F3 Knoxville

No Running

THE SCENE: 32 crisp & clear


Standard stuff – no FNGs today


  • SSH x 10 IC
  • Tempo Squats x10 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x10 IC
  • LBAC fwd/bckwd
  • OYO stretches for 20-30 seconds


  1. Lunge across parking lot to the outhouse
    • PAX choice:  30 normal box jumps on the low wall or 10 box jumps on the high section of the wall
    • Plank when finished
  2. Move to road & Forward Crab Walk up the hill to the speed bump
    • 25 Diamond Merkins at the speed bump
    • Ab work until 6 finishes (alternate 10 crunch, 10 flutter kick)
  3. Burpee Broad Jump up the remainder of the hill to the Do Not Enter sign
    • 50 Calf Raises at the sign
    • Ab work until 6 finishes broad jumps – same as above
  4. Bear Crawl parking spaces to the parked Jeep.  Paula Abdul style (2 fwd, 1 back).  5 Carolina Dry Docks each time you stop to change directions.
    • Abs until the 6 finishes
  5. Duck Walk back to where we started the bear crawls
    • 50 Squat Jumps
    • Abs until 6 finishes
  6. Inchworm Merkin down the hill to the speed bump
    • 25 Superman Swims
    • Abs until 6 finishes
  7. Groucho Walk down remainder of hill to the parking lot turn in
    • No exercise here….mosey back to AO & circle up for count off

No formal MARY – plenty of abs during workout

16 strong!  La-Z-Boy, Frosty, Butters, Pusher, Flute Loop, Scooter, Pogo, Snitch, Boones, Deadhead, Smoker, Shooter, Sparky, Mayberry, Abacus, Bartman

Simple question:  Do you obey what God tells you to do?  If not, why not?

Today was tough…everything we did was a long, slow grind.  PAX did an awesome job pushing themselves.  Great time today and glad to oblige Mayberry with a workout he could do while his foot heals up.

Hardship Hill coming up 5/19

The 300

THE SCENE: Upper 30’s

  • SSH x 15
  • Monkey Humpers x 20
  • Drydocks IC x 10


  • The 300 (with CMU)- 50 Merkins, 50 pull-ups, 50 OH Press, 50 squats, 50 dips, 50 rows
  • Do 10 of each exercise, then do lunges with CMU to cones and back. CMU press every time you come up from lunge. When down at other end of cones, 5 CMU burpees


  • CMU Dora – 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 BBS
  • Partner farmer carries while other exercises


  • Ring of Fire
  • 1 min plank
  • LBC’s until end

12 Total – 1 FNG (Cable Guy)
Defining Manhood

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” -Hebrews 10:24-25

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” -1 Timothy 4:8

“Rejoice in your sufferings, because you know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” -Romans 5:3-4 (EMBRACE THE SUCK!)

Being a man isn’t about showing off or outdoing others, it’s about staying humble and uplifting to others. Being there for other people will get you much more gratitude than any object can.




THE SCENE: Rain 45 degrees

T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 EA ED IC

SSH x 30

In place lunge x 10 EL IC

Tempo Squat x 20 IC

Tempo Merkin x 10 IC
Cinder Block Sliders: Bear crawl to cone while pushing CMU, then turn around and push back to start.

Block Curls: 3 Rounds

  • 15 from bottom of curl to 1/2 way, arms straight
  • 15 from 1/2 way to top of curl
  • 15 full range curls

Hodor: x 30 Squat till CMU touches ground, stand, rotate CMU overhead to tricep extension, squat, stand, block to front = 1 rep.

People’s Chair: 

  • Shoulder press 4 Ct x 15
  • Front shoulder raise 4 Ct x 15
  • Tricep extension 4 Ct x 15
  • Squat to overhead 4 Ct x 15

Greta 1-2-3: Partner up. P1 does exercise while P2 runs with CMU to cone. P2 sets CMU at cone and runs back and picks up count. P1 runs and picks up CMU and brings back.

  • Swings x 100
  • Merl
  • Merkins on CMU x 100
  • BBS w/CMU x 100

Hot Potato: with partner lock ankles and perform BBS with CMU. Touch CMU behind head, sit up, hand to CMU to partner who does same. 90 seconds

Do you trust God with everything? We ask Him for help, we ask Him for healing. Do we trust Him with our career? Do we trust Him with our marriage, children, money? Ask yourself these things and address it with Him. He created everything and He gave us His promise that He would care for us. He wasn’t kidding.


Sparky wasn’t here but we saw him anyway.

THE SCENE: 31 degrees, partly cloudy with a light breeze.


Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
Merkings x 15 OYO
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
ISO Squat x 15 IC


Dawg Pound 500
There are four cones placed around the 0.3 mile track.  At each cone, perform 25 reps of the following exercises:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Alternating Shoulder Touches
– Big Boy Situps

Mosey back to AO

– Boat-Canoe


– Just a quick note to share that we “decide” to consider our lives stable, or unsettled.  Choose to influence your world rather than be influenced


– Great morning today!  Always good to see the PAX happy and pushing each other!  HA! Sparky, we did one of your workouts!


THE SCENE: 40ish, windy

  • Hillbillies x 15 IC
  • Tempo Diamond Merks x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 8
  • Little this/that


Line up on the curb.

Partner up

Man carry Route 66. Alternate carrying each other between cones. Stop at every cone for increasing reps starting with 5 of:

  • Merkins
  • Thruster Merks
  • Burpees

Decrease reps by 1 on way back

Mosey to greenway hill


Iron Mike’s 4 count

Bernie up hill

Bicycles 4 count

Bear Crawl down

Mosey to AO

Global Warming

Everyone Al Gore in circle

AGT x 5 2 man at a time going in opposite directions.

2 passes


  • Peter Parkers x 12 IC
  • ABCs on Q
  • Captain Thor 6:24 IC
  • Scissors for 1 min on Q

44 including 1 FNG – BVD. Also there was Kentucky but couldn’t tag him.

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.


I can sometimes lose sight of what I’m working towards. Throughout the year I have to refocus myself because I’ve strayed from the path I wanted to be on. Whether because of some new shiney thing distracting me off to the side or because I backslid on my habits. I don’t have trouble making fitness and fun thing habits. Where I struggle to find my destiny is in work. Sometimes I just feel like I’m on cruise control and not actively thinking, acting and making habits. I think the hardest place to make habits and form our destiny is in the things that we like to do the least. Take some time this week to think of some place in your life you know you need to be taking care of business but haven’t been able to shape that destiny by making good habits toward that end. Make a gameplan to get it done.