southern end of parking lot.  We will do suicides by running to first cone and back, second cone and back, etc until all five cones have been reached.  Each time back do 10 Big Boy Sit-ups and 20 Baby Crunches.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to AO.

20 Box Cutters.  Planks with lifts of each arm, each leg, and then arm and leg at same time, both sides.  ATM’s.
Fifteen men with one FNG, Chris Sisk, whom we named “Robin.”
This world involves suffering and death.  We tend to want to ignore death, keep it at a distance.  Yet, one certainty in life is that we will die.  Another certainty is that we will suffer.  I need to do a better job at looking this suffering and death in the face.  Because when I do so, I go beyond the rigamarole of my daily existence.  It forces me to consider what I am about. . . what this world is about . . what the Creator is about.  It makes me look not just at the finite but the infinite.  And in my smallness, in my short time here in the face of eternity, it leads me to face God.

It is good to know that Jesus suffered to.  He did not run away from suffering or try to gloss over it.  He went to those who were suffering.  He didn’t give them some kind of sugar coated message about how everything was going to be happy and terrific for them.  What he did show them was the means to go beyond our worldly existence – he showed them that life, the truth, the Word as John writes in the bible, is so much more than what we generally think it is.  And, Jesus, God, showed us that he understands suffering.  He understands because he suffered too.  He was poor, shunned, mocked, beaten, torn apart, nailed to a cross.  But he rose again, showing us that we are more than death, we can conquer it, through Him we hold the key to victory.

3rd F on Saturday, August 11.

Thunderstruck 2.0 version

THE SCENE: 85 cloudy and thunder

Mosey around the cones

1 burpee

Stretches toes to top

1 burpee

Stop and wiggle with it

1 burpee

Imperial Walkers

1 burpee

Bruce Lee Merkins

1 burpee


SWAT Sniper

1 burpee

Animal games, 1 burpee after each

  • Bear crawl tag
  • Frog hops
  • Duck Walks
  • Bunny hops
  • Gorilla walks


1 burpee

Sponge relay

1 burpee


This took awhile as we had multiple Friendly New Kids (FNK) to name, but it was fun.

“greatest teacher failure is” – Yoda

I was watching Star Wars and Yoda told Luke Skywalker this quote.  It means that when we try something we may fail, but we learn from those failures, and we get back up and try again.  What did we learn if we fail?  We learn not to do it that way.  What if we learn if we don’t try?  Nothing, and again we have failed.  I encourage each of you to go out and fail, learn from it, and do it again.

2.0s in attendance were Charger, Fierce, Herminey, Leah, Chicken Nugget, Tumbler, Danger, Camelback, Jump Shot, Yoda, Champ, Warrior, Speed Demon, Brotherman, Stryker, and Haley.

Lots of thunder but the 2.0s powered through and were super pumped to participate and get named.

I also have a confession to make, I dropped the ball and 2.0 workouts got put on the back burner for far too long.  I feel bad and I promise not to let it happen again.



THE SCENE: Like walking through soup.

@Shooter chose today to settle up for missing his Q on the previous Wednesday. Solid 4 second makeout session with the pee rock painstakingly selected from the pile at the Dog Pound. After that, we got after it:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 Mericans
  • 20 SSH
  • 25 Imperial Walkers


  • Mosey to running loop and commence Route 66 with Mericans at each light pole, plank til the 6 arrives
  • Continue mosey to baseball field
    • Split into 2 teams and race around the bases (Twice)
    • Home to First: gorilla shuffle, First to Second: sprint, Second to Third: gorilla shuffle, (opposite direction) Third to Home: Sprint (Second lap: sub bear crawl for gorilla shuffle)
  • Mosey to playground
    • 30 Pullups/30 Burpees (However you can get them)
  • Mosey to Upper Parking Lot
    • 8 stations, start at 5 and add 5 at each station, 2 loops
      • 1st loop: Big Boys (5+10+15+20+25+30+35+40=180 Total)
      • 2nd loop: American Hammers (2 count) (5+10+15+20+25+30+35+40=180 Total)
  • Offered 3 options for the next whoopin: 1) Dora 2) Circuit 3) Amazeballs. The PAX chose Amazeballs
  • Mosey to top soccer field, commence Amazeballs:
    • Split into 2 teams, line up on opposing sides of the same baseline
    • PAX plank while one member of each team runs to mid field and retrieves a ball with a workout written on it. Once the ball makes it back to the baseline, the teams complete the workout and one PAX goes to get the next ball. Exercises:
      • 20 Burpees
      • 40 Merkins
      • 50 Big Boys
      • Lunges (Midfield then sprint back)
      • Bear Crawl (Midfield then sprint back)
      • Bernie Sanders (Midfield then sprint back)
  • First Nation run (Indian Run) to AO to complete 1 loop of the truck stop

Popcorn to different PAX: flutter kicks, side crunches and Freddie Mercury’s
One visitor from F3 Memphis: @Goldilocks
Through my transition from individual contributor to a leadership position at work, it has required me to reconsider how I look at my output in order for the team to succeed. It is required for me to anticipate hurdles and roadblocks that may come up for my team members and support them to be successful in spite of these challenges. I encouraged all of the PAX to reach out to others around them and offer support when they are struggling physically and emotionally. #ISI